Fairy Luo's words stunned everyone present.

A fight?

One ranked 21st and the other ranked 22nd. Are these two strong players going to fight?

Is it really just because of an emperor sword sect?

"Sword monarch, let's fight head-on. If you win, Emperor Jianmen will apologize if it should apologize, and those who should apologize. I will never interfere again, but if I win, I can still guarantee that emperor Jianmen will never embarrass you again, but apologizing is avoided." Luo fairy said.

"Yes." Jian Wushuang agreed directly without thinking about it. "I heard the name of fairy Luo long ago, and I also want to learn a thing or two."

"Then please." Fairy Luo said, but there was an extra purple soft sword in her hand.

Luo Xianzi is also a strong person who is good at kendo.

Seeing Luo Xianzi's action, many strong men who were watching the battle were looking forward to it.

Although jianwushuang also shot before, his opponent was only an emperor sword sect. Although there were seven powerful people, plus the emperor sword sect master, the peak God Emperor, there was no room for struggle in the face of jianwushuang, and fairy Kolo was completely different.

In terms of ranking, Luo Xianzi is even higher than Jian Wushuang.

There is no doubt that the war between these two people will be wonderful.

"Fairy Luo, be careful."

The sword peerless smiled faintly. While his voice fell, three Hongjun golden swords suspended in front of him burst out instantly.

Three bright golden lights appeared in front of fairy Luo in an instant.

Fairy Luo just glanced at three golden lights and picked the long sword in her hand at will.

There was a purple light shining in front of the three Hongjun gold swords, like a meteor.

Dang! Dang! Dang!

At this moment, the three Hongjun golden swords that defeated the emperor sword sect leader were directly shocked out.

Although the three Hongjun golden swords came again with a slight shock, fairy Luo still just waved the sword simply, and easily resisted the three Hongjun golden swords.

In terms of strength, power and speed, Luo Xianzi's swordsmanship is no weaker than Hongjun golden sword.

"Sword Lord, when you defeated the Wu Luo palace master before, didn't you use four golden swords at the same time? Why are there only three now?" While fighting with the three golden swords, fairy Luo still heard laughter, which was obviously easy.

"As you wish."

Unparalleled sword did not hesitate. With a move of mind, the fourth Hongjun golden sword immediately burst out.

The four handles went out at the same time, and the terrible speed completely broke out, and the pressure of Luo fairy suddenly increased.

But suddenly, the fairy Luo's body was slightly illusory, and an identical figure appeared beside her. This figure also held a long sword, and the swordsmanship was still extremely strong, but in terms of power, it was weaker than her seat.

"Is this the fairy Luo's magic divine separation?" Jian Wushuang's heart moved.

Jian Wushuang also knows something about the fairy Luo. He knows that the fairy Luo has a magic God.

This magic divine separation was refined from a special secret skill left over from ancient times when fairy Luo once wandered in the ancient secret place.

This secret skill first needs to refine a magic God at a great cost, and then integrate your own blood essence into this magic God in a special way, so that your consciousness can perfectly control this magic God.

When there is a fierce battle, you can directly separate a trace of consciousness to control this magic God, so that this magic God can display the same secret arts and attack methods as yourself, which is equivalent to an extra self.

Like Jian Wushuang, there are many Taoist soldiers in his hands. These Taoist soldiers obviously have the power of the powerful person level, but their combat power is greatly reduced because they can't display the attack secret arts or other means, and Luo Xianzi's magic God separation can let the magic God display the same sword skills as himself.

This secret skill is excellent.

At the beginning, it also made many strong people greedy, but later, fairy Luo directly announced the cultivation method of this secret skill, which instantly made those people lose interest.

Because with the present eternal chaotic world, there is no way to refine a new magic God.

Fairy Luo was also lucky at the beginning. When she got this secret skill, she just got a magic God, so she had her magic God separation.

The magic God separated himself, and also showed the most powerful sword skill. With the master of fairy Luo, he could easily resist the four Hongjun golden swords.

And at the same time of resisting, Luo fairy's original and magic God are separated, and they are still approaching the sword unparalleled.

"It seems that with Hongjun golden sword alone, how can we not help this fairy Luo?"

Jian Wushuang smiled and was not surprised.

A strong blood breath broke out from jianwushuang.

The unparalleled body of the sword suddenly soared, and the skin of the whole body instantly turned into black jade. On the tall body, heads and arms also extended out.

Seven heads and fourteen arms!

Every strong arm holds a long sword tightly.

At the next moment, the sword leaped out without double body shape.


Jian Wushuang had a long sword in his hand, carrying the momentum of thunder, and directly hit Luo fairy in front of him fiercely.

Fairy Luo's sword was full of meaning, and the long sword in her hand turned into continuous waves in an instant, and came up.

The unparalleled long sword was cleaved out. It was clearly cleaved on Luo Xianzi's soft sword, which gave him the feeling that it was like cleaving on a ball of cotton, and he couldn't find any sense of strength at all.

"What strange swordsmanship?" Wushuang's heart moved, but then his eyes flashed.,

Fourteen long swords waved wildly.

As for the four Hongjun golden swords, they were not affected at all, and continued to rush frantically at fairy Luo.

His close combat ability is perfectly combined with four Hongjun golden swords!

The unparalleled strength of the sword broke out completely.

"While he was fully controlling the four golden swords, he was able to fight close with me?" Fairy Luo's face slightly changed.

Jian Wushuang became famous in two battles, one with Hong Tianbao and the other with the Lord of Wu Luo palace.

In those two wars, jianwushuang used Hongjun golden sword, but when he controlled the impact of Hongjun golden sword, he himself stayed beside him in the void.

This makes many people have the illusion that it is not easy to control the golden sword with unparalleled sword. They must control it with all their strength and can no longer be distracted to fight.

But now the unparalleled sword is fighting with her face-to-face, and the four golden swords are still pounding at her.

Obviously, these two can exist at the same time.

In fact, the unparalleled Hongjun golden sword was originally controlled by the power of soul, which had nothing to do with whether he fought close.

It's equivalent to the power of urging his soul in the fight. It's very easy and won't be affected at all.