Nearly 300 years in the secret territory of the spirit of heaven!

His harvest is far beyond his previous expectation.

Originally, he only intended to improve his use of the power of the soul and his mastery of the five beast soul control formula with the help of a large number of spiritual masters in the secret realm of the heavenly spirit.

In his opinion, as long as he can succeed in the five beast spirit control formula, it will be very good.

But now, he has mastered the spirit control formula of the five beasts. In addition, he has accumulated rich experience in fighting with many spiritual masters.

In addition, he killed beixiu and got many treasures such as the black spear, as well as the consciousness attack method of "Eighteen Shura hell".

All these together, his harvest is indeed enormous.

"By the way, Lord yuan, when I was wandering in the Tianling secret place, I heard someone talk about the supreme god of magic rain in the Tianling secret place. It is said that she left the Tianling secret place and wandered in the eternal chaos world?" Jian Wushuang suddenly asked.

"Yes, this true God of magic rain has indeed broken through the eternal chaos world, and even made a great reputation in the top ten holy places. Her consciousness attack is very terrible. Among the many true gods who are good at consciousness attack in the eternal chaos world, she can definitely rank fifth, especially her 'eighteen Shura Hell' trick, which is even better. In terms of overall strength, she is also listed in the list of true gods, although ranking more than Lei It's a little lower, but it's also extremely rare. " Said the Lord of the Yuan Temple.

"Sure enough." The sword peerless smacked his tongue secretly.

The strong ones on the list of true gods can kill a large group of true gods. No wonder this magic rain true God has always been supreme in tianlingda 6.

"The true God of magic rain also knew that the secret realm of the heavenly spirit she was in was under the control of my star vein, and she didn't dare to resist, so she once made an agreement with me as the strongest person in the secret realm of the heavenly spirit."

"The content of the agreement is that the disciple of my Xingchen pulse can freely enter the Tianling secret place to experience and wander. No matter what chance treasure he gets in the Tianling secret place, it is his own creation. Similarly, if this disciple dies in the Tianling secret place, my Xingchen pulse cannot vent his anger on many cultivators in the Tianling secret place." Said the Lord of the Yuan Temple.

"I see." Jian Wushuang nodded secretly.

Jian Wushuang didn't ask too much. After having a simple understanding of the magic Rain God, he left and returned to his sword star.

Sword star.

"I haven't come back for nearly 300 years."

Jian Wushuang smiled faintly, but he just returned to Jian Xing, but his eyebrows couldn't help frowning.

It should be noted that he is a disciple of Xingchen palace, and there are also many maids and servants on the sword star, but now the sword star is extremely calm, and his soul power sweeps out, but no one exists.

"What's going on?"

Jian Wushuang frowned slightly, but then he took out his token and sent a message, "autumn moon."

"Childe, have you come back from the secret place?" The autumn moon soon came back.

"Just came back." Jian Wushuang answered, and even directly asked, "why did I come back and see no one on the sword star? Where have you all gone?"

"Childe, we are all on Taiyuan now." Autumn Moon replied.

"Taiyuanxing? YaoYuan? What are you doing there?" Sword peerless frown.

"Nothing. It's just that Lord bailipeng happened to have a little thing to ask us for help." Autumn Moon said.

"Ask for your help?" Jian Wushuang felt something strange.

"Wait there, I'll go to taiyuanxing now."

Jian Wushuang sent a word to Qiu Yue, and then immediately set off for Taiyuan star.

Taiyuan star is the largest star in the nest of stars.

It is because of the largest area that the star pulse placed the medicine garden on the Taiyuan star. Many of them are useful to cultivators, as well as some medicinal materials for alchemy and genius earth treasures. They are planted on the Taiyuan star. Since they are medicine gardens, they naturally need to be looked after.

When Jian Wushuang appeared on the Taiyuan star, he saw many busy people in the medicine garden, including the maids and servants under his command, and the autumn moon.


The unparalleled figure of Jian fell directly in the center of the medicine garden.

"Autumn moon." The unparalleled sound of the sword sounded.

"Childe!" Autumn Moon immediately came over.

"Master." The maids and servants also put down their work and saluted the sword.

"You are all my people. If you don't stay on the sword star well, what are you doing here?" The sword has no double-sided color and is indifferent.

"This..." these servants looked at each other, and they dared not speak.

Autumn Moon also looks a little ugly.

"What the hell is going on?" Jian peerless looked at the autumn moon.

But before autumn moon answered, from the void not far away, a body shape had been swept away.

"How dare a group of fools to be lazy?"

People haven't arrived yet, but the scolding sound with some anger has spread.

Jian Wushuang squinted and turned to look at the visitor.

The visitor was a bald old man in a green shirt. The bald old man's face looked somewhat ferocious, and his eyes were extremely cold. He appeared in the void in front of Jian Wushuang and others, and his cold eyes looked down.

"Dare to be lazy in front of me. It seems that the lessons given to you before are not enough, and you can't completely remember them." The bald old man said coldly, but he took out a dark green whip in his hand.

Pressing the whip is extremely flexible, and it looks like a living python.

Seeing the bald old man in green shirt take out the whip, the surrounding maids and servants showed a trace of panic.

And this scene was also seen by Jian Wushuang, and his pupils immediately shrunk.

"Stupid, seriously look for smoking!"

The bald old man in green shirt let out a low drink, and immediately shook his hand, and the dark green whip like a python was directly waved to the maid nearest him.

That maid is just a level of heaven God, and she has no ability to resist the whip of the bald old man.

I could only watch the whip hit her.

But just as the whip was about to fall on the maid, hum! An invisible force suddenly blocked in front of the maid. The invisible force instantly turned into a giant more than two meters high. The giant waved his arm and directly grabbed the whip in his hand. No matter how hard the bald old man in green shirt exerted, the whip did not move.

Consciousness turns into form. Now the sword has unparalleled control over the power of the soul. It can turn into any form with the power of the soul at any time, but the power is different.

"What?" The bald old man in green shirt changed his complexion, and then he noticed the existence of the unparalleled sword.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled, but his face is extremely cold.