Outside the ancient god palace, there is a towering mountain.

This mountain, in the eternal realm of life and death, has existed for a long time. On weekdays, when the ancient gods were hunting outside, they occasionally passed by this mountain. It seemed that there was nothing strange about this mountain except that it was towering.

But now

"Royal blood?"

A thick sound like a bell suddenly sounded on the towering mountain, and then I saw the whole towering mountain, which began to vibrate crazily. The whole mountain was shaking crazily, and on the mountain wall at the edge of the mountain wall, click click ~ a huge crack suddenly appeared.

A huge crack also appeared in the middle of the mountain. The crack was still widening, as if it had been pushed away directly from it.

In just a moment, a golden ancient god with a height of more than 100 feet came out of this towering mountain.


At the same time, under a lake in the eternal realm of life and death, a huge body rose into the sky.

In a cave, a cold man with a young appearance also came out.

Deep in the endless wasteland, a golden ancient god rushed frantically, ignoring the obstacles of those wild beasts, and began to rush back at an amazing speed.

With the vicissitudes of the old wing old, the special way of communication, the ancient gods of those hidden old monsters, have been startled.

Before long, a series of figures appeared in the ancient temple, in front of the black attic, and hot eyes stared at Jian unparalleled.

Jian Wushuang was still like a golden ancient god. His dark golden eyes looked at these people in front of him with a trace of shock.

A total of eight people arrived, all turned into normal human appearance, plus the vicissitudes of the old man, a total of nine people.

These nine people, male and female, old and young, but they all have one thing in common, they are all ancient gods of three stars!

"Nine ancient gods of three stars!" Sword peerless breathed cold air.

The ancient gods of three stars are comparable to human beings.

But you know, even in the whole sky, there are only four Taoist dignitaries, one in each of the three giants, and the ancient sect leader is also one.

Besides, I haven't heard that there are other Taoist idols in the sky domain. The three Taoist idols who were born in the ancient gate have not stayed in the sky domain for a long time.

There are only four Taoist priests in the whole sky, less than half of the nine in front of them.

And these nine people, at the moment, seemed to be looking at a sweet cake, looking at him.

"Royal blood, indeed royal blood!"

"Although there is only a small part of royal blood, it is enough."

"Haha, after all these years, our family is finally born with a royal blood, but his strength is still worse."

"He has just awakened his blood, and his strength is naturally weak, but with his blood, he will meet the requirements in a short time."

"It seems that our bitter days are finally coming to an end!"

The nine ancient gods of three stars were talking casually. Jian Wushuang could see that they were all very surprised at the moment.

"Everyone..." the old wing opened his mouth and whispered a few words to the next few people. Then the eight three-star ancient gods came. After hearing the old wing's words, they meditated for a while and nodded slightly.

"Well, since you have no problem, I'll take the doll." Said the old man.

"Well, let's prepare first."

The eight ancient gods of three stars didn't stay much, and soon left. When they left, they still couldn't help looking at the sword with a hot eye.

This makes the sword unparalleled more strange.

"Doll, your name is unparalleled sword, right?"

Yi Lao looked at Jian Wushuang again, but at the moment, he was kind-hearted, "are you afraid of being confused with one heart now?"

"Yes." Jian Wushuang nodded subconsciously.

What just happened really baffled him.

Don't talk about him, even Grandma Ying.

They didn't know what the blood of the royal family was, and he didn't know why these three-star level old folks of the ancient gods were so surprised when they knew that he had part of the blood of the royal family.

"It's normal for you to doubt. After all, now the whole ancient god family knows the secret among them, just us old guys." The old wing sighed and began to talk.

"But all the people of the ancient god family know that our ancestors were an ancient god who could smash the heaven and earth!"

"But in fact, it is not appropriate to call this ancient god by ancestors, but by kings!"

"Wang?" Sword peerless look moved.

"It's the king. He's a dark gold ancient god. He's the highest level ancient god lineage, while other ancient gods are all subordinates of the king. We are loyal to the king and serve the king."

"People like our ancient gods are not the descendants of the king, but the descendants of his subordinates and confidants." Yi Lao continued.

"Many years ago, the king suddenly lost his trace. At the same time, the holy land was completely closed. Almost all of the king's direct subordinates and cronies stayed in the holy land, and naturally they were completely isolated from us."

"For a long time, we descendants of ancient gods have been trying to enter the holy land."

"Only by entering the holy land, can we find out why the king lost his trace and why the holy land was closed. Unfortunately, the means of closing the holy land is too clever. I once joined hands with all the three ancient gods in the clan, and I couldn't shake the ban at all."

"It is impossible to enter the holy land by brute force, and the only way to enter the holy land is the owner of the royal blood!"

"Unfortunately, there were no direct descendants before the king, and we ancient gods were only the descendants of the king's subordinates and confidants. It was almost extravagant to want to give birth to the king's blood among us!"

"It's been too long. We've been in this world for too long. Let alone the blood of the birth king, even our own blood is getting thinner and thinner. We're almost desperate, but now... Your appearance gives us hope again."

"Because... You have a part of royal blood!"

Jian Wushuang finally understood when he heard this.

The blood of the king is the only way to break the seal of the holy land, and by opening the holy land, they can find out why the king lost his trace and closed the holy land at that time, which is of great significance to today's ancient gods.

"Yi Lao, do you want me to break the seal of the holy land?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." Yi Lao nodded, "however, you have just awakened your blood, and your strength is still too weak. Even if you have a part of the king's blood, you still can't open the seal of the holy land. Therefore, you still need a period of time to grow slowly, at least to the point of two star ancient gods, and then you can succeed."