
Without any emotion, the cold and ruthless sword light directly appeared in front of Emperor Yan, making Emperor Yan's eyes move.

The sword unparalleled shows only a sword skill, but in the eyes of Emperor Yan, it seems to contain several different artistic conceptions, which is very strange.


Emperor Yan snorted coldly, and the old hand suddenly patted.

Like a dark cloud, it comes directly from oppression.


The strong sword light was crazy, tearing the dark cloud completely apart, and the remaining part of the sword light came from the body of Emperor Yan.

"What?" Emperor Yan was surprised, and his sleeve robe quickly waved to disperse these sword lights.


A sword shadow has quietly appeared beside Emperor Yan.

"This speed!"

Emperor Yan's eyes narrowed sharply. At the same time, when he saw the shadow of the sword, a powerful attack of consciousness came directly.

The perfect combination of swordsmanship and consciousness attack is jueying.

The sudden attack of consciousness came directly at Diyan without any sign. Although Diyan was a three turn peak Taoist priest, he still felt a tingling of consciousness at this moment, and his body trembled slightly, but he still endured the attack of consciousness.

While resisting the attack of consciousness, he immediately waved his palm again, lightning lined up on the long sword of jianwushuang, shook back the shadow of jianwushuang, and his own body couldn't help but burst back towards the rear.


The sword was unparalleled with a cold hum, and the blood peak sword in his hand was powerful. At the next moment, his swordsmanship completely broke out.


I saw sword shadows, either waving, sweeping, or stabbing. Each sword shadow was as fast as lightning.

It's too fast!

The sword unparalleled impressively brought into full play the aurora swordplay he had opened up. Every sword shadow was displayed in a lightning fast manner, one sword after another, and talked endlessly.

"This swordsmanship..." Emperor Yan was already shocked at the bottom of his heart.

It should be noted that just more than 20 years ago, he also fought with jianwushuang. At that time, although the strength shown by jianwushuang was strong, it was still much worse than him. As for swordsmanship, he didn't see how powerful jianwushuang was at that time.

But now

The unparalleled sword skill is obviously much better than before. Although the Dao mastered is only ordinary Dao, not too strong, the key is that the speed is too fast and the momentum is too fierce!

The power of the three stars ancient gods, the power amplitude of the Star River secret art is 90 times, plus the ten times power of the blood ghost to increase the armor in the first stage, it is already extremely strong. At the beginning, without the power of any Tao, the sword can burst out close to the peak combat power of three turns.

Now he has opened up two roads at the same time. With the power of these two roads, he has reached the peak of three turns in strength, even stronger than this Emperor Yan.

The speed was so fast, the strength was so strong, and the swordsmanship was extremely excellent. Even though Emperor Yan had no room to fight back for a time, he was completely suppressed by the sword unparalleled.

"How possible!"

"How possible!"

Emperor Yan roared madly in the bottom of his heart, "it's only less than 30 years. How can his strength be improved so much?"


Emperor Yan's heart is full of inconceivable.

He didn't know that the cultivation time of jianwushuang from birth to now was only twothousand years, and there were more than 1200 years left. He was used to reshape the flesh, and it was completely abandoned. As a reverse cultivation, he had a perfect foundation and the strongest sword heart. His talent was not conceivable by this emperor at all, plus the assistance of many treasures and opportunities

Thirty years, enough to make the unparalleled strength of the sword, great changes have taken place.

Emperor Yan was completely suppressed, and the fighting spirit in Jian Wu's eyes became more and more prosperous, and his swordsmanship became faster and faster.

"Back, back quickly!"

Emperor Yan calmed down. He looked at Jian Wushuang in horror, and immediately withdrew after looking for an opportunity.

He is a bat like tuntian clan. His best skill is speed. He is determined to escape, and his sword is unparalleled.

The fierce battle between the two stopped at this point.

In the void, Jian Wushuang still stood there, with a fierce sense of war, and his eyes looked at the Emperor Yan with a little coldness, "unfortunately, I'm fighting with him now. Although I can barely suppress him, it's still unrealistic to kill him."

Jian Wushuang was helpless. After all, this Emperor Yan was a genuine Three turn peak Taoist priest, and he was still very good at speed. It was really difficult to kill him.

Sword unparalleled regret, but the surrounding people watching the war, but they were stunned.

"The sword is unparalleled, he, he unexpectedly defeated a three turn peak Taoist priest?" Hong Shen and many strong men of the rock demon clan all have an incredible expression.

Especially Hong Shen.

He had fought with Emperor Yan before. His body was extremely strong, but he couldn't walk for two rounds in Emperor Yan's hands, so he was badly hurt and could only find his life in a mess. With such strength, he was a real peak strong man in the whole reincarnation continent.

But now, unexpectedly lost in the hands of the unparalleled sword?

Lost in an eternal realm, and 2000 years ago, also received his favor, a little guy from the eternal world?

"How could this happen?" The head of the black Python clan, the cold man was also full of astonishment, and the Emperor Yan, who looked extremely embarrassed, appeared beside him.

"Did you see it?" Emperor Yan's face was a little angry, and his eyes were burning with anger, "I've done my best, but the result..."

"Mo Lin, get out. With him, you black Python clan can't destroy the rock demon clan today." Emperor Yan murmured.

Mo Lin is the head of the black Python clan, which is the name of this cold man.

The cold Man Mo Lin's face was as gloomy as water. With endless resentment and unwilling eyes, he looked at the sword peerless.

Unwilling, really unwilling!

This time, his black Python family was fully prepared, and even spent a great deal of money to invite Emperor Yan as a helper. They tried to figure out how to kill the four Taoist priests of the rock demon family, and also seriously injured Hong Shen, and directly killed him to the residence of the rock demon family.

Everything went according to plan.

But people are not as good as heaven. Who ever thought that at the last moment, when they could completely destroy the rock demon family immediately, such a wonderful eternal realm emerged from the rock demon family.

One sword killed the eight Taoist zuns under his command, and even Emperor Yan was directly defeated by the other party.

With this eternal realm, Mo Lin is very clear that his black Python family is absolutely impossible to completely destroy the rock demon family today. If they are forced to fight, then it may be their black Python family.

"We, get out!"

When he said this, Mo Lin's heart was dripping blood.