In the magnificent temple, many high-level strong people in the temple of time and space gathered together.

Although jianwushuang is not one of the high-level leaders of the temple of time and space, because of the previous war on bosuo island and his outbreak, he has a high position among the many strong people in the temple of time and space. In addition, for the past 300 years, jianwushuang has been cultivating beside the Lord of time and space. This waiting time has never been owned by anyone since the creation of the temple of time and space. But I think the position of jianwushuang in the heart of the Lord of time and space, Therefore, sword peerless also has a place in this temple.

The Lord of the space-time hall sat on the throne at the top with his eyes leisurely, overlooking the people below.

"I've been wandering in the cosmic battlefield all year round. This time, I just came back temporarily to have a look. I plan to go to the cosmic battlefield again immediately, and before I leave... White star." The Lord of the space-time hall shouted.

"Lord hall." The Lord of the white star hall immediately stood up.

"When I wander in the cosmic battlefield, you are still the acting Lord of the temple of time and space. You have full authority to deal with many things in the temple of time and space." The main road of the hall of time and space.

"Yes." The Lord of the white star hall nodded respectfully.

"Ba Cang, you are still the temple inspector, assisting Bai Xing to jointly manage the temple of time and space." The main road of the hall of time and space.

"Yes." Ba Cang also took orders.

"Phosphorescence..." the Lord of the space-time hall continued to make some appointments, basically no big change from before.

In the end

"Jian Tianhou." The Lord of the temple of time and space suddenly opened his mouth.

Jian Wushuang was stunned, and everyone around also looked at Jian Wushuang.

"Temple Lord." Jian Wushuang stepped forward.

"Jian Tianhou, although you are only an immortal saint, your strength has long been above the master of general rules. I now appoint you as the sixth inspector of my space-time temple. Did you ever want to?" Said the Lord of time and space.

"Inspector?" The sword was startled.

He has been in the temple of time and space for so many years, and he still knows some of the high-level positions in the temple of time and space. There is no doubt that the Lord of the temple and the supervisory envoy are at the top level and hold great power, while the patrol envoy is under the command of the supervisory envoy. He also has great power and belongs to one of the highest levels of the temple of time and space. In terms of status and power, he is higher than many masters of the rules of the second and third realms of void.

Moreover, there were only five patrolling envoys before, but now the Lord of the temple of time and space orders him to be the sixth patrolling envoys?

"This..." Jian Wushuang looked a little stunned, and his eyes couldn't help looking around.

Sure enough, the masters of the rules around looked at him strangely, and there were some strange emotions in these eyes, and these masters of the rules immediately summoned and secretly communicated.

"The Lord of the temple asked the Marquis of Jiantian to be the inspector?"

"The patrol envoy, who has a lot of real power, generally has to be appointed by the strong in the four realms of the void and above, and has a certain prestige in the temple of time and space. Although this sword Lord... Performed surprisingly in the previous war, everyone knows that his strength at that time relied on external forces. As for his own strength, there is still a gap from serving as the patrol envoy?"

"It can't be said like this. After all, in the previous battle, even without the help of external forces, the combat power of this sword Tianhou is also at the level of the three realms of emptiness. Besides, he is only an immortal saint, and his talent potential is so good. Now it has been three hundred years since the war, and he has been practicing beside the temple Lord. Maybe he has reached the level of the four realms of emptiness?"

"It's possible, but he's still too young and immature. It's a little early to become the inspector and the highest level of my space-time temple."

The masters of these rules whispered, and they had their own views on the appointment of the Lord of space and time.

As for Jian Wushuang himself, he knew himself clearly, and immediately said, "Lord hall, let's not say whether my strength is qualified to become an inspector. The time I entered the temple of time and space alone is too short, I lack qualifications, and I didn't make too much contribution to the temple of time and space, so I directly served as an inspector. I'm afraid it's a little inappropriate."

"Your strength as an inspector has no problem. As for your qualifications and contributions, it will be accumulated slowly in the future. I said that you are qualified to serve as an inspector, so you are naturally qualified. You don't need to worry too much. I asked you if you are willing to serve as an inspector." Looking down, the Lord of the space-time hall also had a deep meaning in his eyes.

Jian Wushuang obviously hesitated, but when he noticed the meaningful eyes of the time and space hall Lord, he stopped thinking, "I'm willing."

"Well, from today on, you will be the sixth inspector of the temple of time and space." The Lord of the space-time Temple smiled and continued, "the patrol envoy has a very high position in our space-time temple, and his position is not ordinary. He is directly going to fight for our space-time temple. In the Taichu god world, but any competition between our space-time temple and some powerful outside forces will be solved by the patrol envoy at the first time."

"Although your strength has met the requirements, the hatred between you and the three holy places is too deep, and it has long been impossible to resolve it. In the future, in the process of fighting for my space-time temple, it is inevitable to deal with the three holy places again. In order to prevent the three holy places from using any means against you in the future, here is a token. You can keep it." As soon as the Lord of the space-time hall waved his hand, a token emitting special space-time fluctuations threw it at the sword unparalleled.

Sword matchless reached out and took the token, held it in his hand, and wondered, "Lord, is this token?"

"This talisman is a talisman refined by me personally, which can protect your life. As long as you have this talisman in hand, I can guarantee that no one can really kill you in the primordial realm." The Lord of time and space said, and his words were full of absolute confidence.

He does have this confidence.

As a dominant strong man, he is also proficient in the rules of space and time. He is absolutely the first person to use the rules of space and time in the primordial divine world. His attainments in space and time are so high. The talisman he refined contains special space and time means. Although he does not have the ability to attack and kill, it is absolutely no problem if it is simply to protect life.

Not to mention that the master level from the outside world has not yet arrived in the Taichu divine world. Even if there is a strong master level from the outside, with this token, the sword can temporarily escape.

It is for this reason that the Lord of the temple of time and space clearly knows that behind the three holy regions is the will power of the heaven, and also knows that the will power of the heaven may make the external dominant strong people reach the primordial divine world, but he still has no fear and dares to protect the unparalleled real reliance of the sword!

In the primordial realm, although the Lord of the temple of time and space cannot be said to be truly invincible, no one can keep him when he wants to leave.
