At the treasure competition meeting, so many factions participated in the treasure competition, but thunder palace ignored everyone. As long as LingXiao palace opened its mouth, it immediately participated in the bidding.

This is clearly looking for the bad luck of LingXiao palace!

"Thunder palace, are you crazy?"

"Crazy, must be crazy."

"I'm afraid the thunder palace is a little complacent because its strength has improved a lot over the years?"

"Tut Tut, in my opinion, the thunder palace is looking for death. Such a blatant provocation of the Lingxiao temple, if I were the blood empty God, I would immediately destroy the thunder palace as soon as the treasure competition was over."

Whispers rang out, and the strong men from all factions in the presence waited with great interest to see the next good play.

Of course, some people's eyes shrink secretly, and they vaguely realize that this thing is not as simple as it seems.

Several strong people who came to LingXiao Temple gathered together, and their faces were a little ugly. Only the leader, the blood sky true God, showed a bloodthirsty smile, "it seems that I have not acted in Lingxiao temple for many years, and the outside world has not known the horror of my Lingxiao temple. Even some people of night dare to provoke openly."

"Hum, it's just a thundering palace. Don't be a powerful person. Even there is no strong person on the list of true gods. Such a sect, my Lingxiao temple will be destroyed in an instant. When the treasure competition is over, we will immediately kill all the people who came to the treasure competition in thundering Palace this time." A chaotic Shinto in Lingxiao temple.

"No, this time, it's not as simple as you think." Xuekong Zhenshen smiled strangely, "how can this thunder palace, and how dare it provoke my LingXiao palace? Their palace master, is not stupid enough to be like this, and now that he dares to do so, it must be something to rely on. Just because of us, it's better not to act rashly."

"Well, Lord red star is not far from here anyway. I summoned him and asked him to come here in person. If Lord red star takes action in person, no matter what support is behind the thunder palace, he can be flattened."

Hearing this, several strong people in LingXiao Temple nodded heavily.

They also have absolute confidence in the red star.

At this moment, in the independent room watched by many powerful people, the true gods of thunder palace stood there, their faces pale and their bodies trembled.

"Sir, what we offend now is Lingxiao temple?" Thunder palace master murmured.

In front of Leiming palace master, there was a young man wearing a blood robe and carrying a long sword. This man was naturally unparalleled in sword.

Jian Wushuang leisurely held a cup of tea and drank there. Hearing the words of Lei Ming Palace master, Jian Wushuang smiled faintly, "why, Lei Ming Palace master seems to be afraid?"

"Of course I'm afraid." Leiming palace leader continued, "that LingXiao palace is one of the top forces in the eternal chaotic world. There are more than a dozen powerful people alone. Sending any one is enough to completely destroy my Leiming palace. On this vast land, this LingXiao palace is heaven, and my Leiming palace has always been in awe of it."

Lei Ming Palace master's face was bitter.

LingXiao palace, for thunder palace, is a behemoth. If it weren't for the force of the unparalleled sword, he wouldn't dare to provoke the former with his two courage.

But now, he can't help it. After all, their lives are in the hands of unparalleled swords, and they can't help struggling.

What jianwushuang asked them to do, they had to comply honestly.

"Don't worry, the Lingxiao temple is not as terrible as you think, and if the strong in the Lingxiao temple really kill the door, I will fight against it. As for you, it's OK to be forced by me at that time. It's no big deal to accompany a crime." Jian Wushuang laughed.

Leiming palace leader is more bitter.

You know, LingXiao palace has always been domineering. This time, Leiming palace offended it so badly. Even if there is a reason for it, it is not easy to understand it with a sin.

"Don't worry, as I told you before, you can get back all the treasures that LingXiao Temple likes." Jian Wushuang continued to drink tea.

Lei Ming Palace master stirred his throat. Although his heart was full of reluctance, he had to act honestly according to Jian Wushuang's instructions.

However, the LingXiao palace seemed to be interested next. Most of the remaining treasures had never bid again, and the Leiming palace master naturally could not compete.

Soon, the largest treasure competition in Canghai and the mainland ended.

The strong men from all factions came out of the Vientiane building one after another, but as soon as they came out of the Vientiane building, they were stunned by the emptiness in front of them.

On the void outside the Vientiane building before, there were dozens of figures suspended. Each breath of these dozens of figures was very strong. The weakest was the eternal true God, of which the chaotic true God was in the majority. The blood empty true God was also among the crowd, but at this moment he was no longer the leader.

The real leader is a white haired old man standing quietly in the front with a snake head crutch and slightly squinting eyes.

The old man with white eyebrows didn't emit any breath, and he was the least noticeable among the dozens. However, such a person shocked many strong people present.

"It's the Red Star old monster!"

"Red Star God King of Lingxiao temple, powerful!"

"If the powerful person comes in person, the thunder palace will be miserable!"

"Sure enough, not everyone in Lingxiao hall can offend and provoke. A powerful person can easily destroy thunder Palace by himself."

Outside the Vientiane building, countless strong people stayed there and did not leave immediately, and the field was also very noisy.

Anyone who participated in this treasure competition will know that Leiming palace took the initiative to provoke LingXiao palace. How can it tolerate Lingxiao Palace's style of behavior? It was at the treasure competition meeting before that, fearing the face of the Vientiane tower, Lingxiao hall didn't directly fight, but now... Look at this posture, as soon as the strong man of thunder palace comes out, he will be directly killed by Lingxiao hall.

Under the expectation and gaze of many strong men, the true gods of the thundering palace slowly came out of the Vientiane building, headed by the bitter faced thundering palace master.

As soon as I walked out of the Vientiane tower, I saw dozens of figures suspended in front of me, as well as the Red Star God King in front of me. The thunder palace master's voice suddenly dried up, forcing his fear to suppress. Just then, I said, "thunder palace, Lei Tao, have you seen the Red Star God King and LingXiao palace."

"Lei Tao, in your eyes of thunder palace, is there still my Lingxiao temple?" The blood empty God looked down.

"This..." what did leader Lei Ming just think.

The Red Star God Jun's eyes suddenly opened, and his fierce light flashed.