After getting the unparalleled ancient god's blood essence of the sword, the Gu King's huge eyes looked at the sword unparalleled with great complexity, and then he saw that the Gu King's huge body was filled with extremely complex and wonderful secret veins.

Each of these secret patterns gives the sword an unparalleled sense of mystery.

Many secret veins covered the whole body of the Gu king, and then the Gu King opened his mouth and swallowed the unparalleled ancient god's essence and blood.

"Boy, you're ready."

The Gu King opened his mouth and said a word. His huge body, led by his huge and ferocious head, directly rushed towards jianwushuang. The speed was extremely fast. He didn't give jianwushuang any reaction time at all, and the huge body had already hit jianwushuang.

However, what shocked jianwushuang was that when the bone king's body hit him, it did not bring him any impact, but directly poured into his body.

"This, this..."

Jian Wushuang's head was confused, and he looked at everything in front of him at a loss.

He looked at the vast expanse of the Gu King pouring into his body, but there was no way.

In a short moment, the body of the king of bones, which hovered enough to form a huge Island, had completely disappeared.

On the right arm of the unparalleled sword, there is a wonderful and complex red secret pattern.

"Blood peak." The thick voice sounded directly in jianwushuang's heart.

"Master Gu Wang, are you?" Jian Wushuang looked surprised.

"From now on, you will be my new master. There is no need to call me an elder, just call me Gu Wang." Gu Wang said, but his tone was obviously much kinder.

"New master? What the hell is going on?" Jian Wushuang hasn't completely understood.

"I told you before, I am a thousand feet watch the moon!".

"Moon watching is the name of my ethnic group."

Gu Wang began to explain.

"My ethnic group is called moon watching clan, and moon watching is called moon watching insect beast by human cultivators!"

"Moon watching, born with the ancient god, can survive and grow only by relying on the blood of the ancient god. You can understand moon watching as a parasitic beast of the ancient god!"

"In short, the moon watching clan has served the ancient gods since its birth. For the ancient gods, moon watching is also the most important partner for them to get along day and night."

Hearing this, Jian Wushuang was stunned. At the same time, he immediately remembered that he had seen insects and beasts that looked at the Gu king in the ancient gods and many ancient gods, but they were much smaller. Those ancient gods also treated these insects and beasts as brothers.

"Since I was born, I have followed my master King Luozhen and lived by his blood. My master's strength has been continuously improved, and I have also grown up. My master has become a top eight star ancient god step by step, and naturally I have also grown to the thousand foot moon at the peak!"

"But later, the master suffered a crisis and fell directly. I escaped with his inheritance blood essence and found a suitable inheritor for him. But without the attachment of the ancient god, I couldn't survive for long, so I had to come to the sea of stars and fog."

"The sea of stars and fog is left by the founder of the stars. With the great means he left here, I can barely survive, and this survival can only turn into an island state, and I can't move easily."

"Once I move, even if I move at all, my life will be weakened again."

"I've been waiting here for a very long time, and finally I've waited for someone like you who has the blood of an ancient god, but you're just a God..."

"Just a God, I didn't think you could refine the master's blood essence at all before, and the master's blood essence is in my stomach. Even if I give you a chance to try refining, I have to make big moves, which will have a huge loss on my life, so I wanted to persuade you to give up."

"But I didn't expect you to be so strong and successful?"

Speaking of this, Gu Wang's voice was obviously a little surprised.

"The master's inheriting blood essence is refined by you, and you are the master's inheritor. I have completed the mission given to me by the master. Next, I have to find a brand-new ancient god and rely on his ancient god's blood to survive, and you, the master's inheritor, naturally, should be benevolent."

"Therefore, from today on, you will be my new master. I will parasitize in your body and rely on your ancient god's blood to survive."

"Is that so?" After hearing the Gu King finish, Jian Wushuang nodded secretly, and the bottom of his heart was clear.

Moon watching is a parasitic beast that depends on the blood of ancient gods to survive.

The Gu king had no ancient gods to attach to him before, so he could only become an island and barely survive with the help of the strange sea of stars and fog.

Now he has become the inheritor of King Luo Zhen, and the Gu King's mission has been completed, so he is recognized as the Lord and lives by relying on his ancient god's blood.

After understanding these, Jian Wushuang couldn't help laughing bitterly.

The Gu King recognized him as the Lord, but he didn't agree at all.

At the thought of such a big insect and beast, which will parasitize in his body in the future, jianwushuang's heart couldn't help raising a creepy feeling.

Jian Wushuang asked Gu Wang several questions, such as how to communicate with him in the future.

After knowing all, Jian Wushuang can only reluctantly accept the fact that the Gu king let him dominate.

At this time, the master of Lingyin Island, who had been standing nearby and watching silently in the void, had come towards him.

"Xuefeng, congratulations."

The master of Lingyin island looked at Jian Wushuang. She had been here all the time, and she saw everything that had just happened.

"I brought you here before just because you have ancient divine blood, so I let you try it. But I didn't expect that you could really get the treasure left by that person. This opportunity, tut tut..." the owner of Lingyin Island praised.

Jian Wushuang also smiled.

Although the recognition of the Gu king made the sword unparalleled a little overwhelmed, he got the inherited blood essence left by the ancient god of the eight star royal family, which was indeed a great fortune.

"Well, I have given you three opportunities. Next, you can leave the sea of stars and fog." Lingyin island Master said.

Hearing this, Jian Wushuang frowned slightly and asked, "Lingyin island Master, I have oneortwo friends on Xingchen island. I wonder if I can..."

Jian Wushuang's words haven't finished completely, but they have been interrupted by the leader of Lingyin island.

"I know what you want to say. I'm sorry, the rules of the star fog sea were set by the founder of the star pulse, and even I can't change them. Therefore, if people on the Star Island want to leave here, they must pass the test of the third floor of the black tower and become the younger brother of the star pulse. If they can't meet this requirement, they can only be trapped on the Star Island forever."

The voice of the leader of Lingyin island seems a little inhumane.