"Is it a conscious attack?" Sword peerless dark shock.

He will also attack consciousness, and just now he also performed on the suffering Lord.

But conscious attack is conscious attack, and attack moves are attack moves, which are completely different.

Now, the sabre of kuzunzhu is actually a conscious attack contained in the sabre technique?

Consciousness attack and knife technique are perfectly integrated?

At the moment of seeing the light of the knife, the conscious attack had swept towards jianwushuang. Although jianwushuang's consciousness was extremely strong, under this sudden attack, consciousness still suddenly gave a meal. In addition, the knife of kuzun Lord was really too fast, so that jianwushuang had no time to wave his sword to resist, so he could only watch the light of the knife and cleave towards his body.

"Not good!"

"Unparalleled sword!"

Emperor Xiao and others in the imperial city were shocked to see this scene.

"Dying?" People in the three countries showed ecstasy.

In particular, three people, the ape God, the blissful emperor and the South emperor, were eager to die in the hands of the bitter Lord.

When the light of the knife came, the sword unparalleled couldn't resist at all, and the light of the knife directly cleaved on the body of the sword unparalleled without any obstruction.


The sound of metal impact sounded, accompanied by sparks.

"Huh?" Kuzun's body shook violently.

"What?" The strong in the three countries were all surprised.

In the void of the battlefield, the sword of kuzun Lord was close to the body of jianwushuang, and the terrible power had completely exploded, but the knife light could not break the blood robe on jianwushuang.

Jian Wushuang still stood there, his face indifferent, and his breath did not weaken at all.

"How is it possible?"

The strong in the three countries were completely stunned.

Although a few days ago, Jian Wushuang fought with bone Jidao Zun, and the bone Jidao Zun shot with all his strength and could not pierce the sword Wushuang's clothes, bone Jidao Zun was bone Jidao Zun, and he was just the combat power of two turn Taoist Zun, but now he shot, but the bitter Lord, one of the eighteen masters of the void temple.

And Lord Ku is still the strongest sabre. The power of this sabre, which can be felt by everyone around, has almost reached the top level of three turns.

But as a result, such a powerful knife, the front split on the sword unparalleled body, the sword unparalleled is still intact?

Defensive ability, so rebellious?

At the moment, the sword was unparalleled, but his eyes were full of surprise. His body was also slightly shaking, and the bottom of his heart was madly roaring, "sure enough, it was as I expected."

"As an ancient god of the Sanxing royal family, my flesh is strong and unreasonable. With the blood ghost directly weakening the armor by 99% of its power, I won't resist even if I stand there. Among the three turn Taoist priests, only a few people standing at the top can hurt me!"

"This bitter Lord, although his strength is very good, his just knife, so terrible speed, is also so strange. In the three turn Taoist priest, it is estimated that few people can stop it in time, but although the knife technique is strange and terrible, the attack power is only close to the top of the three turn, such power... Can't hurt me at all!!!"

"You can't even hurt me, but if you want to kill me, it's simply extravagant!"

On the battlefield, the bitter Lord frowned, and he also saw it.

"This boy, obviously, is only an eternal realm, but his body is extremely terrible, and the blood robe he wears is not trivial. With my full strength, I can't hurt him." The bitter Lord thought of this and couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

"Master Ku, your strongest knife has been used. Then next, you also receive my strongest move." The magnificent voice of sword peerless suddenly sounded.

Kuzun's face sank, and he immediately looked up at Jian Wushuang.

At the moment, the sword was unparalleled, and his eyes were cold. The pattern of the three four pointed stars in the center of his eyebrows was even more dazzling. The vast power of the ancient god rushed towards his right index finger like a tide.

"The second finger of ancient god, broken star!"

Jian Wushuang uttered a roar in his mouth, and the roar fell, and the index finger in his hand, which was ready to reach the extreme, instantly pointed out.


A violent hole was immediately broken in the void. In the center of the hole, a tall ancient god shadow slowly appeared. This ancient god shadow was only half a statue, and its volume was not too huge, only 100 feet high. But as this shadow pointed out the towering golden giant finger, the terrifying momentum swept away, but it still made many strong people present change color together.

Ancient god three fingers, this is the second finger!

Twelve hundred years ago, in the first battle of the Imperial City, jianwushuang also used this move, and at that time, he devoured the blood essence of King Luozhen and burst out extremely terrible combat power, which was able to perfectly reflect this finger power.

But now, he has reached the level of three-star ancient gods, and this second finger, he can only reluctantly display.

Although very reluctantly, it is still much better than the first finger.

With a terrifying finger, he felt the overwhelming power contained in this finger, and the bitter Lord's face suddenly sank. A cold hum came out of his mouth. The next moment, he held a knife in both hands, and a powerful force burst out, and an outrageous knife broke out.


A loud noise.

The terrible power formed a storm, strangling the surrounding void and the ground below. The storm is still spreading wildly at an amazing speed.


A ghostly figure suddenly sprang out of the storm. It was the bitter Lord, but at the moment, his face was a little pale, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that he was not feeling well during the impact just now.

As for Jian Wushuang, he was still at the core of the great storm. When the storm completely dispersed, his body gradually emerged.

"The sword is unparalleled. You won. From now on, I will never mention revenge in front of you." The bitter Lord spoke with a trace of helplessness in his voice.

He is really helpless.

In fact, in terms of strength, he is better than Wushuang Jian.

In close combat, the sword unparalleled was only crushed by him, and his strongest knife, the sword unparalleled, could not resist at all.

However, the unparalleled defense ability of the sword is too rebellious!

No matter what he did, he couldn't hurt the unparalleled sword.

In this case, even if Jian Wushuang stood in front of him, didn't fight back, and let him attack, he couldn't kill Jian Wushuang.

Such an anti sky defense ability, so that the sword unparalleled from the beginning has been in an invincible position.

"Master Ku, accept it." Jian Wushuang showed a bright smile.

"Sword unparalleled, I came here today, and I also brought a sentence from the Lord of the temple. The Lord of the temple wants to ask you, are you interested in joining the void temple?" The bitter Lord suddenly said.

"Huh?" The sword was stunned.

The Lord of the void Temple invited him to join the void temple?