"Yan respects the old dog, kills my husband, kills my daughter, and I can't wait to drink its blood and eat its meat!!" The God Emperor was extremely cold in the cold night.

The hatred between her and Yan Zun is too great.

Unfortunately, her strength is not enough, and she can't revenge at all, but as long as she has a chance, she will try her best to deal with Yan Zun.

Even if Yan Zun only loses some face, it is enough to make her pay a heavy price to fight for it.

This is hatred!

"I can promise to go to Yan Zun and help you breathe." The sword is unparalleled.

"Thank you, sword Lord." The God Emperor was very happy in the cold night.

"Wait for me right here." Jian Wushuang said, and turned away to find Yan Zun.

This ancient battlefield is vast, many of which are still in unexplored areas.

And in this ancient battlefield, one of the void is where the space gap is.

Hum ~ towering palaces or attics stand tall there, forming a continuous group of buildings.

This building complex was built by the Holy Alliance on this ancient battlefield.

Countless strong people in the Holy Alliance have been wandering in this battlefield all year round, and of course, they also need a place to live and rest, so the holy alliance has built a building complex here.

Many strong members of the holy alliance will return to this building complex if they are tired of wandering in this ancient battlefield.

At this moment, sword peerless has come before this building group.

"Yan Zun!"

The magnificent voice came from Jian Wushuang's mouth and spread widely.

Many strong saints in the building complex heard this voice, including Yan Zun, of course.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two figures swept out of the building group at the first time.

In addition to the Yan Zun, there is a Weian middle-aged man in golden armor.

"Oh, Tianyue emperor is also there?" Jian Wushuang glanced at the golden armor's Wei'an middle-aged man.

In the eternal chaotic world, there are a full number of thirteen emperors in the Holy Alliance alone, and ten of these thirteen emperors are the masters of the holy land.

The emperor of the heavenly mountains was the Lord of the holy land of that day.

In fact, among the great emperors, the power should belong to the lower middle level.

"It's the sword monarch."

Yan Zun and Tianyue emperor, when they saw the unparalleled sword, their eyes flashed a different color.

Both of them had noticed the breath of God King level on Dao jianwushuang, and knew that jianwushuang had broken through.

"I don't know why the sword Lord came to me?" Yan Zun looked at the sword with a faint smile.

He didn't have any hatred with Jian Wushuang before. Even when the strength of Jian Wushuang hasn't grown up, he didn't show any killing intention to Jian Wushuang.

Therefore, he did not worry that sword peerless would be bad for him.

Jian Wushuang smiled and said, "Yan Zun, you see, I just broke through, and I haven't been able to accurately judge my own strength yet, so I found Yan Zun and wanted to challenge you."

"Challenge?" Yan Zun was stunned.

In the eternal chaotic world, it is normal for ordinary practitioners to challenge each other.

However, the strength reaches the level of the great emperor, and they attach great importance to their own identity. They will not take the initiative to challenge each other without a certain reason.

But the sword is unparalleled

Although puzzled, Yan Zun laughed and said, "that's it. It's better for us to find an independent space and fight a good battle."

"Independent space? No, this ancient battlefield is so huge, just a peripheral war." Sword peerless smiled.

Joking, he deliberately came to trouble and wanted Yan Zun to lose some face. If it was a fight in an independent space, it would be the two of them. No one else saw it. Even if Yan Zun lost, his face would not be damaged at all.

"Right here?" Yan Zun frowned, and the bottom of his heart was even more strange.

"Yan Zun, you're ready. I'm going to fight." The sword unparalleled smiled strangely, but its body shape had moved.


Jian Wushuang's body was like a ghost, and a fantasy had appeared in front of Yan Zun.

And the blood peak sword behind him has also been out of its sheath.

"Reincarnation swordsmanship..."


The sword light is directly cut down, as if it contains a complete reincarnation. The sword peerless has already achieved the ultimate explosion of its own divine power and the ancient blood force.

This sword is enough to split the sky.

"I'm unparalleled with this sword for no reason. He came to challenge me inexplicably and didn't go to independent space. What does he mean?"

"No matter what he means, since he wants to fight, I'll fight with him. Anyway, he alone, even if he has broken through, it's only the general emperor's combat power at most, and I can deal with it easily."

"I'll send him away after fighting with him for a while."

Yan Zun was still trying to figure out the intention of jianwushuang, and he meditated again until jianwushuang appeared in front of him, and when a sword came, he didn't come back to God.

"This sword..."

Yan Zun's face changed fiercely, and a red battle axe immediately appeared in his hands.

This battle axe contains a raging flame, and it also suddenly swings out.


One axe seems to be enough to burn everything in the world.

Although Yan Zun was at the bottom among the great emperors, his strength was also extraordinary.

However, at the moment when the red axe collided with the unparalleled blood peak sword.


Yan Zun's whole divine body was suddenly shocked, and his breath was also churning up, and then his whole body was blasted out like a shell.

On the way out of the explosion, his figure was still rolling, and it took a long time for his figure to stop.

After standing firmly, Yan Zun couldn't help looking at his hands. His right hand was numb at the moment, and there was a faint pain coming.

"How is it possible?" Yan Zun was already full of horror.

He just thought that even if the sword was unparalleled, it would be at most the general emperor's combat power.

Although he is at the bottom of the great emperor, it should not be a problem to deal with an unparalleled sword.

But the result... A single sword, the terror power contained in it, had blinded him.

This sword contains too much power.

From this sword, he has seen that the unparalleled strength of the sword will never be weaker than him, or even stronger than him.

At least in terms of power, he is far from being unparalleled with the sword.

"Haha, Yan Zun, today you and I will fight happily!"

Jian Wushuang laughed, his body was fierce, and on his soaring body, heads and arms appeared.

Nine heads and eighteen arms!!

Nine heads and eighteen arms, the sword unparalleled master of this secret art, has reached the extreme.

At the same time, Jian Wushuang has also taken out a token.

This token is a mirror token, specifically for recording this battle.

"Come on!"

The fierce sword was unparalleled, and came to Yan Zun again. His 18 arms waved one after another, and he fought directly with Yan Zun.