The dim shadow of the true God without sorrow stood high in the sky and looked at the expressions of the people below.

"The first test is to crack the Luoxing game!"

"Luoxing Bureau was created by another extremely ancient powerful man. It is also very famous in the eternal chaotic world. You should also have seen or heard of this Luoxing Bureau, and some even tried to crack it!"

"The rules of this Luoxing game are very simple. A thousand sunspots on the chessboard is equivalent to a thousand steps, one test at a time. I will give you a hundred years. In a hundred years, whoever breaks the most steps will get the Baiyan fruit tree corresponding to the first test."

The words of the true God of no sorrow spread, and then a small chessboard appeared in front of many boundary gods in the open space.

It is also a thousand sunspots. The world God in front of the small chessboard will disappear with each step of cracking.

"Let's start." Wubei Zhenshen waved.

In the open space, many gods sat down in front of their own chessboard, and then they had fallen into enlightenment.

"Duan Lingfeng, have you ever contacted Luoxing Bureau before?" Jian Wushuang didn't rush to crack it, but looked at duanlingfeng beside him.

"I've heard of it, but I haven't been in touch." Duanlingfeng road.

"That's it. Let me remind you that to crack this Luoxing game, you can't just be quick, but step by step." The sword is unparalleled.

He has cracked the Luoxing game and knows some skills and experience.

"I see." Duanlingfeng nodded slightly.

Soon, both of them sat down in front of their respective chessboards and began to crack the chess game.

"Luoxing game..." Jian Wushuang's mouth was smiling, and his consciousness had sunk into the first piece of Luoxing game.


The picture turns, and the sword unparalleled has appeared in a pale earth.

The ground was covered with snow, and in the front of the earth, a white robed figure stood there quietly.

When seeing the appearance of jianwushuang, the white robed figure suddenly pulled out the long sword, and the sharp sword had stabbed directly at jianwushuang's throat.

The sword matchless had been prepared. With a random pick of the sword light, the sharp sword momentum was immediately dissolved.

The first step is to crack it instantly.

"Sure enough, this first step is exactly the same as the first step of the little Luoxing game I cracked before. Not surprisingly, the first 100 steps of the chess game are the same." Jian Wushuang smiled, "before, in the Dayu realm, I just passed the reverse repair robbery and became a heavy heaven God, and then I cracked all the first 100 steps of the Luoxing Bureau. Now I am a double heaven God, and my strength is still at the top. In a hundred years, I don't know how many steps I can crack?"

"Let's start."

Jian Wushuang closed his eyes and began to crack the chess game with all his heart.

He had already cracked the first 100 steps of this chess game. Naturally, there was no need to waste time. Soon, he began to crack the 101st step.

Step 101, sword peerless can still be easily cracked, but he is not in a hurry.

He should step by step, play steadily, and constantly accumulate the understanding of swordsmanship.


Outside the cave, in the magnificent hall.

"Is it Luoxing bureau?"

"The first test set by the true God of no sorrow is to crack the Luoxing game?"

"Hum, he's trying to test the savvy of those little guys."

Many strong people in the hall talked about it.

Luoxing bureau is aimed at the test of intelligence.

In Luoxing Bureau, there is no sense of the existence of any Tao, whether it is the Tao they opened up before or the power of the heavenly Tao they understand now.

And even unique skills and secret arts can't be used.

No matter how high your unique skill level is, you won't have any advantage in cracking Luoxing game.

You can only rely on your own understanding of your own weapons to crack Luoxing game.

Like Jian Wushuang, he is good at Kendo, which is aimed at his understanding of swordsmanship.

Duan Lingfeng is good at Dao Dao, which is aimed at his understanding of Dao technique.

This kind of understanding needs to be solved here. When we continue to speculate and study, understanding is naturally crucial.

"Luo Xingju is very sophisticated. A triple celestial God, who can crack 500 steps in a hundred years under normal circumstances, is already a top genius. But now this pathetic cave has gathered almost all the top talents in the eternal chaos world. Among these little guys, there should be not a few who can crack 500 steps."

"Hehe, so many geniuses gathered together. I'm afraid it's not top-notch to crack 500 steps alone. Look, they should be able to crack 600 steps. A god of the universe can crack 600 steps of Luoxing Bureau in 100 years. That's really powerful. I don't know how many such monsters there can be."


Many strong people in the hall are waiting for it.

In the open space on the third floor of the cave, more than 100000 gods are now giving full play to their abilities and trying their best to crack the Luoxing game.

Luo Xing's game was from easy to difficult. At the beginning, it was naturally the most difficult. Everyone present was a triple zenith God. The first 300 steps were very easy and simple for them.

In just ten days, most of the 100000 gods in this open space have cracked 300 steps.

A year later, more than half of the 100000 gods in the open space have been cracked to step 400.

At step 400, the difficulty increased significantly, and everyone began to slow down.

Like jianwushuang, duanlingfeng, Xinzhu, even if it is the God of destruction, their cracking speed is very slow. Generally, it takes several days to crack one step.

Compared with them, in the eyes of many gods, one person is really too 'dazzling'.

This man is king Zidong!

From the beginning, he cracked it at an amazing speed.

It only took him seven days to crack the first 300 steps!

It only took him half a year to crack step 400.

It should be noted that besides him, it took eight months for the king of seven worlds, who was the fastest to crack step 400, while others took nine or ten months, which was a year, like unparalleled sword, and it took a full year and four months.

Now, ten years later, the Purple East King has broken the 490th step, which is not too far from the threshold of the 500 steps.

And the seven realm king, who is closest to him, has only cracked step 482 up to now, and the speed has obviously decreased, and he can't match him.

As for the queen of the Seven Realms, such as jianwushuang, duanlingfeng, the God of destruction and Ayana, they are still wandering in the 430th and 440th steps. When they get up with King Zidong, their speed is obviously too much worse.
