
Long Qingzhen was furious and suddenly stabbed with a spear in his hand. The powerful combat power of chaos Zhenshen exploded, as if the sky was about to be pierced.

And the vast black ocean was instantly annihilated by 10% under this shot, but soon it came again, and the heavy black waves were still crazy and bound towards him.

There is no doubt that the black ocean is much more difficult than the red stone prison just now.

At this time, in the center of the black ocean, which is also the peak of the ancient magic peak, a woman in white slowly appeared.

She, dressed in white rather than snow, with a veil on her face, walked out slowly like a fairy in the picture.

Although he can't see the specific appearance, his unique cool temperament is enough to move everything.

The sword sitting on the ground was unparalleled, and its sharp eyes instantly locked the woman in white at this moment.

"Cold as snow!!!"

Jian Wushuang's voice was trembling, and his heart was both ecstatic and shocked.

Ecstasy, because after so many years, he finally found his wife.

The shock and anger is because his wife's body is now controlled by the cold as snow.

While Jian Wushuang stared at the woman in white, the latter was also looking at him.

"Unparalleled sword, long time no see." The voice of the white clad woman Lord Leng (as cold as snow) spread, "after all these years, you haven't given up. It's really perseverance."

"I said that no matter where you go, I will find you." Sword unparalleled cold voice.

"Yes, you did find it, but what can you do if you find it?" Lord Leng sneered, "are you able to suppress me?"

"Look at your mess now. If you hadn't been afraid of some agreements with her at the beginning and worried that she would cause me some trouble in the future, I could kill you at any time now!"

The 'she' mentioned by Lord Leng naturally refers to the frosty consciousness sealed by her.

Lord Leng's words shocked jianwushuang's heart, and his hands couldn't help holding tightly. His voice was low, "I may not be able to help you today, but that sentence, no matter the ends of the earth, or how long it takes, millions of years, thousands of years, as long as my jianwushuang is immortal, I will do everything to find you and suppress you!"

"Sooner or later, I will take back what originally belonged to her for her!"

"Haha, right?" The evil spirit of Lord Leng smiled and narrowed his eyes slightly, "very good, then I'll wait!"

"Let's go."

Lord Leng turned around and left directly with his highness Mu Hong.


Jian Wushuang raised his head and stared at the distant figure of Lord Leng. His heart was trembling, screaming and roaring madly, venting his reluctance!

He, has found cold as snow!

Cold as snow stood in front of him.

Close to him!

However, he could not suppress Leng Ruxue and save his wife.

I can only watch as cold as snow.

It's obviously close at hand, but it's out of reach.

At this moment, Jian Wushuang had ignored that he was in the midst of the third level of reverse cultivation, and he didn't even know what incredible changes his body was undergoing now.


As the voice of Lord Leng and others completely disappeared in sight, the black ocean that filled the whole world also slowly dissipated.

Long Qingzhen God was finally liberated, and his eyes looked at the direction of Lord Leng's departure with a trace of dignity.

"Who is that woman just now?" At this moment, the Dragon Qingzhen God also set off a huge wave at the bottom of his heart.

"Obviously, the realm is not strong, and it seems that it has not reached the level of eternal God, but the means she has just displayed have surprised me."

"Also, what is the means she uses?"

He just stayed in the black ocean for a long time, but he couldn't tell how the black ocean was formed.

It's like a treasure in the field, but it's not.

It's not like a secret skill that relies on divine power, but an extremely alternative and unique power.

Lord Leng controls this power.

"Jianwushuang wants me to suppress him?"

"If I fight head-on, I'm not even sure I can defeat him. It's impossible to catch him alive."

Long Qingzhen shook his head secretly.

Then he turned and swept in the direction of jianwushuang.

"The sword is unparalleled."

Long Qingzhen appeared in front of Jian Wushuang and just wanted to speak.


Long Qingzhen was suddenly stunned. He stared at the sword at the moment, with a face of surprise and disbelief.

"How could this happen?"


In the blood demon sect, the blood demon sect at the moment is already terrible.

The three true gods, including the two eternal true gods, directly rushed in and killed wantonly. Although the true gods of the blood demon sect tried their best to resist, the gap in strength was too large.

Like the blood demon sect leader, he just stepped into the eternal true God. The hundred shadow true God and Indra true God are at the peak level among the eternal true gods. They can easily crush the blood demon sect leader with either one. In addition, Yan Jun, the void true God who stands at the top, directly defeated these high levels of the blood demon sect.

The leader of the blood demon sect directly fled in confusion, and the three void gods of the blood demon sect were also killed on the spot, and the other seriously injured and escaped.

And those high-level gods of the blood demon sect, Yan Jun, did not let go. They were slaughtered a lot.

In short, the blood demon sect is over, and the disciples of the gods in the sect have escaped from the sect.

At this moment, Baiying Zhenshen, yintuozhenshen and Yanjun are walking side by side in the direction of the ancient magic peak.

On the way, the three were still chatting casually.

"Haha, the blood demon leader was quite arrogant at the beginning. He knew that we were two eternal gods plus a team of void gods. He actually wanted to leave us completely without shame. I don't know where his courage came from?"

"At first, I thought that there was really any cards in his blood demon sect, but in the end, there was nothing. Just the blood demon sect leader was blowing nonsense."

"Unfortunately, the blood demon leader escaped in the end."

These three people all have some regrets.

The leader of the blood demon sect committed many evils. This time, they started to fight. They originally intended to uproot the blood demon sect, but in the end, they were a little unhappy.

But in fact, they didn't know that the blood demon leader didn't talk big before. He really wanted to leave the three of them completely, provided that his highness Mu Hong and Lord Leng were willing to fight, but as a result, his highness Mu Hong and Lord Leng didn't talk to him at all, so he ran away.

"I don't know what happened to the Dragon Qingzhen God and the sword."

"There will definitely be no problem if the chaos God, the Dragon Qingzhen God, comes forward in person."

In this chat, the three people soon came to the place where jianwushuang and longqingzhenshen were located.