"The sword is unparalleled. Where is the white fruit you brought me?" The wild dog God King looked at Jian Wushuang.

Jian Wushuang smiled and rolled his hands to take out the two white Yanguo.

"Two?" The wild dog God Jun's eyes lit up, "not bad, your boy is quite intentional."

With that, the wild dog God King directly put the two unparalleled white Yanguo of the sword into the heaven and earth ring, and then he opened his mouth leisurely and said, "say, boy, what's the matter with me?"

Jian Wushuang couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

The wild dog God King looks crazy, but in fact, his heart is very smart.

He knew that since he came to him and took two white hot fruits with him, he must have something to ask for.

"I'm really bothering you with something. It's about Taichu Shentan." The sword is unparalleled.

"Taichu Shentan?" The wild dog God King's eyes coagulated. He had been eating the fruit of that day with relish, but now he also stopped.

"Don't tell me, do you want to enter the stupid God pool?" Wild dog God King way.

"I have this idea." Jian Wushuang smiled and didn't hide it.

"Tut Tut, it's useless to have an idea. You can't enter Taichu Shentan." The wild dog God continued to eat the fruit.

"Why?" Sword peerless frown.

"Well," the wild dog God King was just about to explain.

"Finally found it!"

A roar suddenly spread, and I saw the void in front of me. The Lord of Tianyou castle, with a large number of black armor soldiers behind him, had rushed towards jianwushuang and dingu Shenjun.

That day, the Lord of Youbao released a monstrous killing opportunity in his eyes, especially when he saw the sky soul fruit that had been bitten off in the hand of the wild dog God King, his eyes were completely scarlet.

"Old man, how dare you eat the fruit of my soul? Today I will frustrate you!" The Lord of Tianyou Castle shouted loudly.

Hearing this, the wild dog God King didn't care at all, and even deliberately became the face of the Youbao master that day, fiercely bit the soul resentment fruit that day, and then directly threw the rest over, "Jie Jie Jie, just give it back to you."

"Give it back to me? It's almost eaten up. Give it back to me?" The Lord of Tianyou Castle turned blue, "die!"

A good breath was released from the Lord of Youbao this day. This breath has reached the level of eternal true God.

An eternal true God, in a God's country, is absolutely a super existence at the overlord level, and even some lords of the kingdom of God are just at this level.

But this level, in front of the unparalleled sword and the wild dog God King, is like an ant.

Seeing the Lord of Tianyou Castle attacking and killing, the sword was cold without double-sided color.

"Get out!"

A low drink sounded fiercely.

The voice was very low, but it sounded like a crazy roar of thunder in the hearts of the Tianyou Castle master and the black armor sergeants behind him.

The Tianyou Castle master, who was originally angry and wanted to kill the wild dog God King, stopped fiercely. His eyes were with unprecedented horror, staring at the sword peerless, and his heart was numb at the moment.

The sword is unparalleled. It has reached the second stage of the ultimate true God. Its divine power and divine body are at the level of a powerful person, and its divine power is naturally at the level of a powerful person. Now how powerful is the divine power contained in his low drink?

The Lord of Tianyou Castle only felt that his whole divine body would completely burst in the sound of that cry. He felt that the young man with a long sword in front of him, an idea was enough to kill him countless times.

He was like this, and the black sergeants behind him were even more embarrassed.

"My lord atones, I'll leave immediately!"

"Leave now!"

The Lord of Tianyou Castle no longer had any temper. As for that anger, it had already disappeared, and he walked away with his people in a hurry.

When these people left, Jian Wushuang looked at the wild dog God King again, "wild dog God King, you just said I couldn't enter the Taichu God lake? Why?"

"Don't worry." As soon as the wild dog God King waved his hand, an ancient cyan spaceship immediately appeared in the void in front of him, "go, let's go to the spaceship outside the boundary, don't go and say."

"Well." Jian Wushuang nodded.

Immediately, the two men got on the spacecraft, and the wild dog God King drove the spacecraft and swept away outside the Xuanguang God kingdom.

In the cabin, Jian Wushuang sat face to face with the wild dog Shenjun, and the two talked.

"Sword unparalleled, since you have heard of Taichu Shentan, you must know the origin of Taichu Shentan?" Wild dog God King way.

"I know." Jian Wushuang nodded, "it is said that a strong man got a drop of Taichu divine power from the ancient battlefield. It is this drop of Taichu divine power that evolved Taichu divine lake."

"Well, it's true, but you have to understand that the evolution process of Taichu divine power is very slow, from the initial drop of divine power to a divine pool, and the process takes no idea how many years." The wild dog God King slowly narrated.

"Later, Taichu Shentan became more and more huge and its role became more and more amazing. It is said that a God Emperor who was seriously injured and dying entered Taichu Shentan and recovered to the peak in only three years. This is indeed a fact, because I saw it with my own eyes."

"However, although the God Emperor recovered to the peak, he consumed a lot of Taichu power of Taichu Shentan in those three years. Such consumption requires at least tens of thousands of years of evolution before Taichu Shentan can recover."

"Because of this, the God Emperor paid a price equivalent to half his value."

"Half a fortune?" The sword was stunned.

God Emperor, the level of Star Palace master!

In the eternal chaotic world, the super strong is second only to the great emperor.

Such a top-level strong man, with amazing wealth, is far from what jianwushuang can imagine.

However, it only took him half of his fortune to go to Taichu Shentan to repair it for three years?

The price is too high.

"Even the God Emperor is like this. As for you," the wild dog God King looked at the sword with great interest. "Little guy, you are a reverse repair. If you enter the Taichu God lake, you will consume Taichu's power, which is estimated to be not much worse than that God Emperor?"

"As far as I know, a long time ago, when the true God without sorrow was still alive, he also found the owner of the Taichu Shentan, Luo Sha Shenjun, and also offered a lot of money to negotiate terms with Luo Sha Shenjun. Luo Sha Shenjun originally thought he was just a true God. Even if it was a reverse repair, it would be enough to absorb the Taichu power in the Taichu Shentan for a year or two at most, so he agreed."

"But as a result, the true God without sorrow stayed in the Taichu God pool for eight years, and he also absorbed the power of Taichu for eight years, but he hasn't come out yet, which made Luo Sha God King extremely angry, and he directly shot to force the true God without sorrow out!"

"Later, when he learned that the Taichu power lost by Taichu Shentan, the Lord Luo Sha was so angry that he almost killed wupeizhensheng!"