Above the uppermost void, the huge picture scroll world slowly retracted, and finally became a picture scroll, slowly falling.

The thirty-six demon pillars with mysterious patterns and mysterious patterns in the thirty-six mansion of the eastern Tang Dynasty have completely burst.

The hazy gray border that pervaded the whole eastern Tang Dynasty is also slowly disappearing.

Countless creatures in the eastern Tang Dynasty noticed that their vitality had stopped flowing.

This scene made everyone ecstatic!

Blood ghost devouring spirit array, broken!

On that huge battlefield, everyone's eyes were with unprecedented shock, staring at the young figure at the core of the battlefield.

The sword is unparalleled, just a little guy in the eternal realm.

He really created a miracle again, an incredible miracle.

At the moment, Jian Wushuang's eyes also looked in the direction of the crowd, his eyes with goodwill, his face also with a faint smile.

"My sword is unparalleled, and I will never disappoint my brothers, relatives and friends."

"Not before, never in the future."

A faint sound came from Jian Wushuang's mouth, but the sound had a sense of relief.

Among the crowd, there was a burst of cheers of landslides and tsunamis.


Wang Yuan and Yang zaixuan were even more surprised.

In previous wars, the level of fighting was too high. He and his two had no room to intervene at all, and they could only stay outside the battlefield and watch.

When they saw that Jian Wushuang was in crisis, they were also extremely angry and nervous. Up to now, they saw that Jian Wushuang created a miracle again, killed the yuan Zi, and broke the blood ghost soul devouring array. Moreover, they were ecstatic and wanted to rush towards Jian Wushuang at the first time.

"Don't go there."

A cold drink suddenly sounded, and Wang Yuan's master, the Dan Zun, reached out to stop them.

"What's the matter?" Wang Yuan asked suspiciously.

Dan Zun didn't answer, but his face was extremely dignified.

Not only he, but also Gu Tong, Xiao Di, Yun Di and others present. They are strong and have extraordinary insight, so they can see that the situation of jianwushuang at the moment is not as optimistic as it seems, and even it can be called extremely bad!

"Such a powerful drop of inheriting blood essence, forcibly devouring..." Gu Tong shook his head secretly, "such a terrible force is beyond his control in an eternal realm."

"Unparalleled sword..." emperor Xiao's face was also a little ugly, but also had a trace of guilt.

And not far away from jianwushuang, the Gu King's huge body was crawling there, and his red eyes were also frozen on jianwushuang.

As for the cold frost on the Gu King's back, he was still in a coma, and the Gu king had sent him to the side of emperor Xiao.

After all, now that the blood ghost phagocytosis formation has been broken, the Gu king doesn't need to escape with cold as frost.

"Boy, I tried to persuade you, but you didn't listen to me, and you had to be a hero. Now, it's OK. Other people's lives are saved, and whether your own life can be saved is unknown." The Gu King murmured.

In the middle of the battlefield, jianwushuang's body stood there quietly, seemingly calm, but only jianwushuang himself knew what terrible impact his body was suffering now.

The ancient divine power contained in the blood essence inherited by King narodchen is now frantically backfiring.

This kind of reverse bite produced incredible pain. Jian Wushuang only felt that his five internal organs were burning. In just a moment, the organs and bones of his whole body were shattered under this crazy reverse bite.

"No way."

Sword peerless showed a wry smile.

In the void, everyone stared at the sword, and now it was in their sight, bang! With a low sound, the huge body of the sword was fierce for a while, and then the crystal stone directly turned into a blood mist.

The blood fog floating down from the center of the battlefield shocked everyone around.


Wang Yuan and Yang zaixuan were even more shocked.

"Junior brother!" Blood Lingtian was shocked.

At this time, the Gu king, who had been staying nearby in the void, had a brilliant light flashing in the red pupils, and was locked in front of him. He could see that there was a drop of quite conspicuous dark golden blood in the blood fog.

The blood fog melted by the sword is bright red, but the drop of blood is dark gold.

Suddenly, the Gu King moved directly.

His huge body suddenly sprang out, appeared under the blood fog like an electric light, and then took a big bite, directly swallowed the drop of dark golden blood, together with a piece of blood fog, and at the same time, his numerous tentacles also rushed out one after another.

These tentacles rolled up the unparalleled heaven and earth ring of the sword, rolled up the thrown down map of mountains and rivers, and also rolled up many treasures of the heaven and earth ring left by Dao Yuanzi after his death.

After all this, the Gu King roared loudly, and then his huge body suddenly went straight to the ground below.


The Gu King instantly drilled into the bottom of the pit, and shuttled under the ground at an amazing speed, and disappeared in the range of people's perception in just a moment.

This scene shocked everyone present.

But at the next moment, almost everyone came to a conclusion.

The sword is unparalleled. It's dead.

Turned into a fog of blood, the dead can't die anymore.

After his death, the insect beast he sat down on escaped with his heaven and earth ring, painting treasures, and many treasures left by Dao Yuanzi after his death.

The whole world was completely quiet.

"Bitch, this is what you did!" Xiao Di's eyes surged with towering anger, and he looked at Leng Di in front of him.

The cold emperor's beautiful face was miserable at the moment, and her eyes were empty. No matter how people around looked at her, she was indifferent.

At the bottom of her heart, she was already in a torment.

Next, Emperor Xiao suppressed the cold emperor, and the cold emperor did not resist at all.

"Xuanyi, I've done my best in today's war. The agreement between you and me is up to the end. Goodbye."

After Gu Tong Wang sent a message to Xuanyi, he directly waved away the void, stepped into a space wormhole and left.

At this stage, this world-class war, which was enough to shake the world for all ages, finally came to an end after the yuan Zi was killed and the sword unparalleled was killed. The insect beast rolled up all the treasures and fled.

"It's over."

"This incredible war is finally over."

"There are too many twists and turns in this war."

"That sword is unparalleled. It's really a peerless genius, a peerless genius far beyond our imagination. Unfortunately, this genius finally died..."

"What a pity!"

Amid the sigh and shock of countless people, the dust of this war has settled!