"Sword monarch? White Emperor?"

Cold as snow, full of surprise.

"It seems that I underestimated the means of those little guys in the chaotic environment in this era. The sword Lord gave the White Emperor an unusual means, especially the sword Lord. Under the siege of more than 20 chaotic gods and demons, he killed 11 gods and demons by means of thunder, frightening other gods and Demons to flee madly. Under the restriction of heaven and earth, even if it was me, he had no absolute chance of winning." The iceberg smiled lightly, but his words were with unparalleled appreciation for the sword.

A chaotic realm can reach this level of combat power. Even in the primordial realm, it is definitely a first-class top genius.

"King of the sword, the sword is unparalleled..." Leng Ruxue showed a strange smile, "after 3900 years, the passage of heaven and earth will open, and I will also directly leave for the Taichu divine world. I'm afraid I'll never see him again. Hehe, he also said that one day, I'll save the stupid woman, but now it seems that it's just a joke."

Unparalleled to the sword, cold as snow, has been despised from the beginning.

Although the sword is unparalleled in the eternal chaotic world, the progress speed is really amazing.

Jian Wushuang also exceeded her imagination countless times, but this still can't change Leng Ruxue's view of Jian Wushuang.

After all, from the very beginning, Leng Ruxue decided that he and Jian are people of two worlds.

Indeed, it is true that the sword is extremely talented.

But no matter how talented, it is only limited to this world.

His sentient beings can only be trapped in this heaven and earth, and there is no possibility of leaving this heaven and earth at all, so his achievements are naturally limited.

Like the current strength of jianwushuang, it is already the climax of jianwushuang in the eyes of Leng Ruxue.

In the future, sword unparalleled can't improve any more.

But she is different.

She has the body of destiny, and behind her is a master of the holy land, with infinite potential.

After 3900 years, she will go to the primordial world through the passage of heaven and earth, and really begin to emerge.

In the future, she will rise and become famous step by step in the Taichu divine world, and finally reach the peak, reach her master, and even surpass her master.

And the sword unparalleled, still can only be trapped in this heaven and earth, trapped in this small corner of the highest can only reach the chaotic realm, and be a frog at the bottom of a well all his life.

"Poor sword unparalleled, sad man." Leng Ruxue shook his head and smiled.


While the news of the battle spread when Jiao laoguai died, jianwushuang swept away into the void outside the thunder.

Before long, he came to a dark void and saw the white haired old man standing there quietly in front of him.

The white haired old man narrowed his eyes slightly, and the whole person was like a mass of air, and no one had any breath. He stood in the void, as if waiting for the arrival of jianwushuang.

Seeing the white haired old man in front of him, Jian Wushuang's eyes were frozen.

"Sure enough, it's him."

After taking a deep breath, Jian Wushuang immediately stepped forward.

"The younger generation's sword is unparalleled. I'll pay a visit to master Yixing Weng." The sword opened with a trace of respect.

This respect is sincere.

Because the old man with white hair in front of him really deserves the unparalleled respect of the sword.

One star Weng... A man who once had great kindness to the sword.

At that time, in the Brahma sea, jianwushuang was assassinated by the yellow spring palace. At the edge of life and death, the Jiaolong under the jiaolao monster appeared and wanted to swallow jianwushuang.

At that time, a star Weng just shot and saved his life.

One star Weng not only stopped the black dragon for him, but also gave jianwushuang a good chance after fighting with jiaolao monster on the spot, and finally sent jianwushuang safely out of the Brahma sea.

It can be said that Yixing Weng has the grace of saving his life and giving advice at the same time.

Now see again, the sword unparalleled natural respect.

In addition, Jian Wushuang also knows that the big hand that blocked the old monster off thunder island before was also played by a star Weng.

"Unparalleled sword? Little guy, is that your name?" One star Weng's eyes opened, his eyes were turbid and calm, like a pool of stagnant water, looking at the sword unparalleled.

"Yes." Jian Wushuang nodded.

"Just now, I saw the battle between you and Jiao laoguai. Tut Tut, it's only tens of thousands of years, and you have reached such a level?" One star Weng exclaimed, and there was indeed a trace of surprise in his heart.

It should be noted that when he saw jianwushuang in the Brahma sea, jianwushuang was just a little guy at the level of true God.

Although it also has good combat power, at that time, whether it is a star Weng, the old monster of the dragon, or even the dragon under the old monster of the dragon, it is easy to kill the sword.

But now I see again

"If you can make Jiao laoguai like this, I'm afraid that even if I go all out now, I'm not your opponent." One star Weng casually said.

"The elder is joking. The elder is powerful, but the limit of this world is too large. Otherwise, in a chaotic environment like the younger generation, the elder is estimated to be able to kill hundreds of them." Jian Wushuang smiled.

Although what he said was somewhat flattering, it was also true.

Because of the limitation of heaven and earth, he can pose a threat to these ancient strongmen.

But if there is no limit of heaven and earth, it is estimated that any chaos demon in ancient times can easily suppress him.

It is really effortless for strong people at such levels as Yixing Weng and jiaolao monster to kill him.

"Haha, your boy is quite talkative." One star Weng laughed, and he didn't know whether he was really happy or pretended.

Jian Wushuang straightened his body, and immediately solemnly said, "thank you for your help just now, elder. Otherwise, the old monster Jiao will escape."

"It's just a small matter." One star Weng waved his hand, "I just passed by and just saw the war just now, and the jiaolao monster came from the holy land. At the beginning, he was also involved in the war. He was originally my enemy. During the period of sleeping in the Brahma sea, my conscious avatar didn't seldom fight and collide with him. Now it's rare to have a chance to kill him. How can I miss it?"

"Anyway, I still have to thank you, elder." Jian Wushuang was still very grateful, "by the way, if there's nothing wrong, how about going to thunder island to have a seat?"

"Thunder island? No." One star Weng shook his head, "although I wake up, it is only temporary. After a period of time, I will fall into deep sleep again. During this period, I don't want to have anything to do with the cultivators of this era."

Seeing Yi xingweng refuse, Jian Wushuang also has some regrets.

But immediately, jianwushuang asked again, "elder, did you wake up this time because of the passage of heaven and earth that tianzhiya is about to open?"

"Yes." One star Weng nodded slightly, and his expression became dignified.