"Reincarnation, in fact, is a true sense of survival of the fittest, narrowly escaped death and can not turn back."

"Those selected by the reincarnation temple have passed the test of the reincarnation temple from the beginning and become first-order reincarnators. In the next time, they are in the crazy survival of the fittest. Every once in a while, the reincarnation temple will undergo an extremely cruel test. This test is not only extremely dangerous, but most importantly, they can't refuse."

"Take the first-order reincarnation person as an example. Generally, a test will be conducted once every ten years. If he can pass the test, he can become a second-order reincarnation person. If he fails the test but survives, he will stay and continue to accept the second test after ten years. Once he fails three consecutive tests, even if he is lucky to survive, he will be wiped out by the direct reincarnation temple without any room for struggle." Xiao Di said.

"If you fail three tests in succession, you will be wiped out?" Sword peerless frown.

If this test is applied by oneself or can be selected, it's better. The key is that this test will be held once every ten years, and each time it is held, these reincarnators can't refuse, which is equivalent to a first-order reincarnator, who must become a second-order reincarnator within 30 years, or he will die.

Such a test is indeed cruel.

"It's simple to just go from the first-order reincarnation to the second-order reincarnation, but the next step is the same from the second-order to the third-order, from the third-order to the fourth-order, and then to the fifth and sixth order, which must be achieved within the specified time, or you will die!"

"Only after reaching the sixth level can we not be limited by this test." Emperor Xiao said.

"Before the sixth level, you have to accept the test that is extremely dangerous and must pass within the specified time. It's really cruel." Sword unparalleled secret way.

"It's more than cruel. As far as I know, among the reincarnation people selected by the reincarnation temple, there are an average of 10000 people, who can survive the numerous tests within the specified time and reach the level of six levels of reincarnation, and there may not be one." Emperor Xiao said solemnly.

"It is because he is too crazy and terrible that almost no one dares to take the road of reincarnation on the reincarnation continent, and only some people who know little about reincarnation can have the courage to take that road."

"Like your father, he takes the path of reincarnation, which is almost ten dead and lifeless!"

Hearing this, the sword has no double-sided color, but it becomes extremely ugly.

From what Xiao Di just said, he actually guessed it.

At the beginning of the ages, Emperor Jing saw the road chosen by Jian Nantian. At that time, even emperor Jing was startled, and he said to Jian Wushuang that even emperor Jing would be afraid of that road, but now I hear Xiao Di say so.

you bet.

His father's choice is indeed a road that makes people smell and change color. Few people in the green fire industry dare to choose.

Reincarnation of the temple of reincarnation, the survival of the fittest will play to the extreme, extremely cruel road.

"The sword is unparalleled. The reincarnator of the reincarnation temple, among the high-level strong in the whole green fire world, almost no one knows. When the reincarnation Temple invited your father to become the reincarnator, he must have told your father the powerful relationship, but your father knew that it was powerful, but he chose this road." Emperor Xiao sighed lightly.

Jian Wu's double-sided color was tight, and he couldn't help thinking of what Jian Nantian said before he separated from him.

"Even though this road is full of danger!"

"Even though this road is a road of no return!"

"But as long as I can see her again, even if it's only one side, I'll also turn into a devil. Why not die?"


"Father, he knew that the road he took had endless dangers, which could not be described by a narrow life, but he finally chose this road." The sword was unparalleled, clenching his hands, and his eyes were full of sharp rays.

He knew that jiannantian did this for only one purpose.

"Is everything for mother?" The sword muttered.

Taking a deep breath, Jian Wushuang slowly calmed his mood and looked at emperor Xiao again, "Uncle Xiao, how can I know the exact whereabouts of my father now?"

"The message of reincarnation, even in the reincarnation temple, is a great secret. There is only one way for you to know the exact location of your father. That is to go to the reincarnation mainland in person and find a deacon in gold or a strong man with a higher position in the reincarnation temple. If you ask him for help, you should be able to find your father's whereabouts." Xiao Di said.

"Deacon in gold?" Sword peerless look moved.

"The golden deacons of the reincarnation temple are all served by seventh level reincarnation people. That level generally has the strength of the second turn top and even the third turn Taoist priest. Even in the reincarnation mainland, it is not common, and they have great authority. Generally, they can find the information of reincarnation people below the seventh level." Emperor Xiao said.

"You can only find reincarnation messages below the seventh level, but what about those above the seventh level?" Sword peerless frown.

"How can a reincarnation above the seventh level be achieved so easily? Your father has become a reincarnation for less than twothousand years. Even if he passed the test and killed the general without encountering obstacles, in twothousand years, he can at most become a reincarnation of the sixth level, and a reincarnation of the sixth level, generally have the strength of Taoism, have been very good, and want to be stronger..." emperor Xiao shook his head secretly.

In his view, it is almost inconceivable to become a sixth order reincarnator from a little guy in the eternal world in just 2000 years, and it is even more impossible to become a seventh order reincarnator.

After all, not everyone can be as rebellious as jianwushuang.

Although Jian Nantian has a good talent, in the view of emperor Xiao, it should be far inferior to sword.

Hearing Xiao Di's words, Jian Wushuang nodded on the surface, but secretly he kept a mind.

"The sword is unparalleled. According to your appearance, you should plan to go to the mainland personally?" Emperor Xiao looked over.

"Yes." Jian Wushuang nodded solemnly.

He was separated from his father for nearly twothousand years. For such a long time, he didn't even know his father's life and death.

Like this time when he married lengrushuang, his father couldn't be by his side.

Now that we know the whereabouts of his father, we must look for him.

"Uncle Xiao, I don't know how to go back to the mainland?" Jian Wushuang asked.

"I can't help going to the reincarnation mainland, but you can go to your senior brother for help. There are wormholes leading to the reincarnation mainland space in the void temple." Xiao Di said.

"I see." Jian Wushuang nodded slightly.

"Jian Wushuang, when are you going to start?" Emperor Xiao asked.

"Now!" The sword is unparalleled in one hand.
