
There was a loud noise. At the critical moment, the Qingyang God waved the black sickle in his hand to block the sword unparalleled. However, the huge momentum contained in the sword was explosive, but it shook the body of the Qingyang God out, and it flew for thousands of miles. Only then did he barely stop, and his face became obviously pale.

This scene stunned the people watching the war around.


"Originally, I thought there was no suspense about this battle, but now when the two fought, it turned out that the God of Qingyang fell into the disadvantage?"

"On the contrary, the God of Qingyang world was shocked and retreated by jianwushuang?"

"Unparalleled sword, prevail?"


It's unbelievable.

After all, before the battle, no one thought that jianwushuang could compete with the Qingyang God.

Everyone is thinking about how long the sword matchless can last in the hands of the God of the Qingyang world.

But now the scene in their eyes completely exceeded their expectations.

When the two fought, it turned out that jianwushuang had the upper hand and shook the God of the Qingyang world out.

"The sword is unparalleled. It seems that I really underestimate you." Qingyang World God also noticed those strange eyes around him, and his face couldn't help being gloomy. "A year ago, your combat power was at most close to the peak level of yichongtian. Any yichongtian peak World God should be enough to crush you, but now a year later, your strength has risen to this level? I'm afraid that even Chu Xiao is not your opponent now?"

The voice of the God in Qingyang world did not hide at all, and the people watching the war around heard it clearly.

Hearing his words, there was another uproar around the martial arts arena.

In the crowd, Chu Xiao of Dayu palace was also standing there. At the moment, his eyebrows tightly frowned, "the sword is unparalleled. His strength has really passed me?"

He can't believe it.

In just one year, the unparalleled progress of Jian will be like this.

Not only he, but everyone present can hardly believe this fact.

"In one year, your strength has increased so much, and your sword is unparalleled. I'm really curious. How did you practice in the end? Was it because you cracked the chess game before?" The Qingyang World God said, and suddenly he looked at Jian Wushuang, "how many steps did you break the previous chess game?"

The people watching the war around also looked at the unparalleled sword.

Especially those disciples of Dayu palace, they only remembered now that a year ago, jianwushuang didn't announce the number of steps they had taken to crack.

No one knows how far he cracked the little Luoxing game in those ten years.

Until now, seeing that the progress of jianwushuang in this year is too shocking, the God of the Qingyang world will think of asking.

Facing the inquiry of Qingyang World God, Jian Wushuang had not planned to open his mouth. The Lord of Dayu palace, who was in the void in the front of the martial arts field, smiled brightly and said, "I know the steps of Jian Wushuang's cracking. Like you, he has only studied for ten years, and in the end, the steps he cracked are three more than Qingyang you."

Dayu palace Master said that the wind was light and the clouds were light, but it was heard by the God of Qingyang world, but it was like thunder.

"Three more steps than me?" The God of Qingyang world widened his eyes.

Many disciples of Dayu palace around the martial arts field also instantly shocked.

"In those ten years, the Qingyang God has cracked 32 steps. He is three steps more than the Qingyang God. Isn't that 35 steps?"

"A jiezun has cracked 35 steps in ten years? Are you kidding?"

"Didn't the palace master say before that the chess game will be limited by the realm, and there won't be too many steps for a Jie Zun to crack? But why does he crack more than the Qingyang realm God?"

"This sword is unparalleled, and it's really low-key. He clearly cracked 35 steps, which is much more powerful than the God of Qingyang world. But he didn't mention it at all after he first came out of the secret room. If it weren't for the God of Qingyang world's inquiry, we still don't know the steps of breaking!"

"No wonder, no wonder this sword has made such great progress in just one year. He was the one who gained the most when he cracked the chess game."

Those disciples of Dayu palace marveled one after another.

But the Qingyang God and Chu Xiao were speechless.

When cracking the chess game, the two of them were arrogant, cracking and competing in front of everyone.

But now they know that the sword that has been staying in the secret room is unparalleled. It is a real monster, a monster countless times stronger than them!

"The sword is unparalleled. You, a Jie Zun, can break that chess game by 35 steps in ten years, which is really good." The Qingyang God's eyes were cold and stared at the sword. Even though he was unconvinced at the bottom of his heart, he had to admit the difficulty of the little Luoxing game. He was a god of heaven, and he only cracked 32 steps with all his strength.

But the sword is unparalleled, and the number of steps to crack is three more than him.

"But this is just right. If you are too weak, I have to be tied up when I fight with you, but now, I can really show all my strength to fight with you!"

"The sword is unparalleled. You should be lucky!"

"Put aside those gods above the double heaven, after all, you are the only one qualified to let me show all my strength to fight in the Dayu realm!"

"Sword unparalleled, enjoy your last time, because you will die soon!"

The voice of the God in the Qingyang world was cold and sounded word by word in this heaven and earth.

The whole world is quiet again.

Everyone held their breath and looked straight at the God of Qingyang world.

Everyone knows that this Qingyang God is going to show all his combat power!

Chu Xiao in the crowd shook his hands fiercely and bit his lips tightly at the same time.

A year ago, he tried his best to fight with the God of Qingyang world, but he couldn't force the God of Qingyang world to exert all his fighting power. Now the God of Qingyang world is finally going to do his best.

"Finally going all out?"

The Dayu palace master on the void also showed a faint smile, while Wu Cang next to him was still indifferent.

Hearing the words of the Qingyang God, the corners of Jian Wushuang's mouth slightly tilted, and the excitement in his eyes was getting stronger and stronger.

"I really want to see how strong you are, who is recognized as the first one among the gods in the world of heaven in the countless practices of Dayu realm!"

"Come here!"

The voice of the unparalleled sword was cold and resounded through the world.


There was a faint light in the eyes of the God of the Qingyang world. With his cold hum, his body suddenly changed under the gaze of everyone.

Originally, there was only one 'Qingyang God' on the battlefield, but the next moment, dozens of 'Qingyang gods' suddenly appeared!