"Silver moon, come on, you run to our side. Take two breaths, and then take two more breaths, and the Lord of the void hall will..."

The magnificent voice of the jade tripod God spread out and wanted to be heard by the silver moon god, but before he finished speaking, he heard a stuffy hum from the void in front of him, and then the silver moon god began to fall down.

This scene makes the sword unparalleled and the jade tripod Heavenly Master want to split!

"Jade tripod, I will immediately close the prohibition of the Taiqing hall, so that you and the sword are unparalleled, but remember you two, be careful..." as soon as the Lord of the void hall received the summons, he also immediately returned the message.

"Lord of the void hall, no need." The jade tripod heaven sighed softly.

The Lord of the void couldn't help being silent.

He knew that since the jade tripod heaven said that there was no need to close the prohibition, it showed that... The silver moon heaven, had fallen.


With a slight sigh, the Lord of the void hall directly interrupted the arraignment.

"There are 139 gods in Qinghuo palace, and there is one less." Jade tripod heaven also shook his head secretly.

Jian Wushuang is holding his hands tightly and his face is cold.

Although he had never had any communication with the silver moon god, at the same time, a member of Qinghuo palace was a comrade in arms fighting for the life and death of Qinghuo world.

His comrades in arms died in front of him, but the sword unparalleled can only watch. This taste is naturally uncomfortable.

"Jin Kingdom!" The sword's unparalleled teeth also clenched.

At this time

"Huh?" The sword is matchless, and the jade tripod heaven raises his head.

I saw three strong men in the kingdom of gold, after killing the silver moon god, carrying the body of the silver moon god, unexpectedly came to the void in front of the Taiqing hall.

Through the transparent prohibition, the three strong men in the kingdom of Jin all looked at the two men of jianwushuang and Yuding Tianzun with great interest. Immediately, the strong man of the kingdom of Jin who carried the body of Yinyue Tianzun shook his hand, and the body of Yinyue Tianzun shot out like streamers, directly hitting the heavy prohibition around the Taiqing hall.


The Jin Guoqiang threw it casually with amazing strength, which made the body of the silver moon Tianzun explode into a blood mist.

This scene made the teeth of jianwushuang and Yuding Tianzun tremble.


The jade tripod God cursed loudly.

Jian Wushuang's heart is killing.

"Haha, cowards of Qinghuo palace?"

Among the three strong men in the Jin Kingdom, the leading high heavenly being smiled coldly, "our Lord has long said that if your people stay in the Qinghuo palace honestly, it's all right. But if you dare to step on this battlefield, hum, come here and kill one in the Jin Kingdom!"

The sword is matchless and the jade tripod heaven's face is iron green.

"What? Are you angry?"

"If you have the ability, you can close the heavy ban and come out to fight with the three of me!" The high God sneered.



The space wormhole in the Taiqing hall suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

The light flickered, and the next moment, more than a dozen body shapes suddenly swept out of the wormhole in that space.

At the same time, the heavy prohibition around the Taiqing hall was immediately restrained and closed.

"Not good!"

"Run away!"

"Run away!"

When the three Jin Guoqiang noticed that the light of the wormhole in the space was on, they had already reacted. Immediately, the three people immediately ran away frantically with all their skills, completely forgetting how they just shouted in front of jianwushuang and Yuding Tianzun.

These three people are all genuine gods, and their speed is not slow. They choose to flee at the first time, and instantly escape a very far distance, so that the more than ten strong people who emerge from the wormhole in space in the Taiqing palace have to return in vain.

"Sundries of the kingdom of gold!"

"They run fast, otherwise..."

"I really want to kill these three sundries!"

A series of angry voices rang out.

In the void above the Taiqing hall, more than a dozen figures stand there. These figures include men and women, old and young, and each one has a particularly strong breath.

Impressively, they are the heavenly masters from Qinghuo palace.

Just when the jade tripod Tianzun summoned the Lord of the void hall, many tianzuns in the Qinghuo Palace also learned that the silver moon Tianzun was surrounded and killed outside the Taiqing hall. Immediately, these more than ten Tianzun strongmen who had good friends with the silver moon Tianzun came through the space wormhole.

But obviously, they are still a little late.

Now, standing here, they saw the blood mist formed by the corpse of the silver moon god, and the gray bones and some flesh were faintly visible, all of which were extremely ugly.

These people, one by one, have lived for a very long time, and their relatives have long been gone, and there is no concern in the Qinghuo circle. The only thing they care about is these comrades in arms who are involved in all life and death in the Qinghuo palace and fight with the Jin state together.

Yinyue Tianzun is one of their life and death friends. Knowing that Yinyue Tianzun is dead, these people are naturally depressed and uncomfortable.

"Jade tripod, when Yinyue was killed, you were in the Taiqing palace. Why didn't you help?" A bald old man almost growled.

"I want to save, but the prohibition of the Taiqing hall is still there. I immediately asked the Lord of the void hall to close the prohibition, but the Lord of the void hall just responded, and Yin Yue was dead. What can I do?" Yu Ding Tianzun said in a low voice.

Hearing the speech, although the bald old man was angry, he would not continue to anger the jade tripod God.

"According to Yu Ding, Yin Yue should have been suddenly attacked by the kingdom of Jin. She was seriously injured before she had time to ask for help, and then she was killed. If she had sensed the crisis early, called for help in time, and asked the Lord of the void hall to close the Taiqing Hall earlier, she might not have died." A short boy sighed.

Although this man looks like a teenager, his hair is silver.

He is the only one of the more than ten deities present. He is also the oldest living one. He is called the dust deity!

After a short period of grief, the mood of the present gods gradually calmed down.

But the Chen Tianzun suddenly looked at Jian Wushuang, "jade tripod, this is beside you..."

Other heavenly masters also looked at the sword in surprise.

They can see that the unparalleled sword is just an eternal realm.

"His name is unparalleled sword, and he is also a member of my Qinghuo palace. Although it is only an eternal realm, he is an ancient god of the royal family who has reached the top of three stars. Coupled with many means and cards, his combat power is strong enough to rival the general medium-sized deity." The jade tripod God said, "I brought him to the Taiqing hall this time."

"Oh?" Chen Tianzun and others showed surprise.

Jian Wushuang saluted the God in front of him slightly and said modestly, "Jian Wushuang, I've seen all the gods."

Anyway, these gods in front of them are old monsters who have lived for unknown years. In front of them, sword peerless naturally needs to be modest.