
A violent roar rang through the void. After the roar, I saw a figure bursting out in a very embarrassed way. On the way of bursting back, his body was still rolling, and it took half a sound to calm down again.

"It's really strong!"

Sword unparalleled wiped the blood spilled from the corner of his mouth and secretly praised.

He went all out to show the Dragon demon roar, but he was still crushed by the Chen Bin.

"He is much better than me in unique learning. I'm not his opponent at all. I can only rely on that move."

The sword has no double-sided color and is dignified, which forcibly suppresses the rolling blood in the body. The next moment, it suddenly bursts out, and the blood peak sword in its hand is also frantically trembling at this moment.

"Blood night!"

The long sword galloped out. While revealing its amazing power, a vast force of soul also exploded directly.

"It's useless!"

Chen Bin's eyes were cold, and the purple spear in his hand suddenly twisted, followed by a front song.

Boom ~ simple action, but in an instant, it once again burst out the earth shaking power, which is a third-order higher unique skill.

And this time the two collided


The sword peerless directly spurted a large mouthful of blood donation, and his face immediately turned pale, and his body suddenly retreated.

As for that Chen Bin, he easily defeated the unparalleled sword skill, but the strong soul attack contained in the sword skill caught him by surprise.

But Chen Bin is a real genius after all. He created a third-order unique higher learning, and his consciousness is not weak, which is also comparable to the general triple heaven God. Although he was caught unprepared by the unparalleled soul attack of the sword, he just turned pale and soon recovered.

Seeing this, Jian Wushuang couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"It is worthy of being the first genius of the white flame palace, and even my consciousness is so strong. Even if I try my best to use the Tianyuan secret skill, I'm afraid I won't be able to kill him, and at most I can seriously injure him." Sword unparalleled secret way.

And in the void above, the Lei Chao that has been quietly suspended there, at the moment, the pupils of his eyes shrink secretly.

"That was just a conscious attack?"

"No, not consciousness, but..."

Lei Chao's eyes flashed sharply, but he soon recovered as usual.


Lei Chao's figure appeared in the middle of the battlefield. He glanced at Chen Bin, "you saved yourself and also saved the white flame palace."

Chen Bin was stunned.

Lei Chao looked at the leader of Lei huozong again, "the crisis of Lei huozong has been resolved, so I left."

"Unparalleled sword, let's go!"


Jian Wushuang nodded, and then, without waiting for the reaction of the people around him, they left directly.


After leaving Lei huozong, Lei Chao and Jian Wushuang went all the way, but it didn't take long for Lei Chao to stop on a deserted hill.

"The sword is unparalleled." Lei Chao looked at the sword unparalleled, "where did you get the bloody ghost general armor on your body?"

The sword was stunned.

It has been a long time since he got the blood ghost armor, but this is the first time he has been recognized directly.

However, Jian Wushuang doesn't feel strange. After all, a top strong person like Lei Chao must have very high knowledge. Just in the process of fighting with Chen Bin, Xue Sha showed his power and Lei Chao recognized it directly.

Jian Wushuang immediately replied, "this bloody warrior armor was obtained from a Jie Zun in my own hometown."

"Jiezun?" Ray frowned.

"What he showed at the beginning was really only the fighting power of jiezun, but it may also be that his strength was damaged." Jian wushuangxu said, "his name is Dao Yuanzi. He should be a strong man from the eternal chaotic world. I don't know why he came to my hometown and used great means to arrange a major array. That array seems to be called the blood ghost devouring spirit array. He wants to rely on this array to refine all the creatures in my hometown."

"But in the end, he was killed by me, and all his treasures fell into my hands, including this bloody warrior."

Jian Wushuang said the truth, and Lei Chao nodded secretly without doubt.

"It's good that you killed that person to win this treasure. You can also continue to use this bloody ghost general armour, but you should remember, don't get involved with the people of the bloody ghost sect, otherwise, you will be the enemy of the top ten cultivation holy places and all cultivators in the eternal chaos world!" Lei Chao warned.

Hearing this, Jian Wushuang couldn't help shaking.

He had learned from the Gu king that the bloody gate was a street mouse in the eternal chaotic world, and everyone shouted that it existed.

But he didn't expect that the strong in the eternal chaotic world would hate the bloody gate like this?

As long as it has something to do with the bloody gate, it will be the enemy of all cultivators?

"Tut tut." Jian Wushuang pursed his mouth and secretly praised.

"One more thing." Lei Chao looked at Jian Wushuang again.

"Reverse repair!" Lei Chao spits two words softly.

Hearing these two words, Jian Wushuang's face suddenly changed, and the bottom of his heart immediately set off a huge wave.

"Why, it's strange why I can see your reverse cultivation identity?" Lei Chao said indifferently.

"Yes." Jian Wushuang nodded subconsciously.

He was really shocked at the bottom of his heart.

Because it is the first time that he has been exposed to reverse cultivation in person since he became reverse cultivation, including wandering in the eternal chaotic world for so long.

Of course, in the Tianyuan secret realm, the strong man who gave him the Tianyuan secret realm should see his reverse cultivation identity, but the strong man never showed up.

Now, Lei Chao said these words in front of him, and Jian Wushuang was certainly surprised.

"In fact, I'm not the only one in the top ten holy places of cultivation, but those who have some research and some attainments in the aspect of soul, such as those who ignited the fire of soul or are ready to try to ignite the fire of soul, can see that what you just did when you fought with that Chen Bin is a soul attack!" Lei Chao said.

Jian Wushuang's heart moved.

Lei Chao's words also showed that he had some research on his soul.

"You are a heavy celestial God, but you know how to use your soul to attack? In addition, your divine power is much stronger than a heavy celestial God. How can ordinary cultivators be possible? Only the extremely rare reverse cultivation in the eternal chaotic world, which ignites the fire of your soul in the realm of Taoist reverence, can it be done, so I am willing to believe that you are a reverse cultivation!" Lei Chao said indifferently.

Hearing the words, Jian Wushuang couldn't help laughing bitterly.

He has been trying his best to hide the identity of dixiu. At the beginning, he was in the realm of Dayu. It was because he had survived the dixiu robbery, and there was no way, so the master of Dayu palace and Wu Cang recognized his identity of dixiu, but he never took the initiative to tell people all the time.

But he didn't expect that there were so many people in the ten holy places of cultivation who could identify him with his soul.

"Reverse repair is very rare, especially the reverse repair that can survive the disaster of reverse repair, which is rare for hundreds of millions of years."

Lei Chao continued.