In the dark palace, the golden axe God was pale, standing there, his body was shaking violently.

"Impossible, impossible!"

"How can Qinghuo palace know that I am a spy of the Golden State? How can it deliberately design me?"

The golden axe God shook his head madly, but his heart still couldn't accept this fact.

He didn't understand that Jian Wushuang was dead. No one should know that Jian Wushuang had told him his location before he died. How did Qinghuo palace suspect him?

"Golden axe."

The indifferent voice sounded, and the rising sun sword emperor appeared in front of the golden axe God.

"Are you surprised and shocked at the bottom of your heart now?" The rising sun sword emperor looked at the golden axe God coldly and said in a low voice, "to be honest, what you have hidden in my Qinghuo palace these years is really perfect. Several palace masters of my Qinghuo palace have never been suspicious of you before, but this time, you can't escape."

"I'll let you meet someone. When you see him, you can understand if you want to come."

As soon as the rising sun sword emperor's voice fell, a figure suddenly appeared in the dark palace and appeared in front of the golden axe God.

"The golden axe God is safe." Jian Wushuang has a smile on his face.

"Yes, it's you!!!" The golden axe God's eyes instantly stared round, as if he had seen a ghost.

"This is impossible!"

"You're dead, you're dead!"

"Red snow king and others saw with their own eyes that the news of your death has been spread in Qinghuo palace."

The golden axe God roared wildly, and the roar echoed throughout the palace.

But the palace itself is a treasure. The voice of the golden axe God can't be transmitted outside the palace, and he can't transmit a message at all.

"Hum, you want me to die, and the golden Kingdom behind you, also want me to die. Unfortunately, I'm not as good as you want." Jian Wushuang sneered, "as for the news of death, it was only deliberately spread by the five palace masters to confuse you and the kingdom of gold."

"Qinghuo palace, is to take you as a killer mace?" The golden axe God stared at the sword peerless.

"Smart." Jian Wushuang grinned.

"No, no!!!"

The golden axe God shook his head crazily and roared crazily.

At this moment, how he wanted to send a message to the kingdom of Jin, telling those strong men of the kingdom of Jin that jianwushuang was still alive!

This big monster, he is still alive!

With his potential, as long as he is given some time, he will certainly become the leader of qinghuogong in the future and will inevitably become a nightmare of the golden kingdom.

How he hoped that Jin Guo would know this and try to kill jianwushuang, even at all costs.

Unfortunately, he can't.

The kingdom of Jin is also destined to be kept in the dark.

The golden axe God seemed to have seen that after many years, jianwushuang had the strength of the 'leader' of Qinghuo palace. In the decisive battle between the Golden State and Qinghuo palace, he shot without any sign, which brought great losses to the Golden State.

That is a disaster!

"The sword is unparalleled. What do you want to do with the golden axe God?" The rising sun sword emperor asked.

"What else can we do? Just kill it directly." The sword is unparalleled.

"Well." The rising sun sword emperor nodded, then waved his hand, and a sword idea swept out, directly into the brow of the golden axe God.

The golden axe God had long been restrained and had no resistance at all. Immediately his eyes dimmed and his voice completely dissipated.

After killing the golden axe Tianzun, jianwushuang had nothing else to do in the Qinghuo palace. Even under the personal escort of the Lord of the void hall, he quietly left the Qinghuo palace and returned to the Qinghuo boundary.

There are two continents in the green fire world, above the void continent.

"Jian Wushuang, I'll send you here. Next, you can deal with your private affairs. In that sentence, try to keep a low profile and don't easily expose your identity. If you encounter any problems that are inconvenient for you to solve, just send a message to me directly." The Lord of the void hall told him.

"I see." Jian Wushuang smiled.

The Lord of the void left.

Jian Wushuang soon came to the temple of a punishment in the temple of void.

"Open the wormhole in space immediately. I'm going to the sky." Sword unparalleled voice indifference.

A deacon in purple in the branch of the void Temple glanced at the sword and said; "Your Excellency, the distance from our sub temple to the celestial sphere is very far, so we need more divine crystals."

"How much do you need?" Jian Wushuang asked.

"Billion divine crystals." The deacon in purple spit out a number.

"Just taking a space wormhole requires a billion divine crystals, which is equivalent to the entire wealth of an ordinary Taoist priest. The Lord of the void hall will really earn resources." Jian Wushuang smiled, and then directly took out a token.

"Open the space wormhole immediately." The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes, my Lord!" The deacon in purple nodded respectfully and immediately went down to arrange.

Sword matchless took out this token, which was personally given to him by the Lord of the void temple. In the entire void temple, there are no more than three people who have such tokens.

With this talisman, the sword unparalleled ride space wormhole, are free.

In just a moment, the space wormhole has been arranged.

"Please, my Lord!" The deacon in purple stood respectfully beside Jian Wushuang.


Jian Wushuang nodded slightly, looking at the wormhole in front of him, but his eyes were flashing with thick pure light.

"It has been many years since I left the sky domain, and it's time to go back and have a look."

The next moment, jianwushuang stepped out and directly stepped into the wormhole of the space. With the flash of light, jianwushuang's body has disappeared.

Celestial sphere.

Although it is only an ordinary realm in the green fire realm, the number of martial artists is still extremely large.

Jian Wushuang left the sky domain more than 2000 years ago and wandered alone. After 2000 years, he finally returned to the sky domain.

In these two thousand years, the pattern of the celestial sphere has not changed much.

Among the various sectarian forces in the sky domain, the three giants are still at the top.

Under the command of the three giants, there are nine top sects, including ancient gate.

After jianwushuang returned to the sky, it was natural to return to the ancient gate at the first time.

After all, jianwushuang is a genuine disciple coming out of the ancient gate.

The sword peerless just appeared in the void above the ancient gate, and the power of soul spread, and everything in the whole ancient gate was clearly seen.

At the first time, jianwushuang found a white robed man standing quietly on the top of a mountain with his hands on his back. The white robed man's face was mild, with a faint smile, looking up at the void above, and the direction he saw was just where jianwushuang himself was.


The sword's unparalleled body shape immediately swept down.
