"Unparalleled sword?"

"This boy, when he saw that we were chasing, he not only didn't escape, but also rushed foolishly. Is this going to die?"

Seeing the unparalleled sword coming, Yi Tianzun and Menglong Tianzun became more angry.

Yi Tianzun even screamed, "boy, run away quickly, run away quickly!!!"

Jian Wushuang ignored Yi Tianzun. His eyes were cold, staring at the purple beast.


Jianwushuang interacted with Yi Tianzun and Menglong Tianzun. Jianwushuang bypassed them directly and then appeared in front of the purple beast.

"This boy, what is he doing? Is he really dying?"

"He's crazy!"

This scene made Yi Tianzun and Menglong Tianzun stunned.

But soon they knew what jianwushuang was doing.

Saw the sword without eyes in the fierce rise, in the hand of the blood peak sword at this moment also burst out of the majestic momentum, toward the purple beast, it is a sword waved and split out.


The sword's unparalleled voice was cold, and its strength was instantly brought into full play.

The purple beast roared, slapped the sword with a slap, and wanted to pat the 'mole ant' in front of him into powder.


The low impact sound sounded, and a large number of sparks splashed around. At the same time, a large amount of energy spread around.

The sword sank without double-sided color, and its body shape was instantly photographed and flew out, severely hitting a bare mountain next to it. The mountain instantly burst from it, and a large amount of gravel fell.

But the purple beast that came quickly and violently also stopped. It waved the palm that collided with the blood peak sword, and there were a lot of purple scales broken.

The body shape of the purple beast was stopped by the sword unparalleled.


A burst of roar, a large number of gravel flew out, but the sword unparalleled was suspended again. His breath was still magnificent, and his face was ruddy. It was obvious that the slap just now did him no harm.

"Yi Tianzun and Menglong Tianzun, you two go first, this big guy, leave it to me." Jian Wushuang smiled lightly.

At the moment, Yi Tianzun and Menglong Tianzun are a little confused.

They have just personally experienced the terrible of the purple beast. For example, Yi Tianzun was badly hurt by the purple beast's slap. This is still because he has a body protecting treasure on his body, which resisted some of his powers. Otherwise, the slap directly killed him.

In short, this purple beast, in terms of strength, may not be as perfect as the real God, but it is also extremely close.

Its slap, sword unparalleled actually took it down intact?


Both Yi Tianzun and Menglong Tianzun were extremely shocked.

After hearing jianwushuang's words, the two people immediately reacted, and they didn't hesitate.

"The sword is unparalleled. Be careful."

Yi Tianzun said a word, and then hurried to leave with Menglong Tianzun.


The purple beast saw that the two men were going to leave, and immediately gave a roar. There was a purple lightning rolling on his body, and his body immediately chased out.

But the sword peerless has also moved.

"Stop it for me."

The sword appeared at the side of the purple beast like a ghost. At the same time, the blood peak sword glanced, but it stabbed Four Swords in succession like lightning. The speed of these four swords was amazing, and they all stabbed directly into the eyes of the purple beast.

In desperation, the purple beast immediately dodged, and at the same time, the palm slapped at the sword again. This time, there was a layer of purple thunder on the palm, which was even more amazing.

Jian Wushuang's body is illusory and easy to avoid. The palm of the purple beast beats in the void. The power of terror carries thunder and lightning, and will be hanged in the void in an instant. The terrible power of destruction makes Jian Wushuang's eyes shrink.

"So powerful, this beast puppet, its combat power should be barely up to heaven." Sword unparalleled secret way.

Tianzun is so perfect that he can't compete, but his defense ability is amazing, but he can entangle with it for a period of time.


The void suddenly trembled. After the palm of the purple beast fell, the purple scales on its body rose one after another. I saw the vast purple thunder sweeping up from it and smashing the void. Then the vast force of the thunder formed a huge thunder net, which covered the sword unparalleled.

The sword was unparalleled, straight and waved. The powerful sword light split on the thunder net, but it soon disappeared.

"Can't you split it?" The sword was startled, and the remaining potential of the thunder net did not decrease and came towards him.

Hua La ~ the terrible power erupted on jianwushuang. Only a moment later, the power disappeared.

Jian Wushuang still stood there intact, raised his hand and patted the corner of his clothes, but there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"The strength of this beast puppet barely reached the level of the great fullness of the emperor. Although it is much stronger than me, it is still far from hurting me." Jian Wushuang also smiled at the bottom of his heart.

"Roar!" The fierce eyes of the purple beast stared at the sword.

Because the sword unparalleled stopped it, Yi Tianzun and Menglong Tianzun have fled away.

"Its attack, speed and defense are very strong. I'm not its opponent. I'd better go first." Jian Wushuang smiled, and then immediately cast the dragon blood secret skill.

The first level of dragon blood secret skill immediately increased the speed of jianwushuang by ten times, and ran away. It was amazing. This purple beast also wanted to catch up crazily, but the distance between it and jianwushuang was constantly opened, and soon jianwushuang completely disappeared in its sight.

In the ruins, Yi Tianzun and Menglong Tianzun stood there quietly waiting, and both of them were in a complicated mood.

Before long, the unparalleled figure of the sword came from the void in the distance and appeared in front of them.

"You two, is everything all right?" Jian Wushuang laughed brightly, looking at the two people in front of him, especially at Yi Tianzun.

"I just suffered some injuries. I can recover after being closed for a period of time." Yi Tianzun opened his mouth and said, but the next moment he looked up at Jian Wushuang and said with some guilt, "Jian Wushuang, before me..."

"It was just a small matter before. You two don't need to care." Jian Wushuang laughed and didn't really take it to heart.

"Ashamed, I'm really ashamed." Yi Tianzun shook his head and sighed.

"The sword is unparalleled. I think I'm too self righteous. We'll compensate you. In addition, thank you for saving me just now." Menglong Tianzun also said.

Both of them were ashamed at the bottom of their hearts.

You know, when Jian Wushuang came to say hello to them, they both didn't like Jian Wushuang very much, especially Yi Tianzun, who also scolded Jian Wushuang a few words, saying that he would die if he came to this unknown area alone.

But what happened?

Had it not been for jianwushuang's rescue just now, they might have lost their lives there.
