"What's the matter?" Lingyin island Master asked.

"I want to communicate with people outside the sea of stars and fog. Is it possible?" Jian Wushuang asked.

The sea of stars and fog is isolated from the outside world. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to send a message outside.

"You are already a disciple of the star vein. You can go in and out of the star fog sea freely. You are not restricted by the star fog sea. Naturally, you can also send a message to people outside." Lingyin island main road.

"So? That's easy." Jian Wushuang smiled, but then he took out the token, "five palace masters!"

Jian Wushuang directly sent a message to the five palace masters of Qinghuo palace.

"Sword unparalleled, what's up?" The Lord of the void hall, one of the five palace masters, replied.

"I have just made a breakthrough in Kendo and need some swordsmanship secrets to improve my swordsmanship." The sword is unparalleled.

"Swordsmanship script?" The Lord of the void hall smiled, "it's simple. My Qinghuo palace has accumulated 40 million years in this battlefield. There are a large number of swordsmanship scripts in the exchange office of the fire point alone, and there are also many mirror images of swordsmanship performed by strong swordsmen. Since you need it, I'll straighten it out for you."

"That fire......" Jian Wushuang just said.

"No fire point is needed." The Lord of the void Hall said, "in the Qinghuo palace, our palace masters are privileged. The treasures of the fire exchange office, ordinary gods naturally need fire exchange, but for our palace masters, as long as we need it, we can take it directly, and we can put it directly if we don't need it."

"You are already one of the masters of my Qinghuo palace, but it has not been announced. Naturally, the treasure at the fire exchange can also be used directly."

"Is that so?" Jian Wushuang smiled dumbly. In that case, "it's the Lord of vanity hall."

"Little thing, tell me where you are now, and I will deliver it to you in a few days." Said the Lord of the void hall.

Three days later, the Lord of the void hall had sorted out those Kendo scripts and sent them to Jian Wushuang.

Jian Wushuang naturally cannot see the Lord of the void temple in the sea of stars and fog, but in the sub Temple of a void temple.

"The sword is unparalleled. I sorted these out at will. See if it's enough. If it's not enough, there are many more." Said the Lord of the void hall.

"Enough, enough!" Jian Wushuang shook his head repeatedly, but his heart was quite shocked.

The master of the void hall sorted out a large number of these scripts for him, including countless pictures of swordsmanship by strong swordsmen.

If sword peerless is a secret script or a mirror image to study enlightenment, it will take at least thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years.

There are so many swordsmanship scripts, and the level is very high, which is enough for him to use.

After saying goodbye to the Lord of the void hall, jianwushuang returned to Xingchen island again.

In the secret room, Jian Wushuang sat cross legged and devoted himself to the study of these Kendo scripts.

In a flash, three years have passed.

Jian Wushuang's eyes suddenly opened, and his eyebrows also slightly wrinkled.

"Although these swordsmanship scripts and those mirror images have inspired me a lot and made my understanding of swordsmanship constantly improve, they are still lack of practice. If I want to create stronger swordsmanship, I naturally have to go through continuous time and fierce battles with different opponents to break through!"

Tight hands, sword unparalleled body suddenly shocked.


Another immortal with unparalleled sword appeared beside him.

At first, on the battlefield, Jian Wushuang was chased and killed by the four kings of the kingdom of gold, but he broke into Yinfeng Valley, resulting in the fall of this statue.

But after hundreds of years of repair, this one has been restored.

"These swordsmanship scripts and mirror images, it is enough for my first Buddha to understand here. As for the Second Buddha, I can go out and find practical battles to hone my swordsmanship." Jian Wushuang made up his mind.


The second master of the unparalleled sword even left the Star Island.

On the void continent, the second master of the unparalleled sword turned into a middle-aged man in white robe, and his breath was deliberately suppressed at the level of the eternal realm. One person, one sword, walked around the world.


Tianjianmen is a first-class force in the void continent.

Tianjianmen has a profound foundation in the void continent, which has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and the most famous is swordsmanship.

For hundreds of thousands of years, many martial artists who were born in the Tianjian gate have been painstakingly studying swordsmanship. The nine story Tianjian building in it is very famous in the whole empty continent and is a famous holy land for Kendo cultivation.

On this day, a middle-aged man in white robe with a long sword came to the gate of Tianjian.

"I'm jueying. I asked about the extraordinary swordsmanship of tianjianmen. I'm here to visit." White robed middle-aged 'jueying' is modest and polite.

"Our Tianjian gate has always opened a convenient door for people who practice Kendo all over the world. Since you are a Kendo cultivator, please break through the sword stone array of our Tianjian gate. After breaking through, our Tianjian gate will be treated as guests, and you can enter the Tianjian tower below the seventh floor." A veteran of Tianjian sect.

"Then please lead the way."

The white robed middle-aged 'jueying' entered the Tianjian gate under the guidance of the Tianjian gate elder.

That day, the jueying easily broke through the sword stone array, and then lived in the Tianjian gate.

He didn't live in Tianjian gate for a long time, only one year, but in this year, he challenged the top ten existence among the numerous guests of Tianjian gate, and also challenged six elders of Tianjian gate, including a deputy sect head.

It should be noted that the six elders of Tianjian sect, including the Deputy sect leader, are all powerful and respected.

And this shadow, from beginning to end, used only the power of ordinary eternal realm. As a result, whether it was your top ten guests, or those elders of Tianjian sect, including the Deputy sect leader, were defeated by him.

Half a year later, the white robed middle-aged man came to a towering castle.

"I heard that taixuan Taoist respected the extraordinary cultivation of swordsmanship, and his swordsmanship was even more outstanding. Jueying, come to consult!" White robed middle-aged is still so modest and polite.

"An eternal realm, dare to challenge this Buddha? To die!"

Tai Xuan Taoist Zun was furious and directly shot. The white robed middle-aged 'jueying' still fought with the power of the eternal realm. As a result, although jueying failed, he calmly retreated.


Among the endless icebergs, there is a Taoist priest whose strength has already reached the top level of three turns. This Taoist priest is also good at kendo.

The white robed middle-aged 'jueying' found the Taoist priest's head again.


There are two incomparable masters of sword. The first one stays in Xingchen island and carefully understands and studies those Kendo scripts, as well as the mirror images left by the strong Kendo masters.

The other is a middle-aged man 'jueying' who turns into an eternal realm. He travels around the world with a sword, challenges the strong swordsmen of all sides, and hones his swordsmanship.