Beheading the heavenly alliance is the first freedom alliance recognized by the early gods. (.. )

Block the space-time around the secret nest of Zaitian alliance?

This dragon Heron can really do it, but he doesn't have the courage to do it.

"What are you afraid of? It's just to block the surrounding space-time. It's not to let you attack the secret nest of Zaitian alliance head-on. It's considered that Zaitian alliance is dissatisfied. You can also say that it's to pursue and kill a person who has committed the most heinous crimes. After killing that person completely, the space-time blockade will naturally be lifted. Zaitian alliance will not kill you in anger." Elder Xinwu summoned.

"Can, can..." Longlu still hesitated.

"Hum, how dare you disobey my orders?" Elder Xinwu's voice was abrupt.

Long Lu was stunned. He knew that the elder Xinwu had been extremely dissatisfied with Chu Yixiao because of his death. At this time, if he disobeyed the elder Xinwu's order again, or he was likely to kill him directly.

Helpless, long Lu had to nod and promise.

In the void ahead, the sword matchless indeed went to the location of the secret nest of the beheading alliance, and soon, the secret nest had appeared in front of him. Without hesitation, the sword matchless directly plundered into the nest.

"He really came to this secret nest." Long Lu's face was slightly heavy, and immediately he began to arrange a Dharma array in the surrounding void.

Nest * *, sword unparalleled came to the counter.

"Handover tasks."

Jian Wushuang took out his identity token.

Inside the counter, a brown haired old man looked up at Jian Wushuang, took the order and nodded slightly.

Soon the task has been handed over, and Jian Wushuang has also received his own reward. He is just about to turn around.


The brown haired old man in the counter suddenly sank, "how brave!!"

The brown haired old man let out a low drink, but his body shape had been swept out in an instant.

In the void outside the secret nest, dragon Heron has arranged the Dharma array. The space-time around the secret nest has been blocked. After the blockade, although people in this void can communicate with the outside world, the space channel can no longer be used.


The figure of the brown haired old man suddenly appeared in the void and appeared in front of the Dragon heron.

"Who are you, who dares to block the time and space around my beheading tianmeng secret nest?" The brown haired old man shouted in a low voice.

Looking at the brown haired old man, Longlu was surprised. The breath emanating from the brown haired old man also reached the level of level six true saints, and it was still the peak of level six!!

Taking a deep breath, long Lu modestly said, "I'm long Lu, the deacon of Zixiao Pavilion. I'm ordered to temporarily block this space-time."

"Follow orders? Follow orders from Zixiao pavilion? Are you too unscrupulous in Zixiao pavilion? You dare to block the lair of beheading tianmeng directly!" The old man with brown hair had a cold voice.

"No, no, I didn't mean to fight against the beheading alliance in Zixiao Pavilion, but a thief we were just chasing just escaped here. In order to prevent him from escaping, we had to make such a bad decision. As long as we found and killed the thief, I immediately removed the surrounding space-time blockade, and the elder Xinwu of Zixiao Pavilion is also coming now. At that time, the elder Xinwu will naturally make amends for the sins of the beheading alliance in person." Long Lu said.

"Heart wizard?" The brown haired old man's eyes narrowed slightly. He had been in yichongtian for many years, and he was also clear about the strong in yichongtian.

The heart Witch of Zixiao Pavilion is definitely a strong man, and he is also a very troublesome master.

"What's the name of the person you're looking for?" The brown haired old man asked.

"His name is Jian Tianhou, and he is a true saint of the third order." Long Lu Lian Dao.

The name of Jian Tianhou was learned by long Lu from the third prince. The third prince had sent so many spies under the command of his sixth highness. It's certainly not difficult to know the name of Jian Wushuang.

"Jian Tianhou..." the brown haired old man's eyes narrowed slightly.

And now in a separate room in the back of the tianmeng nest.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, the people of Zixiao pavilion are looking for you, and they have deliberately blocked time and space, making the space channel of my beheading tianmeng nest * * unusable." A white robed man stood in front of the unparalleled sword and said with a light smile.

"Blocked time and space?" Sword peerless showed surprise.

He knew that the Dragon heron of Zixiao Pavilion had been following him, and Zixiao pavilion would certainly attack him, but he didn't expect that the people of Zixiao Pavilion were so brave that they dared to block the time and space where the secret nest of beheading tianmeng was located.

"I have reported what happened here, but the people who met me said that they would ask for your own opinions. If you are troublesome, I will chop tianmeng directly and dismiss the people in Zixiao Pavilion. Of course, if Tianhou doesn't want me to chop tianmeng, I can completely ignore this matter and let Xiaoyou and Zixiao Pavilion solve it by themselves." White robe said modestly.

The reason why he is modest is that he just got the order from Bian.

The man beside said he would ask jianwushuang's own opinion?

This alone has shown that the identity of Jian Wushuang is extraordinary.

"It's my fault. It's better to solve it by myself. Don't kill tianmeng for the time being." Jian Wushuang said.

"In that case, I'll kill tianmeng and ignore this matter at all. Even if Zixiao Pavilion blocks time and space, I'll kill tianmeng without asking, and everything will be solved by my little friend. Of course, I'll kill tianmeng without asking. After all, this is the secret nest of tianmeng. No matter how bold the people in Zixiao pavilion are, they will never dare to rush here to do it, and I'll rest assured." White robed humanity.

"Well." Jian Wushuang nodded slightly.

The white robed man left immediately.

After the white robed man left, Jian Wushuang directly took out a messenger token, which belonged to Mo Shan.

Mo Shan already knew that he was in trouble, so he personally summoned him and asked him whether he wanted to kill tianmeng. Of course, jianwushuang refused.

But as soon as he refused Mo Shan, someone immediately summoned him.

But this time, nine Luo was summoned to him!

Jiuluo is also a friend of jianwushuang. Both sides have exchanged summons before.

"Brother Tianhou, I heard you are in trouble." Jiuluo directly said.

"How do you know?" Jian Wushuang was surprised.

"I didn't know it at first. It was baijue adult who told me." Jiuluo road.

"Lord baijue?" Sword peerless look moved.

Lord baijue, the master of the rules from the Taoist palace, previously offered attractive conditions to let him join the Taoist palace.

"Lord baijue knew that you were in trouble, but he didn't have your summons, so he found him and asked me to subpoena you for him."