Beyond the golden gate, there is a huge space-time storm.

But at the other end of the golden gate, it was in a dark and calm void.

Jian Wushuang stood around the dark void and looked forward with a little blankness.

In front of him, where his eyes were focused, there was a tall figure standing there.

The tall figure was three meters high, wearing a simple but clean white robe. His body was hazy, and he could not see his specific appearance, so he stood in the center of the dark void with his hands on his back.

The whole dark void was extremely quiet, without a trace of sound or any movement.

Jian Wushuang just stared at the tall figure in white robe. The latter gave him a feeling that it was too strange.

Clearly standing in front of him, standing in the void, the sword unparalleled but felt that the other party did not exist at all, nor should it exist in this space-time. This dark void space-time and this tall figure in white robe also seemed so incompatible, but it seemed that this figure had been completely integrated with the surrounding space-time, and became indistinguishable.

It seems out of place and completely integrated. These are two completely different feelings, but at the same time, they are reflected in the tall figure in white robe.

"This man..." Jian Wushuang was also a little confused.

But at this time, in the dark void not far away, a dozen figures swept in at an amazing speed, instantly breaking the calm of the dark void.

Even far away, the breaking wind generated by the body's rapid penetration into the void has been transmitted.

Jian Wushuang immediately looked in that direction, but found that there were a total of 13 people, including men and women. Although the breath coming out of the body could not be sensed by Jian Wushuang, anyone gave him a very thrilling, even made him feel creepy.

There is no doubt that these thirteen people, at least, are immortal saints, or even more.

Among the thirteen immortal saints, one of them, a bald boy with fair skin, fled in front, and the remaining twelve were frantically pursued in the rear.

The speed of this chase and escape is incredible.

Jian Wushuang thought that his perception of the rules of time and space had reached the second stage, and the speed was very fast, but compared with any of the thirteen people, it was too far away.

At this terrible speed, the thirteen people appeared in front of the unparalleled sword and the tall figure in white robe.

"Is that man going to do it?" Jian Wushuang immediately looked at the tall figure in white robe.

Sure enough, the tall figure in white robes moved.

Jian Wushuang thought that the tall figure in white robe was so unfathomable that if he saved the bald boy, his power would be earth shattering, but in fact, the bald man in white robe didn't cause any movement at all, and there was no breath or divine power on his body.

He just raised his right hand slowly and pointed to the void where the twelve strong men were.

Such a finger has not seen the explosion of divine power from beginning to end, but such a finger has hooked up the surrounding space and time.

Without any sign, the twelve strong men who frantically pursued and killed the bald boy were fiercely solidified.

They all stopped where they were, and even kept the skimming posture, and the expression on their faces also remained, but they had completely stopped.

Not only their bodies, but the void where they are, has completely stagnated.

This feeling is like time and space have completely stopped.

Yes, it's the stillness of time and space.

That void, time and space have completely stagnated, which leads to the twelve strong people still holding the same posture, and their thoughts and consciousness have also completely stagnated.

But in addition to the void where these twelve strong people are, space and time in other places are still normal, without any change.

White robed tall body slowly walked towards the front, walked in front of the bald boy, and then left with the bald boy step by step.

It was not until their bodies were completely far away that the void of time and space began to flow again.

The twelve strong men also resumed their actions, but after resuming their actions, they all looked around blankly.

They didn't know what had just happened, because their consciousness also completely stagnated. They only knew that they had been chasing the bald boy, but suddenly the bald boy disappeared, just under their noses.

They didn't know anything about everything else and didn't notice it at all.

But this scene was completely seen by the sword standing on the edge of this dark void.

"This, this is... Is space and time still?" Jian Wushuang stared wide and shocked his face.

It's terrible. The means that the figure in the tall white robe just used is really terrible.

I'm afraid that makes Jian Wushuang afraid.

With a distant finger, it directly makes a great void space and time directly static, and makes everything stagnate. What an incredible magic power is this?

And he, in this space of consciousness, actually saw such magic powers with his own eyes?

Just when Jian Wushuang fell into shock, a huge message suddenly rushed towards him.

"Time and space magic, a designated magic!"

Sword unparalleled body and mind fierce shock.

He had understood the name of the finger just made by the tall figure in white robe, and finally knew the meaning of his appearance in this dark void.

It turns out that the golden gate leads not to the temple of time and space, but to a conscious space containing unique secrets.

This secret skill is the magic of time and space!

To be exact, this is no longer a secret skill, but a divine skill!!

Although Jian Wushuang didn't know what divine skill was, the finger of the tall figure in white robe just now shocked him.

In the last life, he has also seen many top powers in the primordial divine world, such as the masters of the three holy lands. He has also seen them use their means. Although many of their means cannot be used because of the limitation of heaven and earth, the means they use do not really make jianwushuang feel incredible and shocking.

If there is only one, it is his master Xuanyi's means of reversing time and space in order to revive him and his cold soul.

And when his master reversed time and space, his soul was still asleep. Strictly speaking, he didn't really see his master's move.

But anyway, the move that the white robed man just showed was enough to shock.

And this move is one of the designated magic of space-time!
