Ordinary people wave an axe to chop firewood. When the axe touches firewood, a hidden force will explode directly.

And the sword unparalleled now see this person, the sword is so.

But the same thing is, this sword is unparalleled, and still can't see any mystery, can't see any depth.

But his instinct told him that this sword was very strong and terrible!!

The sword peerless looked at the third and fourth... Pieces of feathers, but they all saw the amazing swordsmanship hidden in these feathers.

"Not only the feathers on this bird, but also other things." The sword peerless looks at other substances in this world.

Look at the flowers, the trees, and the hut in the center.

Looking so carefully, he was completely shocked.

As he expected, it was not just the feathers on the woodpecker, but all the materials in the world, the petals of every flower, the leaves of every big tree, and even every straw on the thatched house. With only his heart, he could impressively evolve into amazing swordsmanship.

"What kind of world is this?" Jian Wushuang was completely frightened.

One side of the world, it seems ordinary, contains countless swordsmanship, and any of these swordsmanship is unpredictable, which makes it difficult to figure out the unparalleled sword, which is really incredible.

Outside this world, in the huge palace, the consciousness incarnation of XueBei was still sitting on the towering throne, and the stone was still placed in his palm. Looking at the stone in his palm, XueBei's eyes also flickered with different colors.

"Bodhi world... A flower, a plant, a bodhi, even when I first got this Bodhi world, I was surprised by the opportunities contained in it." Xue Bei sighed, this Bodhi world was in his hands, and he naturally knew the opportunities contained in it.

This Bodhi world is composed of countless substances, and these substances can all be derived into amazing and unique learning.

And the type of this unique skill is also determined by the cultivator who goes in.

For example, jianwushuang is good at Kendo, so what he sees in the Bodhi world is countless esoteric swordsmanship.

But if a practitioner who is good at Dao Dao enters the Bodhi world, what is derived from many substances in the Bodhi world is the unfathomable Dao technique.

In short, as long as any cultivator enters the Bodhi world, what he sees is something that is of great help to him.

However, this Bodhi world is only allowed for one person to enter once, and can only stay for a hundred years. After a hundred years, the Bodhi world will collapse and disappear directly.

"Before, I saw that the little guy used two types of swordsmanship when he entered the emperor mountain. Both of those two types of swordsmanship have already had basic outlines. No accident, they should have formed the prototype of swordsmanship, but it is only the prototype of two types of swordsmanship, which is not comprehensive at all. Now... I hope this little guy can make good use of the opportunities in the Bodhi world and have a great harvest in these 100 years." Xue Bei murmured and immediately closed his eyes.

In Bodhi world, sword peerless has returned to God from endless shock.

After the shock, jianwushuang was immediately ecstatic.

Yes, it's ecstasy!!

You know, there are countless substances in the Bodhi world where he is now, not to mention that there are many feathers on the woodpecker alone, a big tree, countless leaves on the tree, and the hut, which is composed of many straws, how many straws are there?

Too much, too much!!

But these things can be evolved into Jingtian sword.

There are all kinds of swordsmanship, and they are extremely powerful and abstruse. In ordinary days, the sword is unparalleled. Even if he just sees one of the swordsmanship at random, it is estimated that he will be very excited and will understand it well. There are too many swordsmanship here.

And he has a full hundred years to understand these esoteric swordsmanship.

"After I reached the immortal saint, my understanding of the rules of time and space has also broken through, and now the most important thing is to really improve my swordsmanship." The sword holds hands tightly.

He had long known that the two unique skills of 'evil elephant' and 'star dream' created by himself were not enough in the real fierce fight.

These two unique skills alone are not a complete swordsmanship at all.

So he must try to create more unique skills to improve his swordsmanship.

The fastest way to create a new unique skill of swordsmanship is to have a lot of esoteric swordsmanship for him to learn from, study and study carefully, in addition to actual combat and continuous progress in fighting.

Unfortunately, such swordsmanship is too rare. There was no such opportunity before the unparalleled sword.

But now... There are countless powerful swordsmanship contained in the Bodhi world. He can study it as much as he wants and learn from it.

His only regret is that the time is too short.

Only a hundred years.

Such countless swordsmanship, even if given to the sword for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, he may not be able to completely study it. A hundred years is indeed too few.

"I can't be too greedy. It's good to stay in this Bodhi world for a hundred years and carefully comprehend it for a hundred years. Master XueBei is right. This Bodhi world is a great creation for me, and next, it depends on how much progress I can make in this hundred years." The sword was unparalleled, his hands clenched, and his eyes glittered with light.

Soon he sat down under a big tree, then closed his eyes and began to grasp the time to comprehend.


Jian Wushuang searched every leaf on the big tree with his heart, and pictures constantly appeared in front of Jian Wushuang in an instant.

In the picture, there is a scene in which a person performs swordsmanship. The swordsmanship that person performs, in any form, is extremely abstruse.

On weekdays, he has to study such swordsmanship for a long time, but now because there are so many esoteric swordsmanship, he mostly just watched it once, and then looked at the second type of swordsmanship. Even if one of the swordsmanship has some inspiration for him, he would watch it twice at most, and would never watch it for the third time.

But even so, it still takes a long time for him to finish reading the swordsmanship represented by every leaf on this big tree.

While browsing these swordsmanship, jianwushuang is constantly studying his swordsmanship in his mind.

His heart is very firm. Although these swordsmanship in front of him are extremely powerful, he only observes and learns from them. His real purpose is to create his own prototype of swordsmanship, and then create a brand-new swordsmanship that is completely performed by himself.