It is not easy for the great emperor to find the White Emperor, let alone the unparalleled sword.

Moreover, even if he was unlucky enough to find the White Emperor, who was unaccompanied, would the latter give him the seventh step of reverse cultivation in vain?

After all, once jianwushuang gets the seventh step of reverse cultivation, he has a great chance to become a reverse cultivation at the level of power in the future, and even has full hope to reach the level comparable to the White Emperor. If the White Emperor has a little selfishness, he will never hand over the method to jianwushuang, and let jianwushuang threaten his position.

"It seems that the cultivation method of the seventh step of reverse cultivation can only depend on future opportunities." The sword muttered.

However, because there is a lesson from the past, Jian Wushuang has long been prepared for this result.

"By the way, Lord yuan, there is another thing about the Lord of the demon heart country." Sword matchless suddenly said.

"Lord of magic heart? What does this Lord of magic heart have to do with you?" Yuan hall Lord was surprised.

"Well, when the true God Wupei handed over the sixth step of reverse cultivation to me, I promised him that if he had strength in the future, I would kill the Lord of the demon heart country for him." Jian Wushuang said, "since I have made a commitment, unless I have no strength and no way, how can I make a mistake?"

Jian Wushuang doesn't promise easily, but he values commitment.

At the beginning, in Wubei cave, since he promised Wubei true God, he will always remember it.

It was not strong enough before, but now it is different

"I see." The Lord of the yuan hall knew it clearly and said, "the Lord of the magic heart Kingdom, who rules many divine kingdoms, is not small in the eternal chaotic world, and he is also a member of the holy alliance. As for strength, he is a top God King and strong man. With your current strength, if you are one-on-one, you can kill him directly, but the background of the Lord of the magic heart kingdom is not small."

"Background?" Jian Wushuang's eyes narrowed slightly.

He had known about the strength of the demon heart Lord before.

But he didn't know the background of the Lord of the magic heart kingdom. Now he asked the Lord of the yuan palace to know some background of the Lord of the magic heart palace.

"The sword is unparalleled. I just told you that in the holy alliance, in addition to the Lord of the ten holy places, there are three emperors. Apart from the White Emperor, there is one purple virtual emperor among the other two emperors. This purple virtual emperor is among the thirteen emperors, enough to rank in the top five. The relationship between the Lord of magic heart and this purple virtual emperor is extraordinary. It is said that purple virtual emperor once owed the Lord of magic heart when he was in the stage of true God. Later, after he became the great emperor, magic heart The Lord of Xinguo has always been attached to Zixu emperor. "

"If you want to kill the Lord of demon heart, you must pass the pass of Zixu emperor." Yuan hall main road.

Hearing this, Jian Wushuang was stunned.

He knew that the Lord of magic heart had a certain background before, but he didn't expect that the background would be so deep.

If he has such a friendship with a great emperor, and even Zixu great still owes him a favor, then if he is in danger, Zixu great will certainly come forward to save him.

Moreover, if he helped wupeizhen God revenge and killed the Lord of the demon heart country, Zixu emperor would probably come forward in person and kill him.

"It seems that in a short time, I can't avenge the true God without mercy." Jian Wushuang shook his head secretly.

He promised to avenge Wupei Zhenshen, which was only when he had strength but ensured that he could survive.

But now, it is obviously not enough.

"At least I have to wait until I have enough capital to face the purple emperor face-to-face, before I can really fight against the Lord of the demon heart country." The sword muttered.

"The sword is unparalleled. It's impossible for you to kill the demon heart Lord now. I believe you won't be stupid." The Lord of the yuan hall glanced at Jian Wushuang and continued, "your strength has completely recovered now. What's your plan next?"

"Next," the corners of Jian Wushuang's mouth couldn't help turning up, "I'm going to collect debts!"

"Debt collection?" The Lord of the yuan hall was stunned, "Lingxiao temple?"

"Yes." Jian matchless nodded heavily, "this Lingxiao temple and I already have a great debt of gratitude and resentment that has not been resolved, but before, when I was seriously injured overseas, I almost killed me. I remember this debt clearly, and of course, I have to find a way to get it back."

"That's true, but the strength of Lingxiao temple is extraordinary. Are you sure to deal with it?" Yuan hall Lord worried.

"Don't worry, since I dare to collect debts, I must be sure." Jian Wushuang smiled, "Lord yuan, you must know more about LingXiao Temple than I do. Tell me all about the strong people in Lingxiao temple, including what cards they have, so that I can have a bottom in my heart."

Sword peerless, the strong one in LingXiao palace, only knows some, but it is not comprehensive.

"Yes." The Lord of the yuan Hall said, "based on the data collected by my stars, there are a total of 11 powerful people in the Lingxiao hall, including nine God kings and two God emperors."

Hearing this, Jian Wushuang's eyes couldn't help shrinking.

It is also the top force in the eternal chaotic world. No wonder LingXiao palace has been so domineering.

It turns out that such hegemony really has absolute strength to rely on.

The eternal chaotic world is enough to be called a giant, and there are a full number of eleven in Lingxiao temple!

You know, Xingchen Yimai, which is also one of the top powers, only has three powerful people. Even with the fighting power of jianwushuang, there are only four powerful people. Compared with LingXiao palace, it is indeed a lot worse.

If it weren't for the relationship of the master of the Xingchen palace, with the strength of the LingXiao palace, I'm afraid it could crush the stars.

"The nine gods in Lingxiao temple are strong and weak. Among them, there are three standing at the top of the gods. As for the two gods, they are Tianling God Emperor and Tianxiao God Emperor. These two gods are the oldest existence of Lingxiao temple and the two creators of Lingxiao temple. Among these two people, Tianling God Emperor is the most powerful!"

"This Tianling God Emperor has become famous for a long time, much earlier than my palace master, and his strength has already reached the top of the God Emperor, which is better than the palace master. He is also a famous super strong in the eternal chaos world." Yuan hall main road.

But Jian Wushuang frowned.

Now he can face off against the strong God Emperor, even if he meets the God Emperor at the level of blood and bone God Emperor again, he can not be afraid, but if he is the top God Emperor, he is not absolutely sure.

Fortunately, the Lord of the yuan hall added: "this Tianling God Emperor is arrogant. Once he reached the top of the God Emperor, he has been trying to attack the great emperor. To break through the great emperor, it is certainly not possible to rely on his own cultivation. He must look for opportunities. Therefore, over the years, this Tianling God Emperor has been wandering in the second nest and will come back every hundreds of thousands of years."