
Jian Wushuang sneers at the bottom of his heart.

The previous nail also contained strong voodoo, which could not affect the sword at all.

Now, the voodoo world played by the heart witch is many times stronger than the nail, but the sword is still immune.

Let alone breathe for only ten times, even if he stayed in the voodoo world for ten days and ten nights, he would not be affected at all.

"Your strongest means have been used, but you still can't help me, then you're dead." Jian Wuliang's eyes are cold.

"Bad!" Xinwu's face also changed greatly.

As Jian Wushuang said, as long as Jian Wushuang didn't die, he would be in big trouble.


The reincarnation sword array controlled by Daolong and sword peerless has appeared in front of the heart witch again, and rushed frantically towards the heart witch.

The psychic, who has lost most of his divine power, is naturally in a worse and worse situation. In the end, he can only struggle.

But this struggle only lasted for a moment, still dead.

"Dead, Xinwu is dead!!"

"This heart witch is a famous seven level true saint. It is said that it is more difficult to deal with than many seven level peak true saints."

"Lord Daolong, cooperating with the sword Lord, actually killed the heart witch here?"

Most of the strong ones who cut tianmeng are incredible.

You know, when jianwushuang said to leave Xinwu completely, many people didn't believe it at the bottom of their hearts.

But in fact, it really happened.

Of course, the reason why this happens is not that the means of Xinwu is inconsistent with the rumor, but because Xinwu meets a sword with better means.

The best way for Xinwu is to control voodoo, but his voodoo is unparalleled to the sword and has no effect at all!

Secondly, his life-saving means are also very good. Because of this, he dares to fight with Daolong head-on.

But as soon as the unparalleled master of the sword printed, he directly blocked the surrounding void, instantly cut off his chance to escape, and many of the means he used to escape could not be used at all.

In addition, Xinwu also has some unique means, which can find ways not to fight with Daolong head-on, but to avoid the war, and then wait for the strong ones supported by Zixiao pavilion to rush over.

However, the unparalleled ice fire Youlong Chi's ice fire field also completely cut off his possibility.

All the means to protect life and entangle are limited by jianwushuang.

It can be said that he met the nemesis!

After these life-saving means could not be used, he had to confront Daolong head-on. In addition, jianwushuang also made every effort to attack. Of course, he had only a dead end.

"Xinwu, this old guy is very famous and his means are not small. I didn't think I could kill him at first, but he died." Daolong stood in the void, looking at the sword unparalleled, but his eyes were a little strange.

"Jian Tianhou, this heart witch is the elder of Zixiao Pavilion, and because of his voodoo and weapon refining methods, he is also very valued in Zixiao Pavilion. Now you and I work together to kill him, which is a lot of trouble!!"

Jian Wushuang moved and nodded secretly.

"Zixiao Pavilion and I have accumulated a lot of resentment. Zixiao Pavilion didn't think of a way to kill me, but it's just that it doesn't have the ability. Now I'll kill this heart witch again, which is nothing, but you're different. If there's no accident, Zixiao Pavilion will try to kill you from today on." The Dragon said again.

"I know, but since I dare to kill, I am naturally prepared." The sword is unparalleled.

"That's good. In that case, take care of yourself. I've finished this task, so I'll leave." Daolong road.

"Thank you, Lord Daolong."

Jian Wushuang thanked, and soon Daolong left.

But the sword matchless waved, and immediately a heaven and earth ring floated towards him.

This heaven and earth ring is exactly the heaven and earth ring left by the heart witch after his death.

"Lord Daolong, he's very polite. It's obvious that he did a lot to kill Xinwu, but he didn't even look at the heaven and earth precepts of Xinwu, and left them to me?" Jian Wushuang raised his eyebrows.

Xinwu, who is so well-known as a seven level true saint, is also an elder of Zixiao Pavilion, and is proficient in voodoo and refining tools. His fame is so amazing that his wealth is definitely not poor.

Although Jian Wushuang has no treasure in the heaven and earth ring, he probably guessed that the value of this heaven and earth ring is probably more than the general seven level peak Zhensheng's entire family.

But it was such a big fortune, but Daolong was not excited at all, but completely left it to himself.

Obviously, Daolong felt that the reason why he was able to kill Xinwu was simply because of the unparalleled sword. On the other hand, Daolong's doing so probably meant to make friends with the unparalleled sword.

"Please Lord Daolong, I paid the price of seven billion holy pills, but in this war, I killed four six level peak true saints, one six level elementary true saints, and most importantly, I also killed the seven level true saint, Xinwu, and got the heaven and earth ring left by them. Its value has long exceeded the price I paid, and I made a lot of money." Jian Wushuang's eyes lit up.

He did make money this time.

Of course, while making a lot of money, he also offended Zixiao pavilion to death.


Zixiao Pavilion.

The overlord of the first heaven, one of the three pavilions!!

In the first heaven, Zixiao pavilion has an absolute right to speak, and the sects of all forces are extremely afraid.

In the first day, the strong of Zixiao Pavilion almost walked sideways wherever they went. Few people dared to make enemies with Zixiao Pavilion, let alone kill the elders of Zixiao Pavilion.

Those who dare to do so, in these onemillion years, there is only Daolong.

He is strong enough to be not afraid of Zixiao Pavilion. Zixiao Pavilion can't kill him even if the master of the rules doesn't go out in person, so Daolong can live.

As for the others, they are all dead.

So watch out for the news of the witch's death. When it reached Zixiao Pavilion, the pavilion owner of Zixiao Pavilion, many old people suddenly became angry!!

In particular, knowing that the death of Xinwu was largely due to the fourth level true saint, the killing intention of many high-level people in Zixiao pavilion was even more shocking.

"It's just a level 4 true saint who has the courage to kill the elder of Zixiao Pavilion!!"

"Kill, kill the sword Tianhou!!"

"We can't kill Daolong, but this sword must die!!"

Soon, an order was issued.

This is a must kill order.

As long as the Zixiao Pavilion belongs to, including the strong and disciples of the Zixiao Pavilion, and even all the forces and countries under the Zixiao Pavilion in the past, those who encounter the sword Lord will be killed!!

At the same time, the Intelligence Department of Zixiao Pavilion also began to operate and began to frantically search for the trail of unparalleled sword.

Once the unparalleled sword is found, Zixiao Pavilion will immediately send a strong man to kill!!
