"By the way, I met a mysterious strong man on my way back from emperor Jianmen." Jian Wushuang briefly narrated the process of meeting the boatman in black.

"The boatman in black, his strength is extremely terrible. He even took out a strange bead, which erupted into a blow that is no less than the power of the emperor. Lord yuan, you know more about the Holy Alliance than I do. Do you know the origin of the boatman in black?"

"Boatman in black?" The Lord of the yuan hall frowned slightly, "in the eternal chaotic world, there are indeed some strong men who are extremely powerful but have no reputation at all. They obviously have no less than the fighting power of the God Emperor, but they are unknown in the supreme list of heaven and earth. However, there are not many such strong men, and the palace master you call the boatman in black."

"According to what you said, the strength of the black boatman is enough to rank in the top three among the many gods in the supreme list of heaven and earth. Such a strong man is really not among the people I know."

"No?" Jian Wushuang shook his head secretly, and his heart was helpless.

He guessed that the boatman in black might have been sent by the emperor.

But he couldn't figure out which emperor it was.

"Forget it, ignore him for the time being. The top priority now is to deal with the crisis that my star pulse may encounter next." Jian Wushuang took a deep breath.

Two hundred years, only two hundred years left.

Two hundred years later, the storm will come.

During these two hundred years, jianwushuang didn't go out anymore, but stayed quietly on the sword star for retreating and retreating.

His latent cultivation is naturally the emperor sword skill obtained from the emperor sword palace!

He understood the three types of imperial swordsmanship. Each of these three types of imperial swordsmanship is earth shattering. What sword peerless has to do now is to control the first type as much as possible in these two hundred years.

As long as he has mastered the sword technique of one type, it means that he has another heavy killing move.

time lapse

In the 1000 years when jianwushuang went to the emperor's sword palace to realize, the eternal chaotic world seemed extremely calm, not to mention those powerful people of shengmeng who are now jianwushuang back, naturally dare not make waves.

In a flash, 200 years have passed.

The ancient secret place, which was only opened once every five million years, will only be opened for 10000 years each time.

Now, the 10000 year deadline has finally come to an end.

There are four entrances to the vast ancient secret land, all of which are huge.

With the expiration of the tenthousand year period, the strong men who wandered in the ancient secret land also came out of these four entrances one after another during this period.

One of the entrances.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The light flashed, and then two shadows stepped out of the huge space wormhole.

These two people are yunsuo Shenjun and Liquan Shenjun respectively.

These are two powerful top gods. These years, the two have been working together to wander in the ancient secret place. Once they wander down, they also have a lot of gains.

And when the two stepped out of the wormhole

"Huh?" The yunsuo God King suddenly paused and looked around in surprise, "how can there be so many people?"

Yunsuo Shenjun can see a large number of figures around the entrance. These figures have strong or weak strength, and within the scope of his soul power perception, he also senses that there are many breath hidden in the nearby void, and the number is not a small number.

"In the past, the ancient secret place was closed. Although there were some strong people waiting outside, most of them were just spies from some intelligence organizations, and there were far fewer in number." Yun Suo God Jun was surprised.

"Liquan, do you know what's going on?" Yunsuo God looked at the Lequan God beside him.

"Well, I heard some." Liquan God Jun smiled and said, "I heard that not long ago, there was a news from the Vientiane tower that the master of the Star Palace, who was in the same vein of stars, fell, and it fell in the ancient secret land. However, this news was only speculated by the Vientiane tower, and could not be confirmed."

"Over the years, many powerful people in the Holy Alliance want to test the reality of the star pulse. Even Jiuyou palace has fought with the star pulse in person, but until now, it is still not confirmed. Now the ancient secret place is about to be closed. This is an opportunity to completely confirm whether the Star Palace master has fallen. Of course, many people have come."

"I see." Yunsuo God couldn't help exclaiming, "the terrible Star Palace master, unexpectedly fell?"

"Now I don't know whether it's true or false, but when the ancient secret place is completely closed, we can judge whether the Lord of the Star Palace comes out of the ancient secret place. Otherwise, we'll wait here." Lequan Shenjun road.

"OK." Yunsuo God nodded immediately.

At this entrance, more and more powerful people gathered, and many of them were spies from various forces.

Not only at this entrance, but also at the other four entrances, a large number of spies have been staring at it for a long time.

Since the news of the fall of the Star Palace master spread, these spies have been staring here.

No matter whether the master of the Star Palace comes out from any entrance, all forces of the holy alliance can get the news at the first time, but until now, I haven't seen any shadow of the master of the Star Palace.

As time goes by, it is getting closer and closer to the complete closure of the ancient secret land.

"Only the last half hour is left!"

"Half an hour later, the ancient secret place will be closed again!"

"All the strong men who have been wandering in the ancient secret place for these years, who are still alive, have already come out of the ancient secret place, but the Star Palace master has not seen a trace until now. It seems that the speculation of the Vientiane tower is true!"

"Hum, I guessed that the old star monster was dead long ago, but I'm not completely sure, but now I can be sure."

The strongmen of all forces have their eyes fixed here.

When they saw that the closed time was getting closer and closer, and the master of the Star Palace still had no trace, these strong men were determined.

Half an hour, it will be over soon.

"Ten breaths, only the last ten."

"The master of the Star Palace, it seems that he really can't get out!"

"It is certain that the master of the Star Palace is dead."

The strongmen of all forces are lamenting.

Soon, under the calculation of these strong people, the time of those ten breaths was over.

Ten thousand years, it's time!

According to the principle, as soon as the time comes, the four entrances of the ancient secret land begin to repair and close.

But now, the four entrances have not changed at all.

The four huge wormholes in the space are also motionless, without any signs of contraction and closure.

"What's going on?"

"The time has clearly arrived. Why are these four entrances not closed?"

"Are we mistaken? It's not time for the ancient secret place to be closed again?"