The high-profile LingXiao palace and the stars collided head-on. With the transaction on thunder Island, the curtain came to an end.

This collision, LingXiao palace not only suffered heavy losses, but also became a popular joke.

As for the unparalleled sword, it is a complete victory.

In particular, the 100000 Tao crystals, many magic cores, and the 500 year cultivation time in the fairy Palace are all enviable.

On thunder Island, many true gods in the same vein of jianwushuang and stars gathered together.

"Duanyan Zhenshen and Huanyu Zhenshen are coming to the eighth nest this time. Thank you for your help. It's a little meaning and no respect." Jian Wushuang took out two Heaven and earth rings respectively.

"This" Duan Yan Zhenshen frowned slightly and hesitated. After all, the two of them didn't help at all in this war. They were simply defeated by the LingXiao palace killed by the unparalleled sword.

"Since jianwushuang has been given, let's take it. After all, he got a lot from Lingxiao temple this time." Huan Yu is really God, but he is not polite at all.

"Well, that's right." Duanyan Zhenshen's eyes lit up and he accepted it directly.

"And so are you." Jian Wushuang took out some heaven and earth rings and distributed them to every strong star in the presence.

The benefits he got from Lingxiao temple this time are really frightening. It's also right to give a little to the strong of the stars.

After all, when he fell into the dark zone, these strong men of the stars helped to find his trace.

Everyone took the heaven and earth ring, and their consciousness was swept away, but they were pleasantly surprised. Obviously, this' little intention 'of the unparalleled sword is of great value.

After leaving the crowd, Jian Wushuang took out the summons of the Lord of the Yuan Temple.

"How is things going?" The Lord of the Yuan Temple has long been summoned to inquire.

"It's going well. LingXiao Temple gave it honestly." Jian Wushuang smiled.

"I knew it." The Lord of the yuan hall was not surprised. "Although the things you want are of extraordinary value, they are still inferior to the value of the true God of Hanquan. Not to mention that so many people know that you suppressed the true God of Hanquan. If Lingxiao hall is unwilling to take out those things, it will make the strong people under its command feel cold?"

"Well, indeed." Jian Wushuang nodded slightly.

"This time, you make a lot of money, but to be honest, the risk is also greater. Fortunately, it's best to be safe, or else" Yuan Temple Lord sighed lightly.

"I didn't expect that Lingxiao temple's heart to kill me would be so strong. In order to deal with a true God, I even sent powerful people to fight myself. It's really cruel." The sword is unparalleled.

"Lingxiao temple this time, it's really a little over, and it's also a little out of the ordinary." The Lord of the Yuan Temple said, but then shook his head, "don't worry about them, you just need to be more careful about the Lingxiao temple in the future. By the way, the list of true gods has been changed, and you should have not seen it yet?"

"So quickly?" Jian Wushuang was surprised.

"Originally, it will take some time to change, but because of your appearance, the Vientiane tower was changed in advance. After all, your rise is also a big impact on the list of true gods." The Lord of the Yuan Temple paused and continued, "do you know your ranking on the new list of true gods?"

"How can you be in the top three?" Jian Wushuang laughed.

"It's in the top three, and it's still the first." The Lord of the yuan hall is directly connected.

"No. 1 in the list of true gods?" Jian Wushuang was a little stunned.

He knows that he can definitely enter the top three, and no accident, he can definitely rank second, but he didn't think about it before.

After all, he has seen the list of true gods, and he knows some of the achievements of the first one in the list before.

This time he was in the eighth nest * *, although he also had extraordinary achievements, and even seriously injured the thousand haze God King, but he can seriously injure the thousand haze God King because he played many tricks, but the thousand haze God King himself did not have time to play, which does not mean that he is better than the thousand haze God King.

On the contrary, if you really fight hard, Qianlan Shenjun may have a slight advantage.

However, the former one who ranked first in the list of true gods, but under the premise of desperate efforts of both sides, suppressed a powerful person, and his record was even stronger than that of jianwushuang.

Jian Wushuang didn't think he could shake the first place in the list of true gods, but as a result, he was wrong.

"There is a big gap between the true God and the powerful man. There are many strong men on the true God list, but the FA miezhen God who is really qualified to compete with the powerful man. He has directly suppressed a powerful man. In terms of his achievements, he is no weaker than you, and the place of the Vientiane tower ranks you first and ahead of this fa miezhen God, because of your potential."

The Lord of the Yuan Temple smiled, "it has been a long time since that Dharma God became a chaos God. He has already reached the bottleneck in strength. Unless he becomes a powerful person, there is almost no possibility of improvement, but you are different. You are reverse cultivation, and your potential is much greater than this dharma God. Your future growth space at the level of the true God is still amazing."

"Apart from other things, as long as you break through the chaos and reach the true God in the future, it's easy to crush this method and destroy it."

"Is that so?" The sword is unparalleled.

Not long ago, he was the first in the list of gods, but now he has suddenly risen to a new level.

With the experience of being the first in the list of gods in the world before, jianwushuang has nothing to be excited about being the first in the list of true gods.

"Reverse cultivation is not comparable to ordinary cultivators at all. Any reverse cultivation, even if its power to the heavenly way is very low, can still easily become the first in the list of true gods as long as it reaches the third stage of the ultimate true God, that is, the chaotic true God level." Sword unparalleled secret way.

Like the true God without sorrow, he also ranked first in the list of true gods at the stage of the ultimate true God.

The difference is that jianwushuang is only the second stage of the ultimate true God, while Wubei true God has reached the third stage before becoming the first.

"In terms of strength, I'm still a little worse than the true God without mercy." Jian Wushuang knows this in his heart.

"The sword is unparalleled. When will you go back to the stars?" The Lord of the Yuan Temple came suddenly.

"Back to the stars?" The sword peerless expression moved, and immediately nodded, "yes."

"When are you ready?" The Lord of the yuan temple asked.

"After a while, I just got 500 years of cultivation time from Lingxiao temple, and many magic cores, which are of great use to me." The sword is unparalleled.

"Well, you can practice well. When you want to come back, send me a message." Yuan hall main road.

"OK." Jian Wushuang nodded, and then interrupted the communication with the yuan hall Lord.

Next, jianwushuang will naturally start to make good use of the resources he got in LingXiao palace.