(it's eight o'clock today, please!)

In the independent room, Jian Wushuang sat there calmly, but his face was quite cold. He looked up at the independent room where the master of Nanwu Palace on the third floor above, and his eyes also had a sharp flash.

"Nanwugong young palace master?"

"Old brother, please feel a little wronged again, and I will find you soon."

Jian Wushuang murmured, but the sound was extremely cold.

The auction continues.

After the map of mountains and rivers, the second finale treasure was also brought up.

The second finale treasure, like the ghost stone stick auctioned by the unparalleled sword, is also a treasure of the soul.

The difference is that this treasure is a soul defense treasure, and it has reached the level of higher Tianbao!

No matter which aspect of the treasure, defensive treasure, is always more precious than offensive treasure, this is common sense.

Like the general attacking magic weapon, its value is far less than that of the body armor of the same level.

The soul defense treasure of the same level is more precious than the soul attack treasure of the same level, but the gap is not that huge.

Even the soul defense treasure at the ordinary Tianbao level is much more precious than the ghost stone stick auctioned by the unparalleled sword, not to mention that this soul defense treasure now has reached the level of higher Tianbao!

The promotion of one level immediately increased the value of this treasure by nearly ten times!

The auction began immediately.

The starting price is still 100 million Taichu stone, and the subsequent bidders are the strong people from those independent rooms on the third floor.

People from Shenmo sect, shengshenglou, nanwugong and Dongfang aristocratic family are all fighting frantically.

In particular, nanwugong and the people of Dongfang aristocratic family fought fiercely.

In the end, the treasure was directly raised to the sky high price of 1.8 billion Taichu stone.

And the winner is the beauty of the Oriental family.

"My brother's strength is extremely strong, and he is extremely excellent among the peak gods, but unfortunately, his strength in the soul has always been weak. If he meets a strong person who is good at soul attack, it is easy to suffer heavy losses. This high-level soul defense treasure is just suitable for him. Although it cost 1.8 billion Taichu stones, it is worth getting my brother a treasure that can make up for his own defects." The beautiful man murmured.

The auction of the second finale treasure is over.

Immediately, it is the third finale treasure and the last treasure of this auction.

At the auction, countless strong people were waiting.

The three final treasures are extremely precious. One has auctioned 1.3 billion Archean stones, and the other has auctioned a total of 1.8 billion Archean stones.

But everyone knows that the last treasure is the most precious thing in the whole auction.

That's the real finale. Many strong people present know that the last finale treasure is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete for, but they are still full of curiosity.

They also want to know, what will this last treasure be?

The gold robed deacon on the treasure exhibition platform didn't let the people wait, and soon he took out the last treasure.

This is a golden elixir that emits a strong fragrance and attracts the salivation of countless strong people around.

This golden elixir is the size of a baby's thumb and has a very deep color. At the same time, this golden elixir also exudes a unique flavor.

That kind of breath, like an emperor!

Yes, it's the spirit of emperor!

Looking at the pill that appeared on the exhibition platform, most of the strong people showed doubts at the auction.

Only the strong in the independent rooms on the second and third floors recognized this pill.

"This is... Huangji golden elixir?"

"Yes, it's the emperor's golden elixir. My God, this last treasure was auctioned off!"

"Crazy, those four forces are absolutely crazy!"

Breathes of surprise came from the separate rooms.

And it is true.

People from Nanwu palace, Shenmo sect, shengshenglou and Dongfang aristocratic family all blushed and breathed quickly after seeing this golden elixir.

"Unexpectedly, it's the golden elixir of Huangji? Dot star, what a dot star!!" The young master of Nanwu Palace's eyes flashed, and his body directly stood up, "this emperor's golden elixir must be obtained no matter how!"

"Damn it, I knew this last treasure was the golden elixir of the emperor. I shouldn't have bought the soul defense treasure for my brother just now. In order to buy the soul defense treasure, I used 1.8 billion Taichu stones at one go. Now I don't have much Taichu stones left!" The beauty of the Dongfang aristocratic family was cold, "quickly, quickly inform the family, so that they can mobilize more Taichu stones or equivalent cultivation resources for me no matter what method they use."

"Yes." The gods of the Oriental aristocratic family nodded solemnly, and they all knew the importance of the matter.

At the auction, with the introduction of the golden robe deacon, the strong people on the scene finally knew something about the golden elixir.

Huangji golden elixir, in the Taichu divine world, is very famous and its use is also very amazing.

It is only useful for God, and this effect is actually equivalent to the effect of Nirvana Pill on God and demon realm.

Nirvana pill for gods and demons can make a great record in the general realm of gods and Demons and break through their own cultivation.

This golden elixir of the emperor can enable the strong to improve their cultivation.

Moreover, under the God, anyone who swallowed the Huangji golden elixir has at least an 80% chance to directly break through a realm.

In other words, a high God, after swallowing the Yellow Emperor's golden elixir, has a 80% chance to directly break through to reach the peak God.

Above the deity, the breakthrough probability of this Huangji golden elixir is still very high. The most important thing is that it has great effect even on the great deity.

It is said that if a powerful peak deity swallows the Huangji golden elixir, he is 50% sure to break through and reach the great deity!

And the probability of a primary great deity swallowing Huangji golden elixir and breaking through to a higher great deity is nearly 30%!!

Even the high great God, who swallowed the Huangji golden elixir, has a 10% chance to attack the peak great God!!

These effects are too attractive to those gods and great gods.

Especially Nanwu palace, Shenmo sect, shengshenglou, Dongfang aristocratic family, these top forces in the holy world of Danyang!

You know, since the fall of the red stone saint, there have been no immortal saints in the holy realm of Danyang. The apparently powerful red stone castle and their top forces have the strongest one, that is, the great God, and the number is poor.


PS: it's eight o'clock today.

Tomorrow will continue to erupt, for everything!! (s:)