Jianwushuang continues to flee.

And following in the void in the distance of jianwushuang, the Jinshan sect leader was also following in the distance.

But because jianwushuang has long disappeared from their sight, they can only rely on the information transmitted by others to find the position of jianwushuang.

"That guy can really escape. The king of Tianzhong and the stone sage joined hands and failed to stop him. Instead, he directly killed him!" The old man in black is sobbing.

"Hum, it's just a turtle in a jar, just dying." Lord Jinshan was disdainful.

But just then

"No, Lord Jinshan, something's wrong." The girl in green beside suddenly gave a cry of surprise.

"What's wrong?" Lord Jinshan looked puzzled.

"It's the direction that the man fled, Lord Jinshan. Haven't you noticed?" The girl in green looked wonderful.

Lord Jinshan frowned, and his mind was also thinking about the current position of Jian Wushuang and the direction of his escape.

At the next moment, the leader of Jinshan sect raised his head fiercely, and his eyes flashed with a sharp light that had never been seen before, "no! Jinshan sect, the direction of his escape is exactly where Jinshan sect is!"

"Come on, let's hurry!"

Lord Jinshan is really anxious this time.

Before, no matter how many strong people Jian Wushuang killed in the demon sound God's country, he didn't care much in his heart. After all, those people who were killed didn't have much to do with him. At most, they could only be regarded as under the command of the demon sound God.

He is actually indifferent to whether he can kill Jian Wushuang.

But now it's different.

Jianwushuang fled in the direction of Jinshan sect. Jinshan sect, that's his sect gate!!

It's ok if Jian Wushuang just flies over Jinshan sect, but if he really wants to use some means or directly break into Jinshan sect

"Hurry, hurry up!" Jinshan sect leader's voice was anxious. At the same time, he immediately sent a message to the strong in Jinshan sect, asking them to fully open Jinshan sect's protection array and make a good plan to resist the enemy.

But even so, his heart was still full of anxiety

Because he knew that if he really rushed into Jinshan sect with unparalleled strength of sword, Jinshan sect would definitely suffer.

And most importantly, he also knew that the power was not very strong, and the sword was unparalleled. If he tried his best to use the sword, he could tear the sect protection array directly.

Now he only hopes that Jian Wushuang will only pass by Jinshan sect and will not care too much.

In fact, Jian Wushuang did not know the existence of Jinshan sect.

He is not familiar with the territory of the magic sound kingdom. Now he is just running for his life wantonly, and there is no fear of direction at all.

As for what he is going to now is the direction of Jinshan sect, it is purely a coincidence.


At this moment, jianwushuang has seen the abnormal ancient sect gate in the huge Canyon ahead.

The door was shrouded in a great array and looked extremely mysterious.

As soon as the unparalleled soul power of the sword was swept away, the scene inside the sect door was clearly seen through the large array.

"There are many strong ones in this sect." Jian Wushuang raised his eyebrows.

The power of his soul can clearly sense a large number of strong breath hidden in the sect door.

Among these strong men, there are more than a dozen immortal saints alone. Although most of them are at the pseudo Saint level, there are also two true saints.

All immortal saints are like this. As for God, there are more.

There are all kinds of gods in the whole sect, and there are a lot of great gods.

Seeing this scene, Jian Wushuang's eyes suddenly lit up, "I have an idea."


The sword, which had been rushing frantically all the way forward, suddenly changed its direction and swept away directly towards the ancient sect gate below.

The clan protection formation covering the perimeter of this sect gate and sheltering the whole sect gate was immediately urged.

"Although I don't know who founded this sect door and what position it stands on, I can only be sorry to let me leave safely today." Jian Wushuang whispered, but the blood peak sword had appeared in his hand.

The endless sword intention rolled, and the next moment, the blood peak sword would cut angrily at the sect protection array directly like lightning.

The impressiveness of Jian Wushuang is mainly based on the attack power, Xi Xiang.

This powerful move, combined with the powerful divine power of sword peerless, directly bombarded the protectorate array, which immediately heard a fierce roar, followed by the collapse of the whole array.

"It's broken."

The corners of Jian Wushuang's mouth were slightly tilted, and the next moment its body shape was fiercely swept away towards the lower sect door.

This huge sect gate also instantly rioted because of the sudden arrival of the unparalleled sword.

In the void not far away, the Lord of Jinshan looked anxious and accelerated his pace.


"Lord Jinshan, just got the news that the man who killed tianmeng has defeated the clan protection array of Jinshan sect and directly entered the interior of Jinshan sect." The girl in green beside said.


The anger on the Lord of Jinshan suddenly burst, and the speed soared again, directly throwing away several true saints beside him.

At the moment, Jinshan sect is indeed in chaos.

Jinshan sect received the instructions of Jinshan sect leader before, and took precautions. It not only opened the big formation of protecting the sect, but also the dozens of immortal saints of Jinshan sect were ready to deal with the possible changes that might happen next.

As a result... Accidents did happen.

But this accident was completely beyond their imagination. The unparalleled sword directly broke through their protectorate array, and then its body shape directly swept down.

The ten undead saints of Jinshan sect immediately welcomed them, but the result was only instant Kung Fu. The ten undead saints were killed by jianwushuang on the spot, and the others were scared to flee one after another.

Later, Jian Wushuang didn't love war, but directly broke into a nearby temple, and his body shape disappeared in the sight of everyone for a short time.

When the "unparalleled sword" reappeared, he was still wearing a gray robe and a gray mask, but if you are careful, you can definitely see that at the moment he has changed a magic weapon, and the sword in his hand is a blood sword.

In addition, his height seems to have increased slightly.

Of course, the strong people of Jinshan sect in the chaos have no time to deal with these.

"Run, run!"

"Run away!!"

"If we don't escape, we'll all die here."

In Jinshan sect, countless disciples and strong men rose up one after another and ran around like a tidal wave. Only those immortal saints stayed and wanted to stop or kill 'unparalleled sword'.

Among those who ran wild, there was a young man in a golden robe