Between heaven and earth, it has already fallen into a complete silence.

Those strong men in the magic sound kingdom were still standing in front of the unparalleled sword, staring at the unparalleled sword one by one, but their eyes were more fear than anger.

They all let the unparalleled strength of the sword, which scared the scene just now.

At the same time, they all understand why jianwushuang will actively expose his tracks, and why he dares to stand here all the time and wait for them to arrive after exposure.

Obviously, that's because Jian Wushuang has absolute confidence in his own strength, so confident that he can fight and even kill all of them on his own.

Now, they still have dozens of strong people standing in front of the sword without two sides, and even gold king, who is close to the peak of the third level.

But so many strong people stand together, but they still have nothing to do with each other. Even their own hearts are still under great pressure, for fear that the other side will take the initiative to kill them.

"What should I do?"

Lord Wu was thinking carefully about the countermeasures.

But any countermeasures, in the face of absolute strength, are futile.

The unparalleled strength of the sword was there, and it was useless for them to surround and kill together.

"Your Highness the king of gold, if you join hands with your Highness the king of silver, can you kill him?" Lord Wu couldn't help asking.

The magic sound Kingdom and the two kings of gold and silver are of equal strength, and they have been fighting together for many times. Once the two people work together, the general three-level peak Zhensheng is estimated to have only a chance to retreat. This time, the king of gold is the only one who has come to kill the sword, but the king of silver has never appeared.

After hearing Lord Wu's inquiry, the king of gold shook his head slightly, "no, this man's strength has reached the third-order peak Zhensheng, and he is good at speed and body method. When the king of silver came to join hands with me, he could only slightly suppress him, but it's impossible to kill him or suppress him."

"His soul defense means are also very strong. I have just made full use of my soul attack, but it has not had much impact on him at all. It is impossible to kill him directly with my soul." An old voice sounded, and it was the demon voice God. The strong man of the country was the soul Allah who was best at soul attack.

This soul Allah is also a second-order saint, and its soul attack can have a great effect on general second-order saints.

But it's a pity that although Jian Wushuang is only the soul strength of the first-order true saint, his soul is tenacious. The most important thing is that he has Linglong pagoda protection. His just soul attack can't shake Linglong pagoda at all, which naturally has no impact on Jian Wushuang's soul.

"There's no way. Unless the Lord of the country comes personally, no one can do anything about him in the country of demon sound God." The king of gold murmured.

Lord Wu, as well as all the strong men in the surrounding magic sound Kingdom, looked at each other, and each one secretly gnawed their teeth.

Although they are unwilling to admit it, it is true.

They are a large group of first-class, second-class and third-class true saints, and there is nothing they can do with the first-class true saint in front of them.


Void, sword unparalleled still stood there without coldness and arrogance.

He only held the blood peak sword in his hand, and the eyes exposed under the mask stared at the powerful people of the magic sound God in front of him, but his eyes were the deepest, with a trace of disappointment.

It is indeed a little disappointed.

He thought that so many true saints and strong people in the magic sound kingdom could give him some pressure, but the fact was not the case.

His strength was still not fully displayed, but only partially revealed. But with his own speed and body method, plus the "star dream" form and the "burning God" venom, he easily slaughtered the strong people in front of him.

"Before, so many people wanted to find me, and even blocked this territory all the time, but now I take the initiative to appear in front of you, but you only have this ability, which is too disappointing for me." Jian Wushuang sighed lightly, "well, anyway, my real goal of this mission has been achieved, and I'm too lazy to entangle you again."

With that, Jian Wushuang took back the blood peak sword and turned to leave.

But at this time... Hum!!

A black cloud suddenly appeared in front of Jian Wushuang.

This dark cloud should contain a lot of black magic, which gathered madly, and in the blink of an eye, it slowly condensed into a human shadow.

This is a young man who wears a black robe and has a thin face but no greatness.

This year, the man's eyes were deep, his eyes seemed to be vast, and there was a strange black light flashing, and he had looked at jianwushuang.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the black robed man, Jian Wushuang's eyes immediately narrowed.

And in the void not far away, those strong men in the magic sound Kingdom also raised their heads and looked at the people.

After seeing the visitor's face clearly, Lord Wu and King Jin were immediately overjoyed.



Lord Wu and King Jin shouted together.

Hearing this call, those strong people in the magic sound Kingdom also instantly burst into an uproar.

Although they are all the strong men of the magic sound Kingdom, they rarely have the chance to see the real face of the Lord of the magic sound kingdom in ordinary days, and now they finally see it.

"See the Lord!!"

"See the Lord!!"

Every body shape immediately bowed down, and the voice of worship and awe echoed in this heaven and earth.

The eyes of these powerful people in the magic sound Kingdom have become hot.

The Lord of magic sound created a great God kingdom by great means, which is famous for its top existence in this endless territory.

Such a strong man is certainly awesome.

In particular, many of these strong people in the country of demon sound God grew up listening to the legend of the Lord of the demon sound country, and some followed the Lord of the demon sound country to expand their territory, and saw with their own eyes how the Lord of the demon sound country rose rapidly. Therefore, they also had an almost blind worship of the Lord of the demon sound country.

Now, the Lord of the magic sound came in person and appeared in front of them.

"Lord, did you come in person?"

"That's great. The Lord himself came. Now the man can't be rampant."

"Hum, I admit that this mask man's strength is terrible, but no matter how powerful he is, he is nothing in front of the Lord. Lord, that's the fourth level true saint, and he became the fourth level true saint a long time ago."

"Look, see how the Lord of the country kills this masked man!!"

"He's dead."

These strong men of the magic sound kingdom are whispering.

They will never have any doubt about the strength of the Lord of magic sound.

Although the strength shown by jianwushuang in this war is indeed strong enough, even the king of gold is not an opponent, no matter how good it is, they will not think that jianwushuang can escape from the master of the demon sound country, because it is impossible.