In the world of sword, jianwushuang has sat down, and his eyes are focused on the big tree in front of him.

At this moment, his heart has raised a lot of feelings.

At the same time, a path will be found.

A way to upgrade Guiyi Kendo from the level of nature to the strongest kendo.

"Guiyi Kendo, 10000 swords, like the sea, brings thousands of rivers together."

"The sea embraces all rivers!"

Gradually, Jian Wushuang closed his eyes and began to experience it with heart.

He looked at the evolution process of the big tree carefully, and in his mind, a huge picture gradually formed.

Among the paintings, one point is the core, and countless light spots around it are branches.

What he is doing now is to integrate the countless light spots into the core one.

As time goes by, jianwushuang's understanding of Guiyi Kendo becomes more and more profound.

If in other places, Jian Wushuang wants to understand and find the direction of breakthrough, I don't know what year Ma Yue will wait. But in the world of Jian, seeing the evolution of this big tree and the process of opening branches and leaves, Jian Wushuang has clearly found the direction.

With direction, the next evolution comprehension is much simpler.

In this kind of enlightenment, ten years have passed.

In front of the tree, the unparalleled eyes of the sword opened. At the moment when he opened his eyes, the meaning of the sword spread on him had completely changed. It was originally extremely sharp and with endless edge, but now his meaning of the sword is like a huge black hole, devouring and absorbing everything around.

The meaning of his sword is unfathomable, like a bottomless pit.

It is not only mysterious, but also incomparably magnificent, which can contain everything in heaven and earth.

"Among the three Kendo I have developed, the first one is Guiyi kendo. Now, Guiyi Kendo has finally evolved and reached the level of the strongest Kendo!" Jian Wushuang also had a thick surprise on his face.

After ten years of enlightenment in the world of sword, he also experienced ten years of continuous evolution in his mind, and finally evolved into Guiyi kendo.

Guiyi Kendo, the strongest level, can contain all Kendo in heaven and earth except other strongest levels.

Like the other two Kendo he opened up... Speed Kendo and yin-yang Kendo are all at the level of nature, which is actually within the tolerance of Guiyi kendo.

At this time... Hum ~ an invisible wave came.

Jian Wushuang's heart moved.

"I just turned Guiyi Kendo into the strongest Kendo, and the ten-year deadline came, which was just right." Jian Wushuang smiled. The next moment, his figure flashed, and he had appeared outside the world of Jian.

It was still in front of a big tree, but it was not as tall as the sword world, nor did it contain a special sword meaning. The rising sun sword emperor waited there quietly.


The light flickered, and the sword peerless came out of the tree.


When the rising sun sword emperor saw the unparalleled sword, his face moved immediately.

He is recognized as the first sword cultivator in the green fire world. He is unparalleled in kendo. He is also extremely sensitive to kendo. He can clearly sense the amazing changes of jianwushuang after coming out of the world of sword.

"The sword is unparalleled. Congratulations." The rising sun sword emperor way.

"Haha" Jian Wushuang smiled heartily.

"I can feel an incomparably majestic sword meaning from you. It seems that the sword meaning can contain everything? If I guess correctly, you should have opened up a strongest sword way?" The rising sun sword emperor asked.

"It opened up the strongest Kendo, and I named it Guiyi!" Jian Wushuang didn't hide it.

"Guiyi Kendo? 10000 swords? Interesting." The rising sun sword emperor nodded slightly and said, "you have opened up a strongest sword path now. I think you can break through and reach the daozun soon. It should not be too far away from the Tianzun. When you break through and reach the Tianzun in the future, I want to fight with you."

"OK." Jian Wushuang nodded with a smile.

The Gu king in jianwushuang's body smiled and said, "this rising sun sword emperor has a good talent for kendo. Unfortunately, limited by the green fire world, his vision is still too low. He still doesn't know your real potential, and he still wants to fight with you when you go to the heaven? Hum, it's not necessary to reach the heaven. Even if you're just at the level of Taoism, you can compete with him, or even surpass him."

"Er..." the sword was speechless.

"Well, let's go back to Qinghuo palace."

The rising sun sword emperor said, immediately led the sword unparalleled, and soon returned to the Qinghuo palace.

After returning to Qinghuo palace, the rising sun sword emperor left, and jianwushuang has begun to prepare for his next breakthrough in Taoism.

The most important thing to break through the eternal realm and reach the Taoist reverence is to open up a Tao of your own.

This step, jianwushuang has already reached, and he has long had the ability to break through other factors of daozun. Just because he is ambitious and wants to open up a strongest Kendo and break through again, he has been suppressing his realm.

Up to now, he has opened up a most powerful Kendo, which can naturally attack the Taoist priest.

However, he is a reverse cultivator. The threshold required to break through the Taoist priest is much higher than that of ordinary martial artists. The sword peerless also needs to be well prepared.

"The sword is unparalleled. With your current strength, there should be no changes in breaking through the Taoist priest. However, as a reverse cultivation, the movement when breaking through the Taoist priest should be quite huge. If you stay in the Qinghuo palace to break through, it will be a little too ostentatious." Said the Gu king.

"Well, I understand." Jian Wushuang nodded slightly.

Taoist Zun, in the green fire world, has already belonged to the top strong. When such strong people break through, there will generally be no small movement.

The sword Wushuang body is a reverse cultivation. Once it breaks through the Taoist statue, the movement will be even greater.

Now he has proved his potential with absolute strength, so that many gods in Qinghuo Palace are convinced of him and no longer exclude him. Naturally, there is no need to boast like that. It is best to find a place where there is no one and break through on their own.

"Break through on the battlefield."

"This battlefield is vast. Although there are many strong men in Qinghuo palace and Jin Kingdom wandering in the battlefield, it is very difficult to meet them on weekdays. I can easily find a hidden place to break through in the battlefield, and I don't think anyone will disturb me."

"Moreover, I was going to break through and continue to wander in the battlefield."

Jian Wushuang has made up his mind.

Then he immediately set off for the battlefield again.

Not many people in Qinghuo palace knew the news that he set out for the battlefield again, except a few palace masters, but also several heavenly Lords.

However, the golden axe God knows this.