"Ten years is too short!"

"In such a short time, even if you choose the right secret skill in the Golden Pavilion, you don't have time to practice." The Lord of the Yuan Temple frowned tightly.

Each of the four secrets of the star pulse is very good.

If jianwushuang cultivates another kind of secret skill on the premise of practicing the secret skill of stars, the assurance of surviving the adversity will certainly be improved a lot.

Unfortunately, it's too late!

After all, the more powerful the secret arts are, the harder it will be to cultivate them.

Like the secret arts in the Sutra Pavilion, even the most dazzling genius can't get started without decades. Ten years is simply not enough.

"Don't think about the secret arts. It's only ten years, and you can't prepare too many things at all. Now the most important thing is to know more about the second level of reverse cultivation and have some psychological preparation. In this way, you can improve your grasp of how to spend." Thunder murmured.

"You're right." The Lord of the Yuan Temple also nodded solemnly.

If it's just the divine disaster of ordinary cultivators, even if they have only ten years to prepare, they don't need to worry like this.

The key sword unparalleled now is to cross the counter repair robbery.

They didn't know much about the counter repair robbery. They didn't know what would happen to the second counter repair robbery sword matchless.

Unknown things are often the most terrible.

"The sword is unparalleled. You've been through the first reverse repair robbery before. Tell us what happened to you when you crossed the first reverse repair robbery. We'll help you speculate." Said the Lord of the Yuan Temple.

Sword unparalleled when he was about to cross the first heavy reverse repair robbery, he simply told one side.

After hearing this, even the Lord of the Yuan Temple and Lei Chao showed their horror.

"The first counter repair robbery is full of nine divine thunders? And the last one is thunder robbery, fire robbery and heart robbery?"

"My God!"

These two giants are extremely shocked.

"The first level of anti-corruption alone integrates thunder, fire and heart. I really can't think of what will happen to your second level of anti-corruption." The Lord of the Yuan Temple glanced at the sword.

"I can't think of it." Lei Chao shook his head, but suddenly he looked a little moved, and said, "we can't think of it, because we don't know much about inverse repair, and we hardly even see enough scenes of inverse repair and robbery, but the palace master is extremely powerful and knowledgeable, and he may know something about this second inverse repair."

"Palace master?" Yuan Temple Lord's eyes are also bright.

The master of the Star Palace, the founder of the star chain, the level strong man who stands at the top of the pyramid in the eternal chaos world, and also an ancient existence who has lived for unknown years.

Such a strong person must know more about reverse cultivation than they do.

"I will ask the palace master now." The Lord of the Yuan Temple immediately summoned him to inquire.

And just a moment later, there was the result.

"The palace Master said that reverse cultivation is the most special group of existence in the eternal chaotic world. It is too rare in the eternal chaotic world. Even though he doesn't know much about the reverse cultivation of reverse cultivation, many years ago, when he talked with another powerful person, the powerful person mentioned reverse cultivation and also mentioned the reverse cultivation robbery. The second reverse cultivation robbery of reverse cultivation seems to be aimed not at strength, but at heart!" Said the Lord of the Yuan Temple.

"Heart? Mood?" Jian Wushuang's eyes narrowed.

"That's not like heart robbery?" Ray looked at me.

"Different." The Lord of the Yuan Temple shook his head, "it is also a disaster for the heart, but the reverse repair disaster is absolutely countless times more terrible than the heart disaster!"

The sword has no double-sided color and is dignified.


Mood and consciousness are completely different.

The strength of consciousness increases with the strength of the cultivator, but the state of mind is constantly improved and honed in the course of life.

Some people, born with good luck, have grown all the way to the peak. Although their strength is extremely strong, their mood may not be strong.

But there are also some people who are obviously weak, but they have encountered many hardships, but their mood is very strong.

The sword is unparalleled, so it belongs to the latter.

Born in the eternal world, he rose all the way, encountered endless setbacks and tribulations, and struggled on the edge of life and death again and again. In this tribulation and struggle, he created a strong heart.

His strong heart is very tenacious and has never been shaken.

However, after all, what he was facing was a disaster, and he was not sure whether his state of mind could survive the disaster.

"Since we know that the second level of counter cultivation is aimed at the state of mind, we can still think of some ways in these ten years." The Lord of the yuan hall narrowed his eyes slightly and continued, "in the eternal chaotic world, there are many secret places, as well as some strange places, which can play an excellent experience effect on the state of mind."

"You only have ten years, so you don't have to go to those secret places, but there is one place you can try."

"Where?" Sword peerless looked over.

"Xuanfeng Pavilion!" The Lord of the Yuan Temple began to talk.

"Xuanfeng Pavilion is a great power on the side of Xingchen big 6, which is second only to our Xingchen vein. There are many strong people in it, even the real God strong people. The only thing they lack is that they don't have powerful people to sit on the town. In Xuanfeng Pavilion, there is a place named heart cliff for trial, which is completely aimed at the state of mind. It has great fame in Xingchen big 6, and even in the whole purple moon holy land. If you can practice on heart cliff for a few years It will definitely help your mood. "

"Heart cliff?" Jian Wushuang nodded secretly.

"Xuanfeng pavilion has always been in awe of my stars. If I send a message to their leader personally and send some treasures as a price to let you go to the heart cliff to practice for a few years, there should be no problem." Yuan hall main road.

"In that case, there is Lord Lao yuan." Jian Wushuang thanked.

"It's just a small matter, not to mention your good performance in the battle this time. You can get a lot of extra gifts by reason. These extra gifts are the price for Xuanfeng Pavilion." The yuan hall Lord smiled lightly, and then ordered, "Lei Chao, it's up to you to take this little guy to Xuanfeng Pavilion."

"Yes." Lei nodded.

"You are going to Xuanfeng Pavilion these years, I will let someone completely empty the heaven realm as a place for you to cross the rebellion and repair." Said the Lord of the Yuan Temple.

The heaven realm is an independent space, in which there are no cultivators and creatures. Although the star pulse controls this realm, it has no effect at all in ordinary days, but it is the best choice if it is used to overcome adversity and disaster.

After all, it is completely isolated from the outside world. No matter how powerful the reverse repair and robbery of jianwudu is, no one will pay attention to it.


Yuan hall Lord waved his hand.

Soon, Jian Wushuang went to the Xuanfeng pavilion with Lei Chao.
