Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three violent roars echoed fiercely in the void. Under these three roars, there were also three roars of dragons.

The Lord of the seven Jue hall obviously only stabbed a gun, but at the same time, he burst out a full three gun shadows.

These three gun shadows were directly transformed into three destructive dragons, who roared madly and attacked and killed.

The destructive power on these three dragons, even if the sword is unparalleled, can't help but change color.

Without any hesitation, jianwushuang immediately waved his sword, bringing his divine power and the power of the two space-time blades to the extreme.


A loud noise.

The huge strangulation force directly strangled two of the destruction dragons, but the remaining one was not affected, and directly impacted on the unparalleled God body of the sword. The unparalleled body of the sword was instantly knocked out, directly hit the edge of the golden prison, and severely hit the barrier of the golden prison.

"Did you get it?" The Lord of the seven Jue hall stared at the sword coldly, with a trace of joy in his eyes.

He felt that the blow he had just made was a frontal bombardment on jianwushuang.

The power of this blow is extremely powerful, which is his strongest unique skill. Under normal circumstances, even the real peak God will be seriously injured, and those with slightly weak body protection ability may even be directly killed by this blow.

And in front of Su Han

Hua La ~ Jian Wushuang has broken free from the barrier of the golden prison again, and appeared again in front of the Lord of the seven Jue hall.

"It is worthy of being the peak God, but it has some strength." Jian Wushuang looked at the Lord of the seven Jue hall, but his face showed a evil smile.

"Didn't you get hurt? Nothing happened?" The Lord of the seven Jue hall looked at the sword unparalleled with horror on his face.

He did not know that the sword, as a perfect chaotic creature, was unparalleled. In the whole primordial world, he was afraid that there were only a few people who could kill him, and there were only a few people who could hurt him.

After all, no matter how serious his injury is, as long as he has abundant divine power, it can be repaired instantly.

Like that blow just now, he did hurt him, but he instantly recovered, and his combat power remained at its peak.

"That move just now should be your strongest one?" Jian Wushuang stared at the Lord of the seven Jue hall with a light smile, "your strongest means have been used, then next, it's my turn."

Jian Wushuang said, but his breath began to climb directly at an amazing speed.

The seven star secret skill has been urged.

Under the urging of the power of the vast stars, his realm directly rose from the peak God to the level of the primary God, while under the cover of Blackstone, his breath of divine power soared from the higher God to the level of the peak God.

Strength, instantly soared!!

Then he slowly raised his head and looked at the Lord of the seven Jue hall, with a strange smile on his mouth.


The sword moves.

Still like a blink, he appeared in front of the Lord of the seven Jue hall.

Then the blood peak sword was waved directly.

This sword, sad and beautiful, is heartbreaking.

It is also a bit confused and intoxicating.

When the sword swept out, many strong people in the surrounding void were involuntarily attracted by the sword light, and as soon as they were attracted, they couldn't help being intoxicated.

This feeling, as if drunk, dizzy, although a little uncomfortable, but more aftertaste.

The Lord of the seven Jue hall also flashed a trace of confusion in his eyes, as if he was going to be intoxicated, but he still maintained his understanding in his heart. He desperately wanted to wave his long gun in his hand to block this beautiful and intoxicating sword.

Crazy to resist.

To his horror, he found that his speed was far less than that of the other party's sword.

It's too slow. His speed is too slow. It's too far from that sword.

He had no time to resist.



His body was in a hurry, and the sad and beautiful sword light had passed over him. The main table of the seven Jue hall was also wearing Tianbao level body armor, but the body armor was not very powerful, and it still could not save his life. The armor had cracks, and the sword light had cut off his whole divine body from it.

The eyes of the Lord of the seven Jue hall immediately dimmed, and there was no room for struggle.

The sword peerless is standing beside the void, overlooking the body of the Lord of the seven Jue hall.

"I have been understanding the rules and studying my own Kendo for nearly 40 years since I came to this Danyang continent from the Beiming star region. I have also been trying to innovate in swordsmanship. And because there is a reincarnation sword array in the reincarnation rules, I can stop the reincarnation sword array temporarily and focus all my energy on creating space-time swordsmanship."

"After 40 years, I finally created the seventh form of space-time swordsmanship, that is, this intoxicating form!"

"This type is much stronger than the six style space-time sword I created before."

The sword muttered.

Intoxicated with the same type, long for all sentient beings, but for a drunk.

This is his own perception of the rules of space and time, and it was only when he reached the extreme that he created a move, which is enough to have a great impact on space and time.

Because of this, when he used this move, he would become so fast that the Lord of the seven Jue hall clearly reacted, but he had no time to resist, and then he directly killed him.

"In fact, if I really want to kill the Lord of the seven Jue hall, I will kill him easily." Jian Wushuang smiled to himself.

Indeed, if he uses many means

Apart from other things, just using a designated celestial skill, he can easily sweep 99% of the peak gods.

Although the seven Jue hall Lord's strength is good, he still can't resist a designated Tianshu and will also be swept away by him.

However, it was because a designated Tianshu was too strong and too rebellious that jianwushuang was unwilling to play it again, but took it as a card.

Since it's a bottom card, he can't show up easily, let alone show it in front of the crowd again and again. It's not a bottom card. Just like his map of mountains and rivers, it's one of his biggest bottom cards. If it's not necessary, he won't use it easily.

Anyway, the Lord of the seven Jue hall is dead.

And in the surrounding void, those strong men of the seven Jue Hall who fought fiercely with the soldiers of the divine sword army naturally noticed this scene.

"Temple Lord, is the temple Lord dead?"

"No, impossible!!"

"The temple Lord is dead, aren't we..."

The strong men of the seven Jue hall were all shocked and terrified.

On the other hand, the morale of the Shenjian army soared one by one.

"Haha, their temple Lord is dead, let's kill him!"

"Kill them all!"
