For that gray light and shadow, Jian Wushuang and xiaoyaohou are not afraid. After all, they are powerful, and the gray light and shadow should not threaten them, but most of the rules under their command are only at the level of emptiness, but they can't face the gray light and shadow.

For example, up to now, there have been four rule masters who have suffered heavy losses. If the gray light and shadow are allowed to continue wantonly, more rule masters will be injured under their command.

"The gray light and shadow just now, the speed is too fast, and there is no breath power at all, so I can't feel his existence at all, just like the shadowless escape skill you mastered by jiantianhou, without a trace." Xiaoyao Hou Dao.

"Shadowless escape?" Jian Wushuang was stunned, but then he nodded secretly.

Indeed, his shadowless evasion is hidden in the surrounding void, and can hide from the cultivation of the soul, but because his mastery of shadowless evasion is still at a high level, he can't hide from the xiaoyaohou who has reached the peak of the four realms of the void.

And the gray light and shadow, but even xiaoyaohou can hide it.

It is clearly hidden in the secret realm of heaven and earth, hidden around everyone, but no one knows where 'it' is.

"Jian Tianhou, you have also mastered shadowless hiding. You should know more about such hiding means. Do you have a way to find out the gray light and shadow now?" Xiaoyao Hou asked.

"I'm not absolutely sure, but I can try." Jian Wushuang's eyes coagulated, and a large number of the power of space-time rules had been madly condensed on him.

But in the blink of an eye, the power of space-time rules condensed on him has reached a very amazing level.

"Space time rules?" Xiaoyao Hou looked at it in surprise. "To find out the gray light and shadow, we should find a way to improve the soul's perception ability. What's the use of space-time rules now?"

"Just look." Jian Wushuang smiled faintly, followed by his right hand, but it was a strange stroke in the void in front of him.

"One finger painting heaven, time and space prison!!"

Hum ~ with that simple stroke, the power of space-time rules condensed on jianwushuang suddenly burst up, and swept away in all directions like a wave, covering the whole secret world in just a moment.

"This is..."

Xiaoyao Hou saw the power of space-time rules everywhere around, but his eyes suddenly shrunk, "space-time imprisonment, this is space-time imprisonment!!"

"Jian Tianhou, you have mastered the confinement of time and space? How is it possible? When you fought with you before, your application of the rules of time and space obviously did not reach this level?" Xiaoyao Hou looked at the sword in amazement.

"Hehe, xiaoyaohou, there are many things you don't know." Jian Wushuang smiled.

His use of space-time rules does not reach the level of space-time imprisonment, and is still only at the level of space-time transformation. Under normal circumstances, he really can't exert space-time imprisonment.

However, you can't use it by your own ability alone, but the unparalleled sword can use the power of treasure.

Like now, what he relies on is the pole painted by the Lord of the temple of time and space!

Painting the golden flag of heaven, which is the top treasure in space-time, can be of great use in the hands of strong people who are good at space-time rules. For example, in bosuo island at the beginning, the master of Qingyan used the golden flag of heaven to display the imprisonment of space-time, which simply made many powerful masters of rules in the temple of space-time unable to break open.

Although the use of the rules of time and space of jianwushuang can't be compared with that of the Lord of Qingyan, it's also reluctantly relying on this painting of Tianjin flag to show some means, especially in this painting of Tianjin flag, there are some mysteries, among which the simplest time and space prison, jianwushuang, has mastered and now has been shown.

"Although I don't know why you can use space-time imprisonment, what we need to do now is to find out the gray light and shadow. You completely imprison this space-time. At most, you can only trap 'it' in this space-time, but you still can't find 'it'?" Xiaoyao Hou frowned.

"If it's just a general space-time imprisonment, it can only trap people, but my space-time imprisonment is different. This space-time imprisonment not only has the effect of space-time imprisonment, but also a great space-time field. That is to say, in this space-time, it will be absolutely under my control. My space-time force can sweep every space-time wantonly, no matter how deep it is hidden, I can find it." Jian Wushuang smiled, "wait a minute, I'm already looking for it."

But Xiaoyao Hou heard this, but his heart set off a lot of waves, "this sword Tianhou, the means are indeed endless."

Xiaoyao Hou looked at Jian Wushuang with a hint of deep meaning. He didn't continue to fight with Jian Wushuang because he knew that Jian Wushuang had many means, but chose to admit defeat. Now it seems that his choice at that time was indeed very wise.

After all, the sword was unparalleled in that war, but it didn't show any means at all. For example, it hasn't been shown in this time and space prison.


Jian Wushuang's eyes suddenly lit up, and a smile appeared on his face, "it's really deep enough. Unfortunately, no matter how powerful you hide, you can't escape this space!"

"Xiaoyaohou, come with me!"

The sword peerless snorted, but his body shape burst out instantly.

Xiaoyao Hou naturally immediately followed jianwushuang.

Whew! Whew!

Two figures flashed at the same time, but instantly emerged in front of an empty void.

"Here it is."

Sword Wu's eyes twinkled with a sharp light, and the blood peak sword behind him had already been out of the sword. A brutal sword intention, with a shocking momentum, instantly chopped towards the empty void.

While xiaoyaohou, although he didn't see any oddity in the void in front of him, he also followed the sword unparalleled and rolled out with the same epee.

At the same time, the two sword shadows cut towards the empty void. At the beginning, there was really nothing in the void, but just as the two sword shadows were about to fall, a strange gray light and shadow suddenly appeared, followed by the gray streamer explosion, and instantly collided with the two sword shadows.

Dang! Dang!

The sound like metal impact sounded, and the sword peerless and Xiaoyao Hou retreated almost at the same time.

"Unexpectedly beat me back with Xiaoyao Hou at the same time?" Jian Wushuang was also quite surprised when he retreated.

Half a ring, he and xiaoyaohou's body shape all stood firmly again, and their eyes immediately looked at the void ahead.

Jian Wushuang has also sensed that the gray light and shadow, after fighting with him and Xiaoyao Hou, did not choose to hide again, but stood in the void.
