Danyang continent is the real core of Danyang holy world, and it is also the gathering place of many top powers in Danyang holy world.

For example, among the star domains in the holy world of Danyang, the ordinary God is the strong one. As long as the earth God is not weak, he can easily become the domain master of a star domain and become an earth emperor.

But on the Danyang continent, the earth God is nothing, even if it is the heaven God, it can only be regarded as the general strong on the Danyang continent. Only the great God can really be called the top strong!!

On the Danyang continent, there are many great gods, such as some of the top big forces.

In a pub, Jian Wushuang still pretended his appearance and sat there, looking at a newly arrived intelligence in his hand.

In terms of intelligence, the detailed information of various forces in Danyang mainland is recorded, including those top forces.

There are five recognized top forces in Danyang mainland, which can also be said to be the whole Danyang holy world.

First of all, it is naturally Hongshibao.

Although the red stone castle declined a lot after the fall of the red stone saint, and its overall strength was greatly weakened, the red stone castle is still the obvious ruler of the holy world of Danyang. The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. No one dares to underestimate the energy of the red stone castle.

The second is Nanwu palace, Shenmo sect, shengshenglou and Oriental aristocratic family.

The strength of these four top forces is very close to each other. Each family has nearly ten great gods, and there are many heavenly gods under its command. The foundation is also extremely deep and powerful, which can be called deep-rooted.

Among the four top forces, the strongest one should be nanwugong.

The master of Nanwu palace is considered by many people to be the strongest in the holy world of Danyang, and is also the most promising among the strong in the holy world of Danyang to break through the existence of immortal saints. That's why this master of Nanwu palace is extremely awesome.

For example, in the Narcissus realm at the beginning, all forces fought hard for the golden elixir of the emperor pole, and even the great deity sent out several figures. However, although the top forces dared to kill the deity of Nanwu palace, no one dared to move the little master of Nanwu Palace at all, because they were very afraid of the master of Nanwu palace.

"The top forces in the world are really extraordinary. Any family can even come up with ten great gods." Sword peerless secretly praised.

Then Jian Wushuang looked carefully at the red stone castle.

Compared with other top powers, what he cares about most is Redstone castle.

After all, he promised the red stone saint to help his daughter Yin su'er, and the heaven and earth ring given to him by the Scorpion King was still in his hand.

"Good guy, I knew that red stone castle was fragmented and had many factions, but I didn't expect that there would be so many factions in red stone castle, a full seven!!"

Jian Wushuang looked at the information in his hand, but he was secretly amazed.

Indeed, there are seven different factions in Hongshibao now.

These seven factions have their own leaders in power, all for their own interests, and their strength is also good.

Among the seven factions, three are extremely powerful and have the most resources to control. These are the three major factions.

One of the three factions is led and controlled by the current preserver of red stone castle, Yin su'er.

Yin su'er, after all, is the biological daughter of the red stone saint, and she is also really sitting on the castle master, and her own strength is also very strong. When the red stone saint was there, Yin su'er showed great talent, and became a great God very early. It is also very possible to break through and become an immortal saint.

Unfortunately, as soon as the red stone Saint died, she took the position of Castle Lord, and all kinds of internal and external troubles hit at the same time. She also faced enormous pressure. This pressure gave her great resistance and made her cultivation stagnate for a long time. Although she made a breakthrough later and reached the peak level of great deity, only one step away from the immortal saint, but this step, she has stayed for a long time.

Up to now, the possibility of her breaking through and becoming an immortal saint has been extremely low, and many people think that she will never break through in the future.

Even most people think that the probability of the master of Nanwu palace breaking through the immortal saint is much higher than her.

Although there was no breakthrough to reach the immortal saint, the deterrent power of a peak great God was also extremely amazing. In addition, she was a righteous Castle Lord, and naturally many strong people chose to support her, so the faction she led was still the first of the three major factions in Hongshi castle. In addition to herself being the peak great God, she also had six great gods with different strengths under her command. Even if the scorpion king died, this Yan su'er lost an arm, But the power she controls is still extremely strong.

In addition, the holy palace of red stone castle, which is specially used to cultivate talented and strong people, is completely in the hands of Yin su'er. The master of the holy palace is also Yin su'er's right-hand man, and has more energy than the Scorpion King.

"Counting Yin su'er himself, there are six great gods in her faction, and she is still a peak great God. Coupled with the control of the holy palace, the power she controls is also very good." Jian Wushuang murmured, and immediately looked at the other two factions.

The other two factions are controlled by Yunshan, the elder of Hongshi castle, and the other is controlled by the blood thunder king, the commander of the red stone Legion.

Yunshan was the mainstay of the red stone castle with the red stone sage at the beginning, and he and the red stone sage were also brothers in distress, which was also the cultivation of the peak great God.

At the peak of Hongshi castle, the saint of Hongshi sat in Hongshi castle and shocked all sides, but the big and small matters in Hongshi castle were actually handled by Yunshan, the big elder. Over time, a large number of elders who followed his lead gathered under his command.

After the death of the red stone saint, he ordered Yin su'er to inherit the position of Castle Lord. Although Yun Shan was obedient on the surface, he secretly used various means to stop it. Many factions of the red stone castle were also the first to appear with him as the first.

Now, in addition to being the peak great God, Yunshan also has six elders at the level of great God, and he controls most of the cultivation resources of the red stone castle. Even if Yan su'er needs some cultivation resources on weekdays, he often has to get his consent, or even ask him.

"This Yunshan, to put it bluntly, is an old slick, but this old slick means good, and the power of control is also very amazing." Sword unparalleled secret way.

Then he looked at the last big faction, that is, the faction led by the blood thunder king.

Blood thunder king, his own strength is not too strong, he is just a high God, compared with Yin su'er and Yunshan, there is still a gap, but the power he controls is the strongest of the three major factions!!