"Sword unparalleled, are you finally going to die here?"

His face was as white as snow, and his breath was as weak as snow. Looking at the scene ahead, his eyes were extremely cold.

"It's really unusual for a chaotic state to have an immortal body, but having an immortal body doesn't mean that he really can't kill." The white robed baldheaded man chuckled, "there are not a few immortal saints with immortal bodies in the primordial divine world, but they will not die as well. Apart from other things, there are many immortal saints who died in the decisive battle between various forces and seven star Xuanzong."

Indeed, as the white robed bald man said, the body of immortality does not mean that it is really immortality.

In the primordial realm, there are many ways to kill immortal saints, among which three are the most common.

The first is that there is a great gap between each other's realm, and there is a huge gap in the strength of the divine power. In this way, after defeating the other party's divine body, you can directly cover the divine power, and forcibly annihilate the other party's divine power breath.

Second, find a way to trap the other party, don't let the other party jump off, and then defeat the other party's divine body again and again, let the other party constantly reorganize the divine body, and wantonly consume the other party's divine power. In this way, when the other party's divine power is exhausted, it will naturally be easy to kill the other party.

As for the third kind, it's even simpler, direct soul attack.

The undead body is only aimed at the divine body, not the soul. If the soul is directly wiped out, your undead body is of no use at all.

Now, the woman in blood wants to destroy the unparalleled sword, which is the first kind.

The Lord of the holy land, in this area covered by black fog, can play out the divine power, which has reached the extreme among the chaos gods and demons, and the unparalleled strength of the sword is only up to the threshold of chaos gods and demons, and the divine power gap is naturally huge.

Coupled with the monstrous means of the Lord of the holy land, it's easy to annihilate the sword matchless directly.

No matter the woman in blood, the bald man in white or the cold as snow, they all think that the sword is unparalleled in this situation and is dead.

In fact, it's true. Even jianwushuang himself already thinks so.

But at this time, the change occurred suddenly!

The bloody ocean of the woman in blood crazy annihilated everything, not only annihilated the unparalleled divine body and divine power of the sword, but also the treasures on the sword, including his heaven and earth ring, also suffered this huge annihilation force. The unparalleled five treasure armor and blood peak sword have extraordinary levels, and can be preserved under the annihilation of the bloody ocean.

But the unparalleled heaven and earth ring of the sword can't support it.

With a bang, the unparalleled Qiankun ring of the sword burst directly. There are a lot of treasures in the Qiankun ring, which are the treasures taken from countless strong people by the unparalleled sword who killed them all his life.

Countless, these treasures are placed in the eternal chaotic world, which is enough to cause countless strong people to go crazy, but for the Lord of the holy land who is high in the primordial divine world, it is just garbage. The woman in blood naturally doesn't care at all, and the bloody ocean annihilates all these treasures in the unparalleled sword heaven and earth ring.

Countless geniuses turned into powder under the impact of the bloody ocean.

However, in the unparalleled heaven and earth ring of the sword, there is another extremely special treasure.

This treasure is impressively the reincarnation pearl that Yixing Weng gave him 3900 years ago!

Reincarnation bead, which contains a small reincarnation, plays a great role in jianwushuang's understanding of reincarnation rules.

During these 3900 years, the reason why the perception of the rules of reincarnation has been so greatly improved and even created the powerful sword technique of endless reincarnation is related to the small reincarnation in the reincarnation bead.

Jian Wushuang had no doubt about the role of this reincarnation bead.

Just think that reincarnation beads are used to understand the rules of reincarnation.

But now, under the crazy annihilation of the sea of divine power of the woman in blood, this reincarnation bead also burst directly.


Strange energy swept up.

This energy is the power of the reincarnation rules. The small reincarnation that originally existed in the reincarnation bead, with the explosion of the reincarnation bead, turned out to be completely in this piece of heaven and earth.

And as soon as it appears, it immediately drives the power of the surrounding heaven and earth. This small reincarnation becomes extremely huge in an instant. Finally, this small reincarnation is large, and it is completely transformed into a huge reincarnation channel!

Yes, it's a reincarnation channel.

It is completely different from the heaven and earth channel opened by the masters of these holy lands.

The passage of heaven and earth leads to the primordial divine world, but this passage of reincarnation leads to endless reincarnation.

"Reincarnation channel?"

"Why, how can there be a reincarnation channel here?"

The complexion of the woman in blood and the bald man in white changed.

Obviously, the current accident completely exceeded their expectations.

And just after the reincarnation channel completely appeared

"Have you finally come to this step?"

A thick voice suddenly sounded, which contained special magic.

At the moment when it spread, whether it was the woman in blood, the bald man in white robe, and Leng Ruxue who were covered by the black fog, or the two meter high beautiful woman, the emperor 13, the one star Weng, the iceberg who was cold as snow outside the black fog coverage, as well as the White Emperor, the snake flower mother-in-law, the soul saint, who were still fighting madly on the battlefield, were attracted by this sound, One by one, they couldn't help stopping the action in their hands.

All eyes immediately looked at the source of the thick voice.

Even in the distant void, many emperors of the eternal chaos world camp also looked at the source of this sound.

There, that is, under the cover of the wonderful picture world, a hazy figure slowly appeared.

This is a man in white robe with a great figure. His face is mild, with a faint smile. That smile gives people a very warm and calm feeling.

He appeared there without any breath, and he felt like a mass of air.

However, those who saw him could no longer look away.

"It's him!"

The great emperors of the eternal chaos world camp immediately recognized this man.

In the final moment of the decisive battle with the camp of the three emperors 30000 years ago, the mysterious figure suddenly appeared and helped jianwushuang kill the blood emperor.

And they all know that this mysterious figure is the master with unparalleled sword!!

"Here we are. It's about to start!"

Seeing the visitor and knowing all the reasons, Emperor shisan and Yi xingweng couldn't help getting excited.

In particular, Emperor shisan was cold and arrogant, and he was cold on weekdays. But now even he was very excited, and his eyes burst out with a strong * * light.