"The third mansion was destroyed?" Shi qianhan and the three elders were a little surprised.

They only know the news now.

"The three houses that were destroyed were evil Moon House, heaven poison house and hell heaven house. Although the strength of these three houses was at the bottom of the eighteen houses, there were also high gods in charge. There were nearly ten primary gods under their command, and there were countless robbers. But the people who destroyed these three people killed all the robbers in these three houses, so that none of the robbers in these three houses escaped."

"And listen to them, the person who destroyed these three houses is a gold robed man of unknown origin. That gold robed man is good at Kendo, understands the rules of time and space, and his cultivation is the level of primary God!!"

Hearing this, Shi qianhan and the three elders were stunned.

They are all gold robes, are good at Kendo, understand the rules of time and space, and their accomplishments are only at the level of primary gods, but their combat power is extremely good, and they can destroy the three mansions with high gods on their own.

It's very consistent. The golden robed man who shot to destroy the three mansions in the dark thunder domain is completely consistent with the sword one that appears in the northern underworld and challenges the blood fighter.

In an instant, they can all believe that the golden robed man who destroyed the three houses is the sword one!!

"Elder you, what happened later? The eighteen prefectures of the dark thunder region have been consistent with the outside world. Once this sword destroys three of them, the other fifteen prefectures will definitely go crazy to kill him?" Shi qianhan asked.

"Yes, the other fifteen mansions tried every means to kill him, and they did find an opportunity. Among them, the Luo brothers of the blood light mansion and the Lord of Yan Xin mansion all killed in front of him, but as a result, the Luo brothers and the Lord of Yan Xin mansion joined hands to fight together, but it was even difficult to defeat the man in gold robe. As for the Lord of Yan Xin mansion, he was much better than the man in gold robe, but he couldn't kill the man in gold robe at all, so he could only watch him leave Go. " The blue eyed old man said.

"The master of Yan Xin mansion did it himself, and there was nothing he could do?" Shi qianhan and the three elders were stunned.

Master Yan Xin, although he is far away in the dark thunder region, he is very famous in the whole Beiming star region.

It was recognized as the first strong person in the eighteen prefectures of the dark thunder domain, which opened up the existence of the world of sword. Among the peak gods in the whole Beiming star domain, there were only a few who could beat him.

Although the three elders of the Shi family are also the peak gods, they are much worse than the master of Yan Xin mansion.

Even a strong man like Yan Xin mansion master couldn't leave Jian Yi. He could only watch Jian Yi leave. The three elders couldn't leave Jian Yi, which seemed to be a reasonable explanation.


"I thought this sword was just a slightly stronger Kendo genius, but I didn't expect him to be so good and hide his strength all the time. No wonder he was so confident and dared to challenge the blood fighter, and directly took 5000 Taichu stones as a bet. If I could easily suppress the four higher gods in the early days of the God and leave calmly from the master of Yan Xin mansion, I would also dare to challenge the blood fighter unscrupulously."

"Intelligence, to put it bluntly, is still too weak. Didn't the martial arts arena have asked for information about this sword one long ago, but what did my Shi family's intelligence department do to eat, and I couldn't find such a big disturbance in the dark thunder field? If I had known, I wouldn't have let him challenge the blood fighter so safely!!"

Shi qianhan's face was iron green, and his eyes were burning with anger, scolding in the dark.

The green eyed old man and the three elders looked at each other, The green eyed old man continued, "master, it's not the family's intelligence department's fault. After all, the dark thunder field happened recently, and the eighteen mansion concealed the news. Obviously, I didn't want to spread the disgrace. I happened to have a good friend in the eighteen mansion. When I was drinking with him, he just talked to me. It's normal that my Shi family's intelligence department didn't get the news in time."


Shi Qian snorted coldly, and his face calmed down quietly.

"Well, things have happened. It's meaningless to regret and investigate the responsibility again. Now 160000 Taichu stone has fallen into the hands of that Jianyi. According to elder you, even the Lord of Yan Xin mansion can't kill him. Then in the whole Beiming star region, no one can kill him except the Lord of the domain. It's impossible for our Shi family to get the 160000 Taichu stone back from his hands. We can only eat this dumb stone I'm sorry. " Shi qianhan sighed lightly.

160000 Taichu stones are also quite a lot for the stone family.

But there was no way. They fell into the hands of the unparalleled sword. They would not come back, and they didn't have the strength to rob by force.

"It's only 160000 Taichu stone, which can't affect the normal operation of our Shi family. Now the key is not whether our Shi family is willing to give up the 160000 Taichu stone, but that the three elders have already shot the sword, and the sword won't hate us for it. He is a very good super genius. If he catches his eye, my Shi family may not have a better life in the future." The blue eyed old man said.

"He dares!"

Shi qianhan shouted, "my Shi family is willing to step back. If he is still aggressive and urgent, my Shi family will kill him if they pay some big price!"

Shi qianhan is still very confident about his family background.

Although there is no strong person in his stone family who can kill the unparalleled sword, he can hire someone.

As long as the price is big enough, even the God of the earth is willing to fight, but he still worries about killing a sword?

The old man with green eyes looked at the three elders and didn't say any more.


When the Shi family was shaking because of jianwushuang, jianwushuang had already merged with Xiao Tiexin in a quiet void.

"Mr. Jianyi, the stone family, has been rid of by you?" Xiao Tiexin asked.

"Hehe, the stone family is really willing to do it for 160000 Taichu stone. They sent a peak God and four high gods to kill me at one time, but it's a pity that they underestimated me. I teased them for a while and left directly. It's estimated that the stone family owner is furious now." Sword peerless sneered.

"That's right, Mr. Jianyi can retreat calmly from the master of Yan Xin mansion. Unless several peak gods all join hands, and then invite some strong people to help at a great cost, it is impossible to kill Mr. Jianyi you, but just for 160000 Taichu stones, it is not enough to let the Shi Family fight." Xiao Tiexin said.

"The stone family has a great cause, and losing 160000 Taichu stones is nothing for them. They won't pay too much attention to it, but for me, these 160000 Taichu stones are extremely important."
