Not far away in the void, two figures were coming side by side. Both of them were extremely fast. They appeared around the battlefield in an instant. After arriving, they just saw the nine palaces Saint put the blood wave order into the heaven and earth ring.

Seeing this, their faces were heavy.

"It's both of them." The nine palaces Saint also noticed the arrival of the two people, and her eyebrows couldn't help picking.

If you change to other strong ones, even the two invincible saints, and even the two strong ones on the true saint list, the nine palaces Saint won't care too much

But the two people in front of me... Have brought great pressure to the nine palaces saint.

The two stood side by side in front of the nine palaces saint. Standing on the right was a bald man who was more than three meters tall and as strong as a mountain. The bald man was carrying a mace and a gentle smile on his face, giving people a feeling of incomparable simplicity.

But such a simple and honest man made many strong men present tremble at heart.

The iron tower ranks 13th in the list of true saints!

This is a lone strong man who has become famous a long time ago, but no one knows his real name. As for the title of 'iron tower', it is given to him by others, because he is not only tall and burly, like a mountain, but also has almost invincible body protection ability!!

His body defense ability is recognized as the first among the many undead saints in the primordial world!!

Just like the unparalleled sword, which is recognized as the first to protect life and the first to assassinate, the iron tower is the first to defend, so it is called 'iron tower', which means indestructible!

In addition to his defense ability, his attack methods are also good, especially when the mace in his hand is powerful enough to easily crush the invincible saint when it is waved, so he is ranked 13th on the list of true saints.

If it's just the tower alone, the nine palaces saint can also accept it. After all, the tower can't help her, but next to the tower, that is, in front of the right of the nine palaces saint, there is a cold man in black robes with a cold breath.

The breath emanating from the cold man was amazing, completely covering everyone present. Even the breath of the iron tower and the nine palaces saint was completely covered by him. His face was cold and stood there, like a god of death.


"It's the third Hades in the true saint list!!"

The strong people around couldn't help shouting after seeing the cold man.

Emperor Ming is a strong man who suddenly appeared after the blood wave world was opened, but even if he suddenly rose, his terrible strength still made everyone tremble.

You know, before the list of true saints, the king of light is the first, the saint devil is the second, and the ninth palace saint is the third.

In the previous battle of encircling and killing the unparalleled sword in the three holy regions, Dihao fought with the king of light, which proved that Dihao's strength was slightly stronger than that of the nine palaces saint, because Dihao should be ranked third.

But since the Emperor Ming made a move in the blood wave world, the Emperor Ming was immediately ranked third, and Emperor Hao and the nine palaces Saint were both below him, and no one questioned this result, because the strength of the Emperor Ming was really terrible.

The battle that made Ming emperor famous was his frontal challenge to the holy devil!!

In the end, he and the holy devil fought head-on for nearly a quarter of an hour. Finally, the holy devil relied on his innate advantage of being a special life to barely beat the Emperor Ming. But after the war, the holy devil admitted that the Emperor Ming was not much worse than him in terms of strength, so the Emperor Ming became famous in the first war.

Now, the Ming emperor and the iron tower, one of which ranks third and the other ranks thirteenth, have appeared on this battlefield, and both of them are obviously interested in the blood wave order in the hands of the nine palaces saint.

"Hades, iron tower, I'm afraid you two are late." The goddess of the nine palaces stood calmly in front of the Ming emperor and the iron tower.

"Late? Not necessarily. Aren't you still standing here?" The ghost emperor made a strange sound.

"Why, are you still going to snatch the blood wave order from me?" The nine palaces Saint sneered.

Although the goddess of the nine palaces was extremely afraid of the lineup of the emperor of the underworld and the iron tower, she was not afraid.

After all, if her strength reaches her level, she is not afraid even if she meets the bright King in the face, because the bright King can crush or seriously injure her at most, but it is almost impossible to kill her.

"If the blood wave order had fallen into your hands before, I wouldn't have paid attention to it, but now it's different."

The emperor of the underworld said in a low voice, "the opening of the blood wave world is coming to an end now. Seven of the ten blood wave orders have been born and have fallen into others' hands, and the one in your hand is the eighth one. That is to say, if you miss this time, you can only wait for the last two blood wave orders to be born, but the two blood wave orders are contested by so many people, and you finally know who owns them?"

"That's right. The more you get behind the ten blood wave orders, the lower the chance of getting the blood wave orders. It's just that I didn't catch up with the Ming emperor before, but since I caught up this time, it's naturally impossible to let you leave so easily." The iron tower also spoke indifferently, and his voice was like thunder, "nine palaces saint, hand in the bleeding wave order, or I will be rude to you."

"Joke, just you two, do you still want to kill me?" The nine palaces Saint also bred anger.

"How can you know if you don't try?" The emperor of hell sneered and glanced at the iron tower next to him. "Brother iron tower, since the nine palaces saint is stubborn, how about you and me join hands to teach her a good lesson? If you have a chance, kill her again?"

"No problem." Tower nodded, followed the pace but directly stepped out, "look at me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the tower directly pulled out the mace behind it. Its three meter tall body held a huge mace nearly two meters long. There was a faint stream of khaki energy gathered on the mace, and then it suddenly smashed out.


As soon as the earth shook, the huge mace smashed directly at the front of the nine palaces saint. Before it got close, there was already an amazing oppression spreading.

The nine palaces saint's eyes were cold. At the moment when the tower was shot, her soul attack had swept directly towards the tower.

Her soul attack is extremely powerful. She should be the first among the immortal saints. Even if she doesn't use the strongest move, it is still extremely terrible, which is enough to hit the soul of ordinary invincible saints.

But when this soul attack acts on the tower

"Hehe, soul attack?" The iron tower disdained to smile, but its body shape did not suffer any pause, and the mace in its hand continued to crush.