On the battlefield, many Taoist masters who are still alive in the two camps are still fighting with great enthusiasm.

For example, in the three top battlefields, Emperor Leng, although defeated by Emperor Xiao, will not be defeated in a short time.

The owner of Bauhinia island and Xia Tao also competed equally.

The only big difference is the duel between Xue Lingtian and Xia Yu.

"How can it be? The strength of the blood blade Lord is so strong?"

Xia Yu's face was startled and angry. In the crazy attack with blood Lingtian, he was struggling to support and looked extremely embarrassed.

Obviously, the strength of blood Lingtian is far beyond his imagination.

He, at least, also opened up three roads and stepped into the three turn level of the strong, and the level of the road is not weak, enough to be called the three turn high Taoist priest, but he had little room to fight back in the hands of blood Lingtian, and was completely beaten all the way.

Blood Lingtian is also a three turn level, but the road opened up is stronger than him, and the sword in blood Lingtian's hand is also extremely extraordinary, and its power is far stronger than the emperor divine army in his hand. The combination of the two completely crushed him.

Fortunately, among the three roads he opened up, one is good at defense, so he can support hard, otherwise he would have been defeated.

"The Lord of the void temple, I haven't fought before, and I'm not so strong?" Xia Yu roared in his heart.

Just then


An incredible cold breath suddenly broke out.

The space of the whole battlefield, even time and space, seems to have completely solidified under this cold breath.

Many Taoist priests fighting in every corner of the Imperial City noticed this breath at the first time, and immediately stopped their actions involuntarily.

"This, this is..."

With shocked eyes, they looked at the source of the cold breath.

At this look, everyone showed surprise.

In the most central part of the Imperial City, the crazy Xiao Di and Leng Di also saw the source of the cold breath. The cold breath, which almost froze time and space, was emitted from their daughter, cold as frost.

"Not good!" Emperor Xiao's face changed greatly.

"Crazy, crazy!" Leng Di also showed a look of shock, and repeatedly shouted, "this girl, has untied the seal? Can she die?"

Only emperor Xiao and Emperor Leng knew what the heavy seal in lengrushuang's body was sealing.

So when they saw cold as frost untie the seal, both of them were shocked.

At this time, the cold frost with a terrible cold breath on her body suddenly looked up, and there was endless killing intention in her beautiful eyes at the moment.


Cold as frost, his body shook, and he came to jianwushuang.

Leng Rushuang turned his back to the sword, and his eyes looked at the crane in front of him.

"You hurt him?"

It's cold as frost, and the sound seems to come from Jiuyou hell.

Old crane frowned tightly. He didn't know why cold frost changed like this, but at the moment, the cold breath emanating from cold frost made him feel a little scared.

Hearing the cold inquiry, old crane also had a trace of fear in his heart, but his pride and self-confidence as the second turn master made him nod without hesitation.

With this nod, he didn't have time to say 'yes'.

The frost cold in front of him had already moved.

A ghostly figure appeared directly in front of old crane.

Too fast, it's like a real ghost.

He was too fast to make any response. A white and beautiful palm had patted his forehead gently.

This shot does not contain the slightest spiritual power, nor does it contain the slightest strength. It is such a simple shot.

But at the moment when the cold palm touched crane's forehead, a terrible chill that was enough to make everyone present turn pale directly covered crane's whole body. This chill was ice heart bone poison

Old crane's eyes were dull and completely stunned there, while his body became gray at the speed visible to the naked eye, first from his forehead, to his face, then to his body, and finally covered his whole body. Closely followed, his body was directly transformed into an ice sculpture in this void.

As a random energy wind swept around, the ice sculptures melted by crane old immediately broke into countless pieces of ice, and finally disappeared into the void.

A two turn level Taoist priest, in such a moment, it was completely, smoke and cloud dissipated!

Seeing this scene, not to mention those ordinary warriors in the appearance war of the Imperial City, even many Taoist priests on the battlefield felt creepy!

A two turn Taoist priest, who lives and turns into ice sculptures, and then breaks into ice debris?

What means is this?

"This, this..." Jian matchless looked at all this in astonishment.

He had not seen the scene in front of him.

At the beginning, he once saw Leng Rushuang use the same means to kill some martial artists in the eternal world, but is it a concept between the martial artists in the eternal world and these Taoist idols in the eternal world?

This is er zhuandao Zun. Jian Wushuang can't fight with all his strength, but in the cold hands, it's like killing a chicken?

"Great sin!"

"Is it a congenital sin?"

"My God!"

The Gu King's voice full of horror and disbelief suddenly sounded in jianwushuang's heart.

"Congenital great sin? What great sin?" Jian Wushuang asked immediately.

"Now I have no time to explain so much to you. After all, I can't explain it clearly in a sentence or two. I can only tell you that your little girlfriend, her existence, is a tragedy. She lives for pain and is doomed to suffer endless torture. As for why, it should be related to his parents." Gu Wang said solemnly.

"Born to suffer?" The sword was stunned.

And before the sword had no two sides, after the cold frost killed the crane, she looked around without emotion, only endless cold eyes.

"Who else dares to hurt him?"

The cold words contained an incredible killing opportunity, echoing throughout the battlefield.

Hearing this, many Taoist priests on the battlefield couldn't help stirring their throats and drying their throats when they saw the icy breath that was still soaring wildly on their frosty bodies.

As for Xia Mang, he had already fled far away in fear.


The cold Emperor gave a sharp drink, and his cold eyes looked over, "frost, are you crazy? Just for a sword unparalleled, you don't hesitate to remove the seal in your body? Do you know what you will face in the future once the seal is unlocked?"

"That's endless pain, endless years of life is better than death!!!"

"Is it worth it just for such a man?"
