"Lord Zhao Han!"

Seeing the figure of the blood robe coming out of the blood colored spacecraft, the dozens of strong men waiting on the island, except one, saluted one after another.

The figure in the blood robe was a cold young man. He looked down at the people on the island, moved, and appeared in front of the triple heaven peak God who had not saluted.

"Pangbo, long time no see, are you here?" The young man Zhao Han opened his mouth with a smile on his face.

Known as Pang Bo, he is a tall middle-aged man who is over two meters tall. Behind him, he is carrying a blue war knife. His body is vigorous and somewhat domineering. Hearing Zhao Han's words, Pang Bo said indifferently, "I have encountered a little trouble, otherwise I don't need to invite you."

"What kind of trouble can't even cope with you, who is infinitely close to the list of gods?" Zhao Han smiled lightly.

"The other side is suspected of the battle power of the world God list." Pangbo murmured.

"Oh?" Zhao Han's eyes narrowed slightly.

Infinitely close to the world God list, there is obviously a certain gap between the combat power of the suspected World God list.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Zhao Han asked.

"Since you are also invited by the Chu clan, you naturally know the mission of this trip. Although the man we are going to kill is not very strong, he has invited some strong people to escort him. Among the strong people he invited, the HongRi mercenary regiment is only a third rate mercenary regiment. You don't need to care, but when he was in the hanging City, he recruited another helper, which is called swordsman." Pangbo just said this.

"Swordsman? I know it's an alias as soon as I hear it." Zhao Han smiled faintly, "is this swordsman, who has the combat power of the suspected World God list?"

"Yes." Pang Bo nodded, "not long ago, the swordsman and his party encountered Heilong mountain bandits in this endless void."

"Heilong mountain?" Zhao Han looked immediately, "I've just been practicing in the endless void for a while, but I've heard of Heilong mountain. It's said that Heilong mountain has tens of thousands of bandits, not only the triple heaven gods, but also the triple heaven peak gods. They also have ten Heavenly Kings, which are not small."

"It's true. Generally, if a team wants to cross the endless void, as long as it encounters Heilong mountain, it's definitely a nightmare. Almost no one can escape under the nose of Heilong mountain. Since the swordsman and his party encountered Heilong mountain in the endless void, it should be more bad than good, but the result..." Pang Bo frowned.

"Why, did they slip away from Heilong mountain?" Zhao Han laughed casually.

"Instead of slipping away, he directly defeated Heilongshan by means of thunder." Pangbodao.

"What?" Zhao Han's complexion did not change.

During this period of time, he experienced in the endless void. He was going to find trouble in Heilong mountain, and naturally knew the strength of Heilong mountain.

He knew very well what strength was needed to defeat Heilong mountain wantonly.

"Is it difficult that what they encounter is not the main force of Heilongshan, but only a part of the strong?" Zhao Han couldn't help asking.

"No, what they encountered was the main force of Heilong mountain's tie leader, and Heilong mountain still poured out, and tens of thousands of gods, including the ten Heavenly Kings, all shot, but the result was still killed and defeated into an army. Heilong mountain leader and the ten Heavenly Kings all died, and it was the swordsman who caused all this!" Pangbo said solemnly.

"You mean that the swordsman killed the ten Heavenly Kings of Heilong mountain and their leader alone in front of the numerous gods of Heilong mountain?" Zhao Han asked.

"Yes, the ten Heavenly Kings of Heilong mountain have made every effort to fight, and even formed a battle formation, but the result is still defeated by the swordsman." Pangbodao.

Hearing this, even Zhao Han's eyes flashed a trace of surprise.

"Once the ten Heavenly Kings of Heilong mountain join hands to form a battle formation, it is said that only the battle strength of jieshenbang can compete, and this swordsman can defeat that battle formation head-on. His strength is indeed not weak, but this alone does not mean that he really has the battle strength of jieshenbang." Zhao Han laughed.

"No?" Pangbo was stunned.

"The combat power of the world God list can't be achieved casually, otherwise there won't be only 100 people on the world God list." Zhao Han chuckled, "among the ten holy places of cultivation, how many strong people like you are infinitely close to the list of world gods and suspected of being on the list of world gods? Countless, but how many of these people can really compete with the strong people on the list of world gods?"

"Take a simple example. 50000 years ago, ye Han, a talented disciple of a great force from the holy land of the Eastern Emperor, was extremely talented and defeated many strong people close to the list of gods. At that time, he was also recognized as the suspected battle force of the list of gods. But later, he really met a strong person in the list of gods. The strong person was only ranked 93rd on the list of gods, which was the bottom one. But what was the result?"

"With only three moves, ye Han failed, and there was no chance of struggle."

"Therefore, if you don't really fight with the strong ones in the world God list, you are not qualified to be called the suspected World God list combat power."

"Like the ten Heavenly Kings of Heilong mountain, once they form a battle formation, they claim that they can't compete without the battle power of the world God list, but in fact, have they really fought with the strong ones of the world God list? Do they know how strong the strong ones of the world God list are?"

Zhao Han looked disapproving.

Indeed, in the top ten holy places of cultivation, many people are said to be suspected of the combat power of the world God list, but they are actually far behind the real world God list.

"Is the swordsman and his party still in the endless void?" Zhao Han asked again.

"Still, our people have long been mixed in their ranks, and we know their positions clearly." Pangbodao.

"In that case, let's start directly. Let's meet the swordsman who is suspected of the combat power of the world God list." Zhao Han sneered.

"If you did it yourself, there should be no accident." Pangbo smiled faintly.

Those gods next to him also have absolute confidence in this Lord Zhao Han.

Not to mention that the swordsman may not have the fighting power of the world God list. Even if he does, they believe that this adult Zhao Han can easily suppress it.

After all, this Lord Zhao Han, who has long been known as the top ten holy places of cultivation, is not low on the list of world gods!

Without too much preparation, soon Zhao Han and Pang Bo took dozens of world gods under their command and sat on the exquisite bloody spaceship, and then skimmed towards the location of jianwushuang.
