"All the people who participate in the war are equipped with the highest magic soldiers, and each person gives a drop of ancient god's power?" Sword peerless stared.

Big hand, this is definitely big hand!

"Those magic soldiers are easy to solve. There are enough magic soldiers in the fire exchange office, but the power of ancient gods... There are so many fire exchange offices?" Jian Wushuang asked in surprise.

It should be noted that this decisive battle will bring all the Taoist masters of the green fire world together. How amazing the number is.

Every drop of ancient god's power, at least tens of thousands of drops, even hundreds of thousands of drops.

In the eternal chaotic world, a drop of ancient god's power is quite precious, and Qinghuo palace has so many ancient god's power?

Hearing the words of unparalleled sword, the Lord of reincarnation hall and the Lord of void hall looked at each other and smiled.

"The sword is unparalleled. Let me tell you the truth. I have accumulated a lot of ancient god's power in Qinghuo palace." The Lord of the void hall laughed and said, "don't say tens of thousands of drops, even hundreds of thousands of drops, we can take them out, but we don't dare to use them too extravagantly on weekdays. The purpose is to prepare for such a decisive battle."

Sword peerless breathed cold air.

But the Gu King roared in jianwushuang's body, "can you take out hundreds of thousands of drops of ancient god's power? How is it possible? The birth of this ancient god's power is not easy. In the whole ancient chaotic world, except for the ancient god family, who can take out such a number of ancient god's power?"

"What happened in this battlefield? How could it have so many ancient gods!"

"Is it difficult that a large number of ancient gods have fallen here?"

The Gu king is full of incredible.

After hearing this, Jian Wushuang also breathed a long breath.

No wonder the Lord of reincarnation hall thinks that Qinghuo palace has a 10% chance of winning.

Indeed, all the high-level strongmen in the Qinghuo community were summoned, and there were battle formations, war fortresses, and war puppets who could directly compete with the king in a short time.

Coupled with Qinghuo Palace's consumption of resources at all costs, Qinghuo world really has a 10% chance of winning!

"Before this decisive battle comes, our Qinghuo palace will certainly do everything to improve the combat power of the strong in the Qinghuo world. As for the rest, it depends on how they prepare for the war." The Lord of reincarnation sighed lightly.

The war is imminent, but anything that can be done, qinghuogong will try its best to do it.

At all costs, just to improve the combat power of the green fire world.

On the other side, when the Lord of reincarnation hall and the Lord of void hall passed the news out, the whole green fire world had completely shaken up.

Prepare for the war. All forces in the whole Qinghuo community and the strong ones in all sides are actively preparing for the war!

The Lord of reincarnation hall and the Lord of void hall have made clear the fierce relationship between them. All forces and the strong on all sides have made clear that this war is about the life and death of the green fire world. Once the green fire world is destroyed, they will inevitably die!

This war, they have no way back!

Only a mortal battle!

Only with the heart of death, can we strive for a glimmer of vitality for the green fire industry.

Empty continent, Eastern Tang Dynasty!

Today, Emperor Xiao is still in power in the eastern Tang Dynasty.

Emperor Xiao received the order from the emperor of Tang Dynasty at the first time.

"In Dongtu Datang, all the strong people above the Taoist priest, whether they are the heads of the 36 prefectures, the strong people in all clans, and even all the strong people who stay alone in Dongtu Datang, immediately settle down and get together in Qinghuo palace a year later!!!"

As the first country in the void continent, the eastern Tang Dynasty has a vast territory.

Such a huge country requires an incomparably huge force to govern alone.

But now, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty asked all the strong people above the Taoist priest to go to the Qinghuo palace, and never left a person to stay in the eastern Tang Dynasty.

Without the awe of the strong, the eastern Tang Dynasty is bound to be a mess.

Both Emperor Tang and Emperor Xiao know this very well.

However, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty issued such an order!

Xiao Di also immediately implemented it without hesitation!

"Come on, all Taoist dignitaries immediately settle down and gather in the imperial city a year later. Those who dare to neglect will be killed without mercy!"

Emperor Xiao's order was exceptionally decisive, and no one dared to violate the clans and forces in the eastern Tang Dynasty.

They began to settle down.

In just one year, many Taoist dignitaries in the eastern Tang Dynasty gathered in the Imperial City, and then led by Emperor Xiao himself, they left for Qinghuo palace.


In the reincarnation mainland, the ancient demons, the blood Shura, the Ba snake and the blood Phoenix, the four peak ethnic groups, all the strong people above the Taoist reverence, gathered together.

In the vast void, there are nearly a thousand Taoist dignitaries floating there, led by those in power of the four peak groups.

Including some reclusive old monsters in the four peak groups, they all came to the scene.

"In this battle, two hundred and sixty-six Taoist masters and three heavenly masters of our ancient demon clan are all present!" Kuxin Tianzun of the ancient demon clan, with cold eyes and grand voice, spread between heaven and earth.

"My blood Shura clan, 241 Taoist worshippers and four heavenly worshippers, all present!" The voice of Su Qian, the supreme elder of the blood Shura family, the master of Shura Saint Su Rou, also resounded through the world.

"Except for a Taoist priest with a hundred young clansmen, all the strong people above the Taoist priest are here!" The head of Ba snake clan said.

"I, the blood Phoenix clan, only left a Taoist priest!" The blood Phoenix clan patriarch said.

"This decisive battle is not divided into ethnic groups, but between the green fire world and the Golden State. You all must remember." Kuxin Tianzun warned.

These four peak groups have always been fighting openly and secretly, and even often fight, but now they have to be completely united.

Everything, just for the green fire world!


With the order of Kuxin Tianzun, many Tianzun and daozun of the four peak groups immediately left for Qinghuo palace.


Not only those influential groups in the Qinghuo world, but even those who are strong and independent, have also received a summons.

In a magnificent castle.

The ten Dharma guardians knelt down respectfully in front of father batian.

"I dominate the sky. I've always been independent and free from anyone's constraints."

"That Qinghuo palace invited me more than once, but I refused, but this time, I can't refuse!"

"Eighty years later, the powerful Jin came, and all of us in the Qinghuo world either fought to the death or perished. There was no turning point!"

"This war is about the life and death of the whole Qinghuo world, and naturally it is also about the life and death of this seat. But anyone who practices in the Qinghuo world, no one can escape, and will fight to the death!"

"You have been with us for many years, and you will die in this war. Are you willing to go to Qinghuo palace with us!"

Father batian looked down at the ten Dharma protectors below.

"I'll wait, yes!"

The ten Dharma guardians nodded together, and their voices shook the sky.

"Then go!"
