"Crazy! Crazy!"

"The people of the three emperors are crazy. Everyone is killing crazily. Kill anyone you see!"

"Too many people died. I was in a city and saw with my own eyes that countless cultivators in a city almost died in such crazy killing!"

Messages were delivered to the ears of jianwushuang and Baidi at the fastest speed.

The blood light covered the whole Sanhuang realm, and the endless cultivators in the Sanhuang realm, whether they were boundary gods or true gods, could not reach them, and all turned into crazy demons, but those with strong strength also turned into crazy demons at a slower speed.

However, the blood light was hardly able to affect the powerful people. Those powerful people in the eternal chaos world camp who fell within the realm of the three emperors were not affected by the blood light.

But they saw with their own eyes the crazy killing of countless powerful men in the realm of the three emperors.

"Bastard!" The White Emperor shouted angrily.

"It's not even as good as an animal!" Sword peerless stared at the blood Lord in front, and the killing intention in the bottom of my heart also reached an unprecedented level.

Before, they saw that the blood Lord and others did not hesitate to sacrifice many strong men under his command to turn them into crazy demons for their own purposes, and their purpose was to open the anti blood array.

Such deeds have disgusted jianwushuang and others.

But now the blood Lord has done more than before.

Before, it was only for those cultivators above the chaotic realm, but now the blood Lord actually extended his claws to the endless cultivators in the realm of the three emperors.

You know, some of the cultivators in the realm of the three emperors are still weak, and they are all innocent people, and their number is even larger.

That is definitely hundreds of millions of ordinary cultivators.

Among these ordinary cultivators, there are many young talents with newborn babies and strong hearts.

Even though the sword is unparalleled, they are clearly in the hostile camp, but they are in humanity. After occupying the Imperial City, they carry out a big sweep, and only those who are at the highest level of the three emperors' world are sweeping away, and those below the chaos true God, the eternal chaos world does not intend to take action.

Even the enemy camp.

But now, this blood Lord is clearly the leader of the three emperors. Fortunately, it makes Jian unparalleled. They, the strong of the hostile camp, feel heartfelt anger!

The blood light covers the whole Sanhuang realm, turning countless cultivators in the Sanhuang realm into crazy demons, killing each other, and finally turning the Sanhuang realm into a hell on earth!

This is a devil like means!!

"If we try to kill the blood Lord now, can the formation stop?" Sword unparalleled low way.

"No." The White Emperor shook his head, "the formation has been completely arranged, and many cultivators in the three emperors' world have become crazy. At this moment, even if we kill the blood Lord, we can't make those cultivators who fall into the crazy state recover. They will continue to kill until they die completely."

"Besides, it's not easy to kill the blood owner?"

White Emperor said the truth.

This great array power has been exerted, and countless cultivators in the three emperors' world have been completely turned into crazy demons. At this time, even if the great array stops, nothing can be changed.

What's more, if you want to kill the blood Lord, how can you make this formation so easy?

If he could kill the blood Lord, the White Emperor would have done it long ago. The key is that he can't do it.

"Bastard, if I could destroy the anti blood formation before..." the sword has no double-sided color, but it is full of helplessness.

He did his best.

I tried my best to destroy the anti blood formation, but failed.

The White Emperor took a deep breath, and his expression was much calmer than that of Wushuang sword.

He is a strong man left over from the first era, and his life is much longer than that of sword peerless.

In such a long time, he has seen too many disasters.

For example, when the first era collapsed, countless cultivators fell, and the scene was much more terrifying than the three emperors at the moment.

The White Emperor watched helplessly.

Therefore, although he is full of compassion for the experience of the three emperors, it is only pity.

And in the void ahead, five people, blood Lord, burning Zun, dust rain devil, lengruxue and Ba Jia, stood together.

Among the five people, the blood Lord, the burning Zun, and the dust rain demon king all have extremely cold faces, and have no mercy on the experience of those ordinary cultivators in the realm of the three emperors.

Cold as snow, Liu Mei slightly clustered up and didn't speak.

As for that Ba Gu, he was extremely trembling at the moment. He even regretted joining the camp of the three emperors' world. Although the camp of the three emperors' world did greatly increase his strength, now the means of the blood Lord and others, even though he was trembling.

"Blood Lord, how is it going?" Burning Zun asked casually.

"Although it was not long at first, as we expected before, cultivators in this field, as long as they do not reach the chaotic state, no one can resist this formation, and now they have turned into crazy demons fighting madly."

"The more they kill, the more blood and gas they provide to my formation. By now, 30% of the cultivators in this world should have died." The blood Lord smiled, his smile was like a devil, like the dead 30% cultivator, just like the mole ants everywhere.

"Thirty percent? How about the absorbed blood gas?" Burning Zun then asked.

"It's not bad. If it goes on like this, when all the cultivators in this world die, the blood gas of this large array has been completely saved." Blood dominates the way.

The anti blood formation is an extremely vicious formation that he spent a long time studying.

The power source of this formation is endless blood.

How do you get these blood gases? Naturally, it is caused by the crazy killing of the strong.

Like the previous crazy killing in the holy land of the blood emperor, many cultivators in the three emperors turned into crazy demons and blew themselves up one by one. A large number of strong people fell, and a large amount of blood gas was generated. With these blood gas, this large array just began to operate.

But it is only a preliminary operation.

To make this array really exert the power they want, they need more blood and gas.

As a result, just now there was a scene of blood light covering the entire three emperors.

Now the crazy killing in the realm of the three emperors is to provide an endless stream of power for the blood and gas of this large array.

"Huh? Forty percent." The blood Lord opened his mouth again.

But it's only a short time.

Before, only 30% of cultivators died. After a while, they reached 40%?

Although only 10%, compared with the endless cultivators in the realm of the three emperors, I don't know how many billion cultivators.

After a while, the cultivators who died in the realm of the three emperors increased from 30% to 40%?

How terrible is the falling speed?


The White Emperor let out a low drink and just spit out a word.

But this word contains endless killing intention.

"Kill them." Sword unparalleled body also has a killing intention to soar.

Although they can't stop the operation of the formation, they will never watch like this.
