On the void, Jian Wushuang stood there like a sculpture, and his eyes showed a rare trace of fear, staring at the figure in front of him.

The man, a white robe like snow, was not contaminated with a trace of dust. He was slender and stood in the void with his hands on his back. No breath spread from him, just like air.

However, such a person has a pair of deep eyes that are arrogant enough to overlook hundreds of millions of sentient beings, and even heaven and earth can cover up.

He stood there, without any action or words, but he completely lost the light of heaven and earth.

The appearance of this man made the sword's unparalleled scalp completely burst.

He knew that this lonely figure in white robe was the person at the bottom of Yinfeng Valley, at the other end of the jade, but this person was clearly at the bottom of Yinfeng Valley, and Jian Wushuang immediately chose to flee as soon as he realized something was wrong. As a result, he had just escaped a short distance, but this person was already waiting for him in front of him.

What means is this?

"The sword is unparalleled. The man in front of you is very strong, really strong!" The voice of Gu Wang with shock and horror also sounded in jianwushuang's heart.

"Nonsense, do you have to say that?" Jian Wushuang secretly scolded.

Of course, he knew that the man in front of him was terrible.

Among the many strong men he had seen, including several ancient strong men he had seen, even though one star Weng and long Qi felt unparalleled to the sword, they could not be compared with the proud figure in white robes in front of him. I'm afraid the only one that could be compared was the owner of long Qi, the handsome black haired man who had been sleeping in the coffin.

If the handsome black haired man wakes up, he may be able to compete with the man in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, Jian Wushuang bowed in the direction of the white robed arrogant figure, "I have no intention to offend you, but I hope you can atone."

At the same time, Jian Wushuang was also quite nervous.

You know, this time, he really offended the proud man in white robe.

The white robed arrogant man was obviously sleeping at the bottom of the Yinfeng valley or healing, but as a result, Jian Wushuang suddenly rushed to his sleeping place and woke him up... Comparing his heart to his heart, Jian Wushuang asked himself that if someone forcibly broke in when he was healing himself or in isolation, he would be very angry.

In addition, the white robed arrogant man's strength is so desperate that if he really wants to kill jianwushuang, jianwushuang absolutely has no room for struggle.

Therefore, jianwushuang can only expect the former to calm down.

"Unparalleled sword?"

The white robed arrogant man, who was carrying his hands and quietly suspended in the void, looked at Jian Wushuang with the eyes as deep as the vast stars, and murmured a little at the corners of his mouth. Then his right hand was slowly extended, pointing in the direction of Jian Wushuang.

"Not good!" Jian Wushuang's face changed greatly.

There was a reaction at the first time. I saw a flash of light rushing out of him, impressively the bronze armored soldiers and four silver armored soldiers.

All the Taoist soldiers carried by Jian Wushuang were taken out. Although he knew that with these Taoist soldiers, he could not stop each other at all, but at the moment of life and death, he could stop as long as he could.

His majestic divine power is burning madly, and he has already cast the dragon blood secret skill, ready to run for his life.

But at this moment, a terrible force suddenly came, instantly blocking all the time and space around him.

Jian Wushuang still stood there. The burning divine power immediately stopped, even stopped running. Let alone running for his life, he could not move his body alone.

"Can't move, my body can't move at all?" Sword peerless stared.

At this moment, he also clearly sensed the irreparable strength gap of the other party.

The lonely man in white robe just pointed out with a finger that he had no resistance at all. That finger easily bypassed many soldiers, and finally fell on jianwushuang, and just fell on the center of jianwushuang's eyebrows.

Jian Wushuang's body immediately shook and did not suffer any damage, but he found that there was a special mark in his body.

This mark seemed to belong to the unparalleled sword originally, and was deeply imprinted there.

Jian Wushuang was still stunned, but he found that the white robed arrogant man had a slight illusion, but his body shape had slowly dissipated.

Before long, the lonely man in white disappeared completely.

Heaven and earth, calm down again.

Jian Wushuang still stood in the void, but found that his palm and back had been soaked with sweat.

"The man just now didn't want to kill me?" Jian Wushuang's heart moved.

The man really didn't want to kill him, just left a special mark in his body, and then left.

"Obviously, I offended him, but he didn't scold or talk nonsense. He just left a mark in my body and left?" Jian Wushuang was stunned. "What does he really want to do?"

Jian Wushuang has also carefully examined the mark. It is really just a pure mark, but the technique is relatively special. Neither Jian Wushuang nor Gu Wang can completely remove this mark.

But beyond that, the mark has no effect.

What did the proud man in white leave a mark in his body for?

"This man is so strange!" The sword muttered.

Strange, indeed strange.

After appearing, he didn't show any anger, didn't ask jianwushuang any questions, and didn't even bother to say a word.

But he did not kill jianwushuang, but left a mark in his jianwushuang body.

In this way, Jian Wushuang completely couldn't guess his purpose.

"No matter what his purpose is, in short, this time, I have picked up a life." The sword has no double happiness.

He was really worried that the proud man in white would directly kill him. If the latter did, he was afraid that he would not survive if he did all he could.

"There are too many secrets hidden in this ancient battlefield, and there are countless hidden strongmen. Even if most of these ancient strongmen are underestimated, they still want to kill me easily. Like the one just now, it seems that I have to be more careful when I wander in this ancient battlefield in the future." Jian Wushuang thought secretly.

After seeing this lonely man in white robe, Jian Wushuang was no longer interested in the Yin wind valley.

Next, he naturally went to other special places.

This ancient battlefield was found only by Qinghuo palace, but there are dozens of special places that cannot be explored because of their weak strength. These places are unparalleled swords to explore.