The harsh wind roared, and the golden spear flashed through the sword's unparalleled head, but it didn't feel the slightest touch.

"Residual shadow?" The eye pupil of the king of Jin is tiny.

A ghostly figure appeared next to the king of the kingdom of gold, and a voice with a slight smile sounded, "king of the kingdom of gold, your degree is too slow!"

As the sound fell, the cold sword light also lit up.

"Wind fluctuations!"


The wind blows, and thousands of sword shadows come in an instant.

After the fusion of the three strongest swordsmanship, the unparalleled swordsmanship of the sword instantly got a qualitative transformation and improvement.

It is also a move of storm, but its degree power is at least dozens of times stronger than that before the breakthrough!

The shadows of the swords overwhelmingly oppressed the king of the kingdom of Jin. Before the shadows of the swords arrived, the terrible soul attack had already attacked and killed.

Notice that just now, the sword is unparalleled, but by virtue of soul attack, he destroyed nearly 2000 gods in the kingdom of Jin at one breath. How strong is his soul attack?

Before, it was a large-scale coverage, but now it is all about one person.

When the soul attack came, even the king of the Jin Dynasty's face suddenly sank, and some slight stings also occurred in his mind.

And this stinging pain came with the continuous attack of the unparalleled swordsmanship of the sword, and it became more and more intense.


The king of the Jin Kingdom snorted coldly in vain, and the golden spear also pierced out one after another.

Dang! Block! Dang! Dang! Dang!

The dense impact sound resounded through the world. These sounds were extremely violent, and each one was enough to make the world tremble, but these impact sounds occurred hundreds of times in a short time of less than a breath.

That is, in less than a breath of time, Jian Wushuang and the Lord of the kingdom of Jin have been in front of each other for hundreds of times.

"This, this degree..."

At the edge of the battlefield, the strong men of the two camps focused on the broken core of the battlefield ahead.

With their abilities, they can only feel the power of the collision between the two, but they can't see the scene of sword matchless fighting with the king of the kingdom of Jin at all.

It's too fast!

Jian Wushuang fought fiercely with the Lord of the kingdom of Jin too soon.

Even if jiezun existed, he couldn't see the scene of his two fighting at all.

"This, this degree, this prestige, if I were you, I would have died many times." The red snow king of the kingdom of gold stood there with a shocked face.

The leader of the kingdom of Jin was strong. He had known that it was normal to have such a fighting capacity.

But the other sword is unparalleled. How can it be so strong?

It should be noted that not long ago, it was only 2000 years or so since now, he and several other Jin State dignitaries went to assassinate jianwushuang. At that time, jianwushuang was in his hands, but he only had to flee in confusion.

But now, in just 2000 years, Jian Wushuang can even confront the Supreme Lord of the kingdom of Jin in his mind?

"Realm God, this is the power of realm God level!"

The king of dragon whiskers in the kingdom of Jin was also standing on the battlefield. His body trembled, but his emotions were extremely complex.

World God, he can reach that step in his dream, but it's a pity that that step is far away for him.

However, the king of the state of Jin is the God of the world, and it is normal for his strength to be so strong, but what is the matter with the unparalleled sword?

"Although he has made a breakthrough, he is only a jiezun. How can a jiezun compete with the Lord?" The king of dragon whiskers was extremely shocked.

In the eternal chaotic world, there is an invincible world respect, and he is an invincible world respect.

However, although the invincible Jie Zun is strong, it is only invincible among the Jie Zun. If you encounter the Jie god, you will only be killed easily.

In the eternal chaotic world, there has never been a scene of the world's gods fighting against the world's gods, at least he has never heard of it.

But today, he saw it.

A Jie Zun, indeed, positively countered a Jie god, not only positively countered, but also did not lose at all.

The core of the battlefield, bang! Bang! Jian Wushuang and the king of the state of Jin suddenly retreated, but the next moment they burst out again.

"Red shadow!"

The king's eyes were cold, and his divine power rolled in his hands, all converging on the spear.

The spear hasn't been stabbed out yet, but the world around it has been shaking wildly.

With the accumulation of the king of Jin, the power of the spear exploded completely, leaving only an illusion in the void.

It came out like lightning.

The sword peerless clenched his teeth, his face looked ferocious, and the blood peak sword in his hand also waved out in an instant.

"Unique swordsmanship, dawn!"

Two terrible offensives, head-on collision.

For a time, the earth fell apart.

But after this collision, it was the king of Jin who was obviously defeated and retreated towards the rear in confusion.

"This seat is a divine explosion, but in terms of power and power, it is not as good as him?" The heart of the king of Jin is full of inconceivable.

He didn't know that although jianwushuang was just a world honor, he was a reverse repair. In the eternal chaotic world, reverse repair has always been treated as a monster, often raising it to a higher level.

The reverse cultivation at the level of jiezun is not much worse than that of Jieshen.

The most important thing is that his reverse cultivation fully integrates the three strongest swordsmanship, and he is also the ancient god of the royal family at the peak of four stars.

In addition, sword peerless also has the blood ghost general armor, which explodes the power of the second stage, making his attack power soar again.

All these things make the sword unparalleled and powerful.

What about the world God? What about having divine power?

The heaven defying Jie Zun can also surpass the realm God in power!

Sword unparalleled, is such an anti heaven Jie Zun!

"Not only is his power stronger than this seat, but his degree is also higher than me. As for defense..."

The Lord of the kingdom of Jin couldn't help thinking of the scene before when Jian Wushuang took his spear empty handed. Although he didn't go all out with that spear, he asked himself that if he faced such a spear, he would never dare to take it empty handed.

Jian Wushuang dares to do this. Obviously, his divine body is much stronger than him.

"A Jie Zun is even stronger than this one in strength, measure and defense?" The face of the king of the state of Jin is distorted and looks like madness.

He raised his head and stared at the sword with his fierce eyes.

"His strength, strength and defense are not as good as him, so he can only rely on moves and unique skills to crush him!"

The king of the state of Jin roared loudly, and his divine power rolled all over his body. In an instant, a sea of divine power was formed and spread.

The smell of terror filled his body, and his eyes became scarlet.

On the golden spear in his hand, there is a sad golden thunder slowly condensing.

The strong men of the two camps around the battlefield all held their breath in the eyes of the king of the DPRK, who was frightened.
