"This time, the strong people in LingXiao Temple learned to be smart." Jian Wushuang smiled faintly.

The three top chaotic gods who appeared in the scope of his soul power stopped near him and didn't mean to come forward to fight him.

Obviously, I plan to wait until there are more strong players and a strong lineup, and then fight against him.

In this regard, Jian Wushuang didn't bother to pay attention, and pretended that he didn't find the three strong men at all, and still walked slowly forward.

With the passage of time, there are more and more strong people appearing near jianwushuang, and there are a full seven strong people from LingXiao palace or invited by LingXiao palace.

There are seven top chaotic true gods, and two others, who are infinitely close to the combat power of the true gods list.

Such a lineup is already very strong, but LingXiao palace is still not in a hurry.

"The sword is unparalleled. Huan Yu and I are really close to you." A message came suddenly.

"Oh, it's Duanyan Zhenshen." Jian Wushuang raised his eyebrows.

Duanyan Zhenshen and Huanyu Zhenshen are the two top chaotic Zhenshen of the star pulse. When the strong man of LingXiao Temple attacks the sword unparalleled, the strong man of the star pulse naturally follows up, but there is a big gap in the lineup.

This is not to say that there is a big gap between Xingchen Yimai and Lingxiao hall, but because Xingchen Yimai did not spend a great price to invite the strong to help. The yuan hall Lord originally intended to do this, but was rejected by jianwushuang.

"Trouble, now the Lingxiao temple has gathered seven top chaotic true gods around here. Even the strong ones in the general true gods list have to retreat when they see this lineup, and I can't compete with them at all." Duanyan Zhenshen murmured.

"Maybe." Jian Wushuang nodded slightly.

"The sword is unparalleled. The strong man of Lingxiao temple came for you, but according to your appearance, why don't you worry at all?" Duan Yan was really surprised.

"Those who should come will always come. What's the use of being anxious?" Jian Wushuang smiled, but he didn't care at all.

"You are so optimistic." Duanyan Zhenshen curled his mouth, but suddenly

In the soul perception range of the unparalleled sword, there are three more powerful breath.

And these three breath soon gathered with the seven strong men in Lingxiao hall.

"Three more?" Duan Yan was really surprised.

"Bad!" Huan Yu Zhenshen was also dignified, "before, only seven top chaotic Zhenshen were far from being able to resist by the three of us, but now there are three more, full of ten top chaotic Zhenshen, and two of them are infinitely close to the Zhenshen list. This lineup is too terrible!"

"Jian Wushuang, run away quickly, and Huan Yu and I will try our best to help you." Cut off the inflammation and connect with the true God.

"My full display of Haixin domain, together with the domain treasures, should be able to stop them for a period of time. You should seize this opportunity." Huan Yu Zhenshen also said directly.

These two true gods were obviously anxious.

"You guys, in fact, you don't have to do this..." Jian Wushuang's words haven't finished yet.

"They're going to fight!" Duanyan Zhenshen's eyes coagulated.

I saw that in the dark void in front of the unparalleled sword, ten figures galloped at the same time, and the speed was extremely fast.

These ten figures, any breath is amazing. As soon as they start, they immediately attract the eyes of many strong people near this void.

"Hands on, Lingxiao temple is finally hands on!"

"It's really prudent to wait until you have gathered all the top ten chaotic gods. LingXiao palace is really cautious."

"Among the top ten chaotic true gods, two of them are infinitely close to the list of true gods. Such lineups... Even if the strong ones on the list of true gods encounter them, it is estimated that they will only turn around and flee."

Many strong people watching the excitement near this void are looking forward to it one after another.

They followed the strong man of Lingxiao hall to come here, just for the excitement.

They also want to witness the fall of a great genius.

On the dark void, the body shape of the top ten chaotic true gods in the Lingxiao temple has appeared in the void in front of the unparalleled sword, and a monstrous killing machine has erupted one by one.

"Unparalleled sword, you will die!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The terrible breaking wind, the carrier's majestic divine power, has been oppressed by the unparalleled sword.

But before they got close to jianwushuang, they saw a woman in white suddenly appear in front of jianwushuang. The woman in white was beautiful, holding a long sword in her left hand and a strange compass in her right hand.


"Whirling world!"


The turquoise sea water swept out crazily, surging around the world, and in an instant, it formed one after another huge waves as high as ten thousand feet. These huge waves were continuous, directly covering the top ten strong people in the LingXiao palace.

"It is the true God of Huanyu in the same vein of stars, in addition to the true God of Duanyan!"

"The two of them want to stop us, and then let jianwushuang have a chance to escape. Hum, it's beautiful to think of. The hall Lord has ordered that we don't have any scruples. Since the strong star pulse dares to intervene, Shundai will kill them together!"


The top ten chaos gods all took out their own magic soldiers, and at the same time, there were all kinds of breath spread out, some hot as a flame, some thick as a mountain, and some of them fiercely chopped out a huge axe, easily splitting the first huge wave swept in front of them.

"Unparalleled sword, let's hurry!"

Duanyan Zhenshen gave a low drink, and he and Huan Yu Zhenshen wanted to run away at once.

The two of them never thought that they would fight hard with the top ten chaotic gods in front of them, and that was simply to die.

However, when they were ready to leave, the sword standing on the dark earth was unparalleled, but it suddenly raised its head, and its cold eyes burst out with two substantive lights. It looked at the top ten chaotic gods, and a killing intention also instantly rose.


A strange body suddenly burst out, leaving countless illusions in the void.

This ghost figure directly passed through the heart of the sea displayed by Huanyu true God and appeared in front of the top ten chaotic true gods.

This scene made many strong people present, including those who stayed in the dark to watch the excitement, full of consternation.

Everyone can see that Huan Yu's true God made every effort to display the sea heart and the whirling world in order to create opportunities for Jian Wushuang to escape. Everyone thinks so, including Huan Yu's true God and Duanyan's true God.

But as a result, Jian Wushuang didn't escape, but killed alone, reaching the top ten chaotic true gods.

What does he... Want to do?