Under the crooked neck tree, Jian Wushuang talked with Qian Hongzi, Duan Lang and Feixue, and they were also very enthusiastic. (.. )

"Brother Tianhou, I think your breath of divine power is still only the sixth level of true saint?" Qian Hongzi suddenly asked.

"Yes." Jian Wushuang nodded.

"Six levels of true saint, its combat power, and almost shoulder invincible saint, this higher level ability..." Qian Hongzi and Duan Lang, Feixue looked at each other, and their hearts were full of questions.

You know, the three of them are the top immortal saints in the era of the temple of time and space, and all of them are extremely talented, but they are unparalleled with swords, and the gap is not a little bit.

"The sixth level true saint is so powerful. If you break through and reach the seventh level true saint in the future, its combat power will be stronger. At that time, I'm afraid that the immortal saint of the temple of time and space will be able to compete with you." Qian Hongzi said.

Duan Lang and Feixue also nodded one after another.

"Speaking of Dihao, why didn't he and Yue Yu come?" Jian Wushuang asked.

In addition to Jian Wushuang, Qian Hongzi and Fei Xue, there are also two people in the list of five people given by the Lord of the white star hall, namely, Di Hao and Yue Yu.

In terms of strength, Dihao is recognized as the strongest!!

He is not only an invincible saint, but also the top group when he is an invincible saint. He is only a handful of people who can compete with him when he is an immortal saint in the whole primordial divine world.

"Emperor Hao, that's a Madman of cultivation, and he's always been alone, ignoring external things. As for Yue Yu, he's been wandering outside and hasn't come back yet." Said Feixue.

"Is that so?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Brother Tianhou, don't worry. After a while, when the blood wave world opens, you can naturally see the two of them, and then we all have to work together to find the opportunity in the blood wave world." Duan Lang laughed.

"Chance?" Jian Wushuang smiled strangely, "to be honest, although I have got the quota to enter the blood wave world, and I just fought with brother Duan Lang, until now, I don't know what opportunities there are in the blood wave world, and why there is so much attraction, so that so many immortal saints at the top level, the top level, and even the invincible level want to enter it so urgently?"

"Don't you know?" Qian Hongzi was stunned.

Sword peerless wry smile.

He really doesn't know.

The Lord of the white star hall only told him that there was a big chance in the blood wave boundary, and that chance was enough to make almost all immortal saints crazy, but he didn't know what the chance was.

"Brother Tianhou, let me tell you." Duan Lang became positive, "the blood wave realm indeed contains enough opportunities to make all immortal saints crazy, and this opportunity is its blood wave hall!"

"Blood wave hall? What's that?" Sword matchless doubts.

"That is a large palace in the center of the blood wave world, which was left by the founder of the blood wave world. Up to now, no one seems to know who founded the blood wave world, but there is a big chance in the blood wave hall, which is a fact. As for the specific chance, there are many rumors outside, but few are really credible, but there is one thing, but almost all the immortal saints who can enter the blood wave hall have died when he came out of the blood wave hall After a breakthrough, he became the master of the rules. " Duan Lang said.

"What?" Jian Wushuang was surprised.

But all immortal saints who enter the blood wave hall will almost become the master of the rules after coming out of it?

"Brother Duan Lang, what you said is almost too vague. How many specific examples are there?" Jian Wushuang asked.

"I say almost, it's impossible to become the master of the rules 100% naturally, but... Take the recent onemillion years for example, in this onemillion years, the blood wave world has been opened for a full ten times, and countless top saints have entered it every time. After a fierce competition, only ten people finally entered the blood wave hall smoothly, and ten times, there are 100 top immortal saints entering the blood wave hall!"

"Among the 100 top immortal saints, only one failed to become the master of the rules, and the other 99 were already the master of the rules after they walked out of the blood wave hall." Duan Lang said solemnly.

"How is it possible?" Jianwushuang was completely shocked.

The blood wave world was opened ten times, and a total of 100 top immortal saints entered it. As a result, 99 people became the masters of the rules, and only one person failed to break through?

What is this concept?

Doesn't this mean that as long as you enter the blood wave hall, 99% will break through and become the master of the rules?

Lord of rules, it is a high-level existence in the primordial divine world. The Lord of rules completely masters a rule, has will power, and has strong strength, which is far superior to the immortal saints. The primordial divine world was born to the extreme, and countless geniuses and demons were born. Most of these geniuses and demons can be challenged higher and higher, but at most, they can also be challenged higher and higher at the level of true saints.

But if you cross a big realm and want to challenge the master of rules in the realm of truth and holiness, it is as difficult as the sky and almost impossible!

Throughout the ages, there are only twoorthree geniuses and Demons born in the primordial divine world who can compete with the master of rules in the realm of immortal saints, which shows the gap.

Naturally, many immortal saints in the primordial divine world have no desire to cross this threshold and become the master of rules.

But how... This step of the master of rules is extremely difficult, not to say that you can step out.

At the beginning of the time, there were many powerful immortal saints in the divine world, and they had not taken this step for countless years.

And the blood wave world opportunity, as long as you can enter the blood wave world, 99% can become the master of the rules. Such incredible opportunities, it is no wonder that countless top immortal saints in the primordial divine world will be so crazy, so do everything to enter the blood wave world.

How many immortal saints can resist such an incredible opportunity?

"Brother Tianhou, now you know why I am so unwilling to challenge you to get back the quota of entering the blood wave world?" Duan Lang stared at Jian Wushuang with burning eyes, "there is no way. It's too difficult to break through and reach the Lord of rules just by relying on his own ability. When hundreds of top immortal saints are appointed, not one can break through, and the opportunity of the blood wave hall in the blood wave world is a shortcut for us to directly lead to the Lord of rules!!"

"Such a shortcut, the whole primordial world, there will be no second!!"


PS: it's two o'clock today!