"Die together?" The sword matchless cannot help but move.

"Yes, that war was the result of dying together. In the first era, countless cultivators and many emperors almost died in that war, and the first era also collapsed because of it. However, the strong people who came from the primordial divine world, under the death war of many strong people in the first era, all died not much, and only three people survived." Baidi road.

"Three people? Are these three people..." Jian Wushuang suddenly stared.

"It seems that you have guessed that the three people are the blood emperor, the burning statue and the dust rain demon king." Baidi road.

"That's true." Sword peerless secretly exclaimed.

He had always thought that the blood emperor, the burning Zun, and the dust rain demon king were also the three ancient strongmen who had fallen asleep since the ancient war, and only woke up in advance.

But I didn't expect that these three people didn't sleep at all since ancient times.

Perhaps all three of them had participated in the ancient war, but obviously they escaped in advance, and did not come again until the first era passed through the passage of heaven and earth.

"After these three people survived from the first era, they did not stop, but began to expand their forces and prepare for the future war. Only then did they have the birth of the Three Kingdoms, the bloody gate and the yellow spring palace. As for their strength, they have been maintained through a large number of resources and treasures, which made the realm not fall." Bai Di said.

The sword was unparalleled, but then his face became dignified. "Since the last time the passage of heaven and earth was opened, a group of strong people from the primordial divine world came, then it was opened. Will there be strong people coming again?"

"That's what I'm worried about." The White Emperor said in a low voice, "in the first era, the strong are like clouds. In the face of the strong who came from the Taichu divine world, we can only fight together and die together. In this era, the strength of our eternal chaos world is far inferior to that of the first era. Moreover, we have experienced a war with the camp of the three emperors before, and our vitality has not completely recovered. At this juncture, if another group of strong people come from the Taichu divine world, I can't resist the eternal chaos world!"

The sword is ugly without double-sided color.

He knew very well how great the gap between the eternal chaotic world and the first era was.

Although there are two supreme powers in the eternal chaotic world, he and Baidi, he and Baidi may not be able to deal with the siege of a large number of third level emperors.

"Don't worry, we still have 3900 years to go. Moreover, it's still uncertain whether they will have a strong one again this time." Jian Wushuang said, but immediately took out a messenger token.

"Emperor thirteen is one of the top powers in ancient times. He knows more about the formation that exists in this world. Let me ask him first."

"Emperor thirteen." Immediately, sword peerless summoned emperor thirteen.

"What's up?" Emperor thirteen soon came back, but his voice was still so indifferent.

"Yes." In 3900 years, the end of the world will open a passage between heaven and earth. In addition, many ancient strong people wake up. I simply told emperor 13 about it. In addition, sword matchless also explains the current situation of the eternal chaotic world.

"Heaven and earth passage?" Emperor 13 pondered for a moment and directly replied, "you don't need to worry about this passage of heaven and earth. The big array of heaven and earth is not as simple as you think. If those old guys in the early days of the first era of the divine world can also find a way to open up the space channel and send a group of strong people in, then with the operation of the big array to the present, the suppression of that day is getting stronger and stronger, and the power of the big array is getting better and better."

"Now in the Taichu divine world, even if those old guys all work together, I'm afraid they need the help of some precious treasures before they can barely get through a passage of heaven and earth, and this passage of heaven and earth will never last too long. At most, it's just a moment of Kung Fu. As for sending strong people into this world again, it's a dream!"

Emperor shisan said categorically, obviously with absolute confidence.

Hearing the words, Jian Wushuang also relaxed.

"Emperor shisan is a super strong man who stands at the top in the Taichu divine world, and he is also the best at this large array of heaven and earth. Since he dares to say so, it should be no problem. The passage of heaven and earth opened after 3900 years should not have a strong man from the Taichu divine world." Jian Wushuang said.

"That's great." The White Emperor showed great joy. "As long as there are no strong people in the primordial divine world coming, then we need to deal with only those strong people in the ancient times who have just woken up. I'm afraid many of these strong people in the ancient times are busy trying to maintain their realm accomplishments. They will really attack our eternal chaotic world, not too many, and we'll be a lot easier to deal with."

"Well." Jian Wushuang also nodded.

At the beginning, there was no strong person in the divine world, just those strong people who slept in the ancient times. With the power of the ancient chaotic world, it may still be difficult to cope, but it is not impossible. After all, in this world, the fighting power of sword matchless and white Emperor is almost invincible.

Unless the other party has such a powerful person as emperor 13.

However, in that war in ancient times, the super strong with strength comparable to Emperor XIII should escape from this world in time after the outbreak of that war. Those who remain here, according to jianwushuang's estimation, are at most the strong at the level of the blood emperor.

And if the blood emperor did not have the help of the anti blood array, his combat power would at best be half the level of gods and demons. The sword matchless and the White Emperor should be enough to cope.

Jianwushuang and Baidi are still discussing.

But just then

"Huh?" The White Emperor suddenly moved.

"What's the matter?" Sword peerless immediately looked over.

"It's the red dragon. He just sent a message to me. The black dragon in his holy land of the red dragon appeared again, and this time it still made many cultivators in a city disappear. Although I have ordered the Lord of Jiuyou and the God of the underworld to help him, even with the power of his three people, he may not be able to compete with the black dragon, let alone the ancient strong man behind the dragon." Baidi road.

"That's right. It's impossible for the three of them to stop the black dragon. If they want to really stop it, or kill the dragon and the ancient strong man behind it, we must do it ourselves." The sword is unparalleled.

"In that case, let's start now." Baidi road.


Jian Wushuang nodded.

Later, Jian Wushuang and the White Emperor immediately set off for the holy land of red dragon.


PS: it's four o'clock today.

I would like to recommend the old books "Wu Ji Tian Tian" and "I am a divine beast of rebirth", which I have finished. Brothers of book shortage can go and have a look.