"Husband, they, what's the matter with them?" The white robed beauty * * asked in horror.

"It's the strong. The strong secretly helped us."

The seven winged God looked around the void, but he couldn't find out where the power just came from.

"No matter who did it, my husband and wife are very grateful!"

The seven winged God bowed to the surrounding void, and then took his wife's hand and left immediately.

And this city is completely noisy.

It's a big deal that a Dharma protector of blood demon sect died in this city.

And most importantly, the dharmapala protector still doesn't know who killed him or how.

Many cultivators in the city began to look for the mysterious strong man, but they couldn't find him at all.

At this moment, just opposite the void where the seven winged gods and others fought, two figures sat in a pub near the window.

"The sword is unparalleled. Didn't the Lord of the Yuan Temple, who is in the same vein of stars, tell you not to fight easily unless you have to? Why can't you help it?" With a fiery head, fiery eyebrows, and even a fiery beard, Yan Jun, holding a wine glass, smiled and looked at Jian Wushuang.

"I have checked. Although there are many practices in this city, the strongest one is just an ordinary triple heaven God. No one will see that it is my hand." The sword is matchless and indifferent.

"That said, be careful." Yan Jun said, but immediately exclaimed, "however, the people of the blood demon sect are really overbearing. In this city, in front of so many cultivators, they wantonly rob other people's wives. No wonder the cultivators of the blood demon world say that all the people of the blood demon sect are demons. Now it seems that they are really so."

Jian Wushuang frowned slightly.

He knew from his name that this blood demon sect was not a decent force before, but it turned out after he really came to this blood demon world that this blood demon sect was much more evil and vicious than he imagined. It was just a small matter to rob other people's wives like this. People in the blood demon sect were always killing wantonly.

There are also some weak forces or sects in the blood demon sect. As long as they dare to be disrespectful to the blood demon Sect on weekdays, the blood demon sect will directly destroy the sect or the whole family of the other party. In short, here, the blood demon sect is heaven.

"Such a force has existed in this world for so many years, and no strong one has shot to destroy it." Yan Jun murmured.

"If the blood demon sect dared to act like this in the top ten holy places of cultivation, it would have been destroyed many times. But after all, this is only a kingdom of God. The blood demon sect is already a top force in this kingdom of God. As long as it is not stupid to provoke the true God of the nine palaces, it will hardly be destroyed." Jian Wushuang said, but his heart was full of worry.

After all, it's as cold as snow. It's probably in the blood demon sect.

"The sword is unparalleled. What are you going to do next?" Yan Jun looked over.

"Go to the blood demon sect's nest first. I have to confirm whether the person I'm looking for is there." The sword is unparalleled.

Soon, Jian Wushuang and Yan Jun came out.

The nest of blood demon sect was in one of the boundaries of the blood demon world, when the sword unparalleled set foot on this boundary.

"Huh?" The sword matchless moved fiercely in his heart, but immediately took out a token.

This is a unique golden talisman, which was given to him by the emperor of the Tang Dynasty after he married lengrushuang in the green fire world.

At that time, before lengrushuang's consciousness was about to fall asleep, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty deliberately left a mark in her consciousness. Unless lengrushuang wakes up and removes it himself, even if lengruxue controls the body and improves its strength to a very high level, it cannot be removed.

And this golden token can sense the existence of that mark.

Now when the sword peerless appeared in the realm where the blood demon sect's nest was located, the golden charm felt.

"Sure enough, sure enough!"

Jian Wushuang clenched his hands and was extremely excited.

Although he had received the news from Vientiane tower before, neither Vientiane tower nor he was sure that the people in the blood demon cult's nest were as cold as snow.

But now, Jian Wushuang is sure.

"Frost, I finally found you!"

"Wait, it won't be long before I wake you up and let you regain control of your body."

The sword without eyes surged with terrible light.

Of course, before that, he had to find out the real strength of the blood demon sect.


Blood demon sect, as a major overlord of the nine palace gods, has many strong ones.

Among them, those who stand at the highest level are naturally the true gods, and below the true gods are some elders who stand at the peak of the triple heaven.

Among these elders, there is a blood Yang elder.

The blood Yang elder originally came from a common realm of the nine palaces divine Kingdom, and when he was weak, because he was chased and killed by strong enemies, he fled outside the realm and wandered around. Later, he came to the blood demon realm and joined the blood demon sect as a god of heaven. With the help of the resources in the blood demon sect, his strength gradually improved, and finally became the elder of the blood demon sect.

As soon as he became an elder, he lived a comfortable life. In this blood demon world, he was completely rampant. Many weak forces in the blood demon world were trembling and terrified when facing him, for fear of provoking him. Everywhere he passed, there was flattery and bowing.

Once an unkind person provokes him, he doesn't need to do it himself. Just give an order, and the man and his sect, including some of his relatives and friends, will be completely extinct the next day.

It can be said that in this blood demon world, a word can determine the fate of many people.

The blood Yang elder also enjoyed his power.

However, today, the good days of the elder xueyang came to an end.

"Who are you?" Elder xueyang looked at the two people who suddenly appeared in front of him with a trace of fear in his eyes.

One of them was carrying a long sword, and the other was full of fire, but either of them brought unprecedented pressure to him, the triple heaven peak God.

This pressure was even greater than when he faced the real gods in the blood demon sect.

"If I ask you something, you'd better answer truthfully." The sword had no double-sided color and stared at the blood Yang elder.

"I, I try." Elder xueyang stirred his throat.

"I know you are an elder of the blood demon sect, and you have a high position in the blood demon sect. Then you should also know a lot about some things in the blood demon sect. I ask you, how many true gods are there in your blood demon sect, and what is the level of strength?"

The low voice of sword matchless sounded in the ears of elder xueyang.