"Originally, I wanted to fight with Zixiao Pavilion in this territory, but now it seems that it may not work." Sword unparalleled secret way.

The three holy lands have known his existence, and will definitely send a large number of strong men to kill him immediately. If he stays in the territory controlled by Zixiao Pavilion again, it is tantamount to looking for death!

"I must leave immediately and hide my identity. In the future, the name Jian Tianhou will never be used again." Jian Wushuang has a clear plan in his heart.

Immediately, he set off immediately.

In the center of the dark void and the dark earth, there is an ancient altar, on which there are thousands of strange secret patterns.

A thin hunchbacked old man covered in black robes, leaning on a black snake head crutch, stood there, looking down at the secret grain under his feet.

Now... Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several figures swept from the void nearby, and in the blink of an eye they had fallen on the altar.

"Lord prophet."

The first woman in black saluted first, and then opened her mouth respectfully.

The hunchbacked old man with a snake head crutch looked up and glanced at the woman in black. "What's up?"

"We came here on the order of Lord Wushen. I want you to help us find a fourth level true saint named Jian Tianhou." The woman in Black said.

"Looking for someone?" The hunchback old man's muddy eyes narrowed slightly, "it's just a name. I'm afraid I can't find even the heavenly will power of the primordial gods?"

"Of course not only one name." The woman in black smiled, but then waved. Behind her, a man in black came up.

"Meet the prophet." The black robed man was only a fourth level true saint, who was already trembling in the face of the woman in black, and now he was even more frightened in front of the hunchback old man.

After all, this hunchback old man is a Legendary Super existence. In the cult of witchcraft, his status is second only to that of witchcraft.

"Lord prophet, this man once met with the sword Lord, and he was very impressed." The woman in Black said.

This black robed man was one of several fourth level true saints who had participated in the assassination of Xiong Tao.

At first, they mainly wanted to assassinate Xiong Tao, but they ran into Jian Wushuang and naturally failed.

"Is that so?" The hunchbacked old man nodded slightly, but immediately his eyes immediately looked at the black robed man who was only the fourth level of the true saint, and a strange force also swept out.

"What are you going to do, my lord?" The four steps of the true saint's black robe was stunned.

"Don't fight." The hunchback old man snorted, but the strange force had directly poured into the black robed man's body.

"No!!" The man in black let out a shrill roar, but soon his expression calmed down and his eyes closed.

"I have found the memory of the sword marquis." The hunchbacked old man opened his mouth, and while his voice fell, the black robed man of the fourth level of true saint completely cut off his vitality and fell down feebly.

No one cares at all about the death of this fourth rank true saint.

The woman in black looked forward to the hunchback old man, "Lord prophet, Lord Wushen attaches great importance to the sword marquis. Can you find the location of the sword Marquis through this person's memory?"

"Try it."

The hunchbacked old man said, and then closed his eyes.

The woman in black knew that the hunchback old man was already using his means, so she didn't dare to disturb him at all.

A moment later


The hunchback old man opened his eyes fiercely, and there was a flash of horror in his eyes. Then there was a "poof", and a big mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out, and his breath instantly faded to the extreme.

"Lord prophet? What the hell is going on?" The woman in black was also surprised and hurriedly asked.

The hunchbacked old man raised his head, but his eyes were extremely cold, and the expression on his face was also uncertain.

"I ask you, who is the sword Tianhou that the old witch God is looking for?" The hunchbacked old man said coldly.

"This... I don't know, but from the order given by the Lord of the witch God, he should pay attention to the sword Marquis, otherwise he won't let me invite you, Lord prophet." The woman in Black said cautiously.

"Hum!" The hunchbacked old man said coldly, "that old man is relaxed. Just give him an order. I'll let him suffer."

"Prophet, are you..." the woman in black was puzzled.

"The origin of the sword Tianhou you are looking for is not trivial. I searched for his position by the way of fate according to the memory of the fourth level true saint just now, but I was backfired by the rules of fate. Not only did I suffer a heavy blow, but from today on, I won't use the power of the rules of fate for 100000 years." Said the hunchbacked old man.

"What?" The woman in black was stunned.

Rules of fate... If ordinary cultivators, including Jian Wushuang, hear this word, they will definitely be very confused.

Therefore, in their understanding, there is no so-called fate rule in the rules of heaven and earth.

But in fact, the rules of fate exist, but there are few people practicing in the primordial divine world, so ordinary practitioners are naturally not qualified to contact.

And this hunchback old man, that is, the prophet in the mouth of the woman in black, is a super strong man who is good at the rules of fate.

"My use of the rules of fate has reached the peak. Coupled with the coincidence, I got a unique secret of the rules of fate in the cosmic battlefield. It's easy to find a person's trace by clarifying the fate in the universe. Even if I look for some special life or some top existence in the world, I don't have to bear the backfire of the rules of fate, or the backfire is very light!"

"But this backfire is something I have never met before. Therefore, this man named jiantianhou definitely has an incredible origin and identity. No wonder the old witch God pays so much attention to him." Said the hunchbacked old man.

"Did the prophet ever find the place of the sword Marquis?" The woman in black asked carefully.

The hunchbacked old man glanced at the woman in black, but immediately turned his hand and took out a token.

This talisman is a bloody talisman, which contains extremely strange energy and is extremely strange.

"Take this token, follow the instructions in the token, and you will naturally find the sword Tianhou. But remember, you have only one chance. If you fail this time, it is impossible to rely on me to find his position in the future." Said the hunchbacked old man.

The woman in black took the order, but her heart was full of joy.

"Thank you, Lord prophet." The woman in black even thanked.

"Go, tell the old witch God, don't bother me again in these 100000 years!" The hunchbacked old man waved impatiently.
